Posts by beoulf

    It may be becuase of the aura that was in the first screen shot

    Im sure its not the reason, mobs without it happen to be as strong. And even if you would consider it, that aura should not make mob deal 70k more damage -_-

    I think there is something wrong with respawn mechanic. Not a big deal but pointing out so GM's know there is something wrong.

    I see threads are merged, sorry for making new one then.

    Here are fast screenshots ive made in Syrbal Pass

    Mob on steroids:

    And normal mob damage:

    As you can see, normal mob hits me for 3,5k, when stronger one does 75k with single spell. Also i wanna point that stronger mobs stay in place untill they are killed, so its easy to verify.

    Hello, i wanna report that mobs in low lvl zones as well as some other are bugged.

    What do i mean?
    For example, Coast of Opportunity. Random turtles 23 lvl having 15k hp, happens to other mobs too. Its very annoying to level here with new character;/
    Another common bug (which is noticeable in high level zones too) is mobs dealing insane amounts of dmg. Its random. I noticed it happening a lot in Syrbal Pass(when leveling 80+ some different characters). Mages in that zone can one-shot you for 100k damage. Very annoying too;/

    I guess its not critical since no end game content is affected, but still would be nice if you looked into it

    PS: Sorry for my bad english

    that dose not seem right. do you have your wepon and gear on when you fight them

    Yes, I have tried my noob gear and gear form the beginner bags. Doesnt seem to make a difference. And these are the level 1 mushrooms in Logar, 1 hitting me at level 10 xD

    I have that problem too! Started few days ago, but that random one-shot dmg is so annoying. I've leveled in most zones, and it happens everywhere. It even happens on dungeons. Any mob can randomly hit you for insane amounts of dmg, just like that. Im 100% sure its not normal, it didnt happen on original servers. I hope GM's will look into it.