as a mage/scout, /scout/mage you can pick up Warden,Rogue,Warrior,Druid If you are an Elf, If you are human, Priest knight, warrior, Rogue. It depends on your Play Style really, If you want to tank, go Knight, If you like to stab things go with Rogue dps, If you want to have a healer class go with Priest IF you are human, Now: if you are an Elf, if you want to heal and do some dmg go with Druid, if you want to tank/dps go with Warden, if you like daggers go with rogue and if you like axes go with Warrior , War/mage Wear Cloth and stat completely as a mage int.stam and int. mag attk as far as ik
But it's up to you
i absolutely love the bard/lock/mage combo which is a Dwarf but you can chose a different class If you get a Race change ticket in the item shop , they are pricey though but totally worth it
now you most likely have to buy 2 of them if you like the race you are .