Posts by Swibbo

    Heio first of all - thank you definitely help me to get an overview. I guess, I'm going to msg someone from Cursed and give it try :)
    Even though your offer sounds good too but I don't think that our time zones would match that well, since im currently living in Germany, but again big thank you :)

    Heio, I'm currently looking for a guild, prefer joining a german one but I also don't really mind joining an english one.
    to cut a long story short, I just stared 3 Days ago playing a Mage/Scout/Rogue which is atm 102/22/57 - my equip consists of the lvl 80 EQ for my mage and my Scout/Rogue both own quest items, which is all i got for now but im trying/hoping to get it going soon. :)
    As a player, I have played RoM since Kalin Shrine or even way before and played until the lvl 90 content.
    For some more information, just pm me ingame (Swibbo) or leave a comment/pm here. :)