Posts by Zoltarek999

    anyway we wont get this because of Mithras/Fatality tyvm selfish people that wanted help for DN on first week of letting it open

    So when im play i cant try to complete dn becouse if i do i´m a selfish? :huh: Dont blame the guilds that close dn, thing of how your guild can improve the time for farm dn stone or close dn. Also you cant start whit other accesories? They are accesories from mems, myths, hos. I thing many ppl on this server started without dn accesories, believe me if you start from 0 like everyone did not break your computer. :thumbup:

    i said most of us have mems accesories ... youre just not reading and youre typing things to disaprove what i am trying to do no much further answer shall be for you kingblood

    Calolim i know it was at our disadvantage first time im from EST canada but maybe this time we could change things a bit? maybe not 1 week maybe 2-3 days ty for staying civilized and not go like some other

    Its a Game, you are supposed to improve to get better things. Imagine starting a new job and demand the position of "head of the company", new car, two women secretaries :thumbup: , just because you are new XD
    To finish, continue improve make a strong guild, farm the lasted instance and change those AH price.

    basicly ''well be a*sholes until you are able to make us lower prices but them well only buy them from you to sell them higher'' type of guy i see

    By the way kingblood its 2 boss not 3 and not once a day more like once a week keep up the good work while some people think about 100% of the server with this idea you can still think about your own self only its ok :) just dont be surprised when this server dies as mithras did

    i agree we do try to farm HoS up to 6th boss until we cant kill the bosses anymore as much as we can also try to get crafted gear lvl 95-98 to guildy so they can at least have something to stat and start with. for weapons well most likely like everyone else we bought ours from AH and for acces pretty much all of us have mems ones our gear is not bad like youre trying to say we have decent gear capable of running few things including DN but we cant even get to 3rd boss before people close it and will mostlikely never be able to since well never be as strong/fast as you without those little items we are lacking and its clearly not by buying them from NADANA at 35k dias that well advance in game id rather get it from the instance and learn from it than just getting it off auction house :)

    Hello fellow Arcadians, writing this today after a painful week of DN closing in my face. Im make this post for GL to see and please approve itwould be very nice for lowbies to get their rings since we cant get them from farming DN because it gets closed 15 min after opening and people that monopolize DN by closing it sell the rings on AH for 33k and only 1 ring of each type at a time... so for the sake of 90% of the population on Paradise get a date and lets farm it again we did it once we can do it another time for a week or 2 it would so SO AWESOME and we could get our gear to head in the new patch coming soon 8)

    thank you very much hoping we can make this happen :)

    Ty to DarkRevolution/Cursed/F*ckerbande/Forjados/Revenge/ColdFusion/Sandstorm/Tempesto/Disturbed for your answer hoping more will come :D

    i wanna know how to get some interacial combo lol no seriously i wanted to try tanking as Knight/Warden and saw some post saying that it was possible over here in arcadia to do so, so i was wondering where and how to get this done. asked some guildies said they tried but the class trainer wouldnt let them learn the class that's not his racial class

    i collected the skull went to all the tombstones location and couldnt do anything neither click on skull/click on tomb/click on sparkling spot on the ground as other quest so please check it out i cant complete it otherwise ,,,,

    after 5 times abbandonning it finally gives me the skulls when i get the quest christ

    when i try to open the cages to liberate the 5 people caged in it says somebody is already opening it
    but im clearly alone in the whole zone just reset or idk do what youre good at expectiong to wake up and be able to do this ahah

    in splintwater coast or wtv its called :)

    still has the same bug :/ its really annoying they follow me instead of me following them so its like im not even close to them and they just restart if i stay near they just move for no reason back and forth...

    manage to end it but still buggy

    the characters just walk back and forth asking me what im doing and if i didnt wanted to come in the freacking forest but i'm in front of them waiting for them to stop bugging can someone reset the zone i dont have megaphone sto talk in world chat

    is there anyway staff can lower the definition or remove some stuff in dalanis im trying to quest in there its so horrible took me 4h to complete the startup knight sewers part because of disconnection and only took me 2 hours after that to get up to southern jarnost forest im sure there is some graphics changes you can make to make this zone less ''laggy'' like you revamped varanas :D

    client opens sometimes its before or after i click download its closes puts 1.0.4 updating for 1 second then get a window saying .PlayerNet Game updater stopped working :(

    Im wondering if this is my PC bugging or the client i played RoM a bit and i would like to play on this one but client open when i double click the icon on my main screen then i click yes on the thing to accept terms and condition beneath the download for RoM in PlayerNet App then it stops working suddenly and then close itself anyone ever had this issue?