Posts by TheAlbatross

    range of 1000-2500 diamonds

    Use the starter gear :P I think, you will barely find something that is equal or better than starter gear within your price range unfortunately. Maybe red gorge gear, clean. But then, starter gear would still be better I think, due to the stats. :/

    off topic, but are crafted gears (armorcrafting/tailoring) any good? Like is it worth spending time and resources on crafting an armor set for yourself?

    I find it weird that you chose to go with 3 whole decks of cards, rather than sticking with just 1 deck of cards but 3 different deck layers. Let me explain (if this has been suggested before, sorry, just consider this post a +1 xD):

    Basically you allow the players to put all the 12 stats on the cards (11 normal stats + the bonus all attributes stat) but force them to only choose 4 stats per deck layer.

    Implementation shouldn't be that difficult, because each deck layer will be just a simple filter where players can filter which 4 stats they want to have in that layer...

    It's still a horrible, expensive solution (unless you make it less expensive & less rng based) but at the very least, people won't have to farm ridiculous amount of cards. You do realize that these cards don't drop easily, right? By the time most people manage to farm just one full deck, they will be grey and in their 80s!

    Not exactly the legacy most people want to leave behind...

    I have the same problem on my PC (Windows 7), but the website shows up fine on my laptop (Linux). I always assumed this to be a weird font issue only occurring to me. Problem is I can't troubleshoot the problem further, as your website is the only website I have this problem with.