Posts by Tenzo

    Hi !

    Since DN is 24/7 farmed for the proof of myth, I would find usefull for all to make the ini accessible at least for the rings quests, since it's really difficult or impossible to do it now.

    It could be a bit like VN, you have access to mobs inside but not the last boss.

    Greetings !


    Hi !

    I would like to ask if is it possible to have a view of the amount of each currency (green, blue, purple stones) directly in the new card system interface ?


    You're still crying because of this kalin run, just a remember for you, I invited you to unlock the artefact slot of your gear and told you "train as wl/m to help the group for the run" few days before, and the day of the run you were just unable to buff the group, you did nothing during the whole run and at the endboss you need every loot and got everything and you didn't asked for the loot rules before, you just thought about your own person because YOU WANT TO PLAY SOLO and ENDGAME players got everything for FREE....

    As I told you it's not the way that we play as a group and just after that you insult me because I told you this and you just said sh1t things about my guild and the other players who came to help you with the quest.

    Just take a look on the situation and stop acting like a endplayer's victime, you're just ridiculous.


    Moi je pense que vu que tous les problèmes viennent des joueurs de haut niveau et des guildes de haut niveau, qu'il faudrait remplacer leur équipement par le starter gear à chaque fois qu'un nouveau joueur rejoint le serveur, comme ça tout le monde sera au même niveau.


    Hi !

    I would like to know if it is intended that sometimes we take more dmg from mobs depending on the run?

    I always run with same class (wrd/s) and only buffs from the class, I usually take 7k dmg/mob from all mobs during the run, but in few runs it happened that I take 48k dmg/mob even if I use buff food during the whole run.


    Hi !

    Is it possible to reduce the scale of the Zhargos pet metamorphosis?

    The pet become really too big and most of the time when I want to talk to a npc or took something on the ground I click on the pet... So it's a bit annoying.

    Thanks !

    Hi !

    I think that a end game content who is not cleanable by wearker players is a kind of equality with the stronger players who spend maybe more money/time in the game, so for me SOK is ok like it is.

    I had my artefact without farming the first mobs, and most of the FULL runs were without peoples who have t13/t14 gear and without t17/t18 weapons.

    Maybe some people who are complaining here and who can do the ini with their guild "try to take the defense" of the poor weaker players, but Merkur you wrote 90% of the complains of the last 5 pages, you don't think there is a problem ?

    I don't think that you are in the best position to talk about LL.
