Posts by ZahraaSarongoth

    I've now been playing off and on for few years now. I love this game but I'm alone all the time every time I join a guild I get kicked or they disband. I'm level R103/P80 and completely lost idk where to go to make diamonds, or how to start making straight end game gear. I see all these end game players in Atlas, but no one will speak to me. I've been reading and researching trying to figure it out on my own and well I get lost a lot trying to understand what goes where, how to do this. then on top the best in slot for my build never has anything on auction and where it drops, I can't solo so I'm in a bubble now trying to figure out what's up from down for end game. it was easy getting here just questing lonely as heck but doable. now I've begun to hit a straight wall and I keep quitting and coming back hoping it will change but hasn't I just sit here solo lower level dungeons and raids to get drops to sell cheap on auction to try to help other new players and be bored when I want to understand the end game and finish building my char and doing the hard stuff with ppl but it seems no one wants to step up as a player and help someone get there to have fun.

    Haven't played RoM in years and decided to start playing CoA. I play a main Rogue (lvl 103) Priest (lvl 80). its been years and I'm rusty as a noob but will get back into the hang of it fast. With all the custom stuff here I'm a little lost and getting gear lvl up. I'd like to find a English speaking guild from NA but any English-speaking guild would be nice and willing to get me back to par to raid, do dungeons and push content again. It's lonely here just grinding blindly on my own. hit me up on here in interested in recruiting me or message me on discord touni_toryrn

    its been years since ive played RoM and decided i didnt want to play the orginial client so i came here. looking for a active US based guild that plays and wouldnt mind helping a new player grow here. i enjoy bosses, pve, pvp, and guild things. i am based out of central us time zone and play mostly in the evenings. i stream and will be starting to stream this with a few other games i play. if this is cool and wouldnt mind recruiting me hit me up on discord i dont check this much. my discord is #touni_toryrn