Posts by thycondrius4

    Rocharox's how to fast-lvl and have fun Guide (well, not really)

    Are you having trouble leveling up fast? Do your guild mates laugh at your slow pace? You don't know how to be happy on the game?
    Well your problems ARE OVER!

    Introducing the Rocharox's how to fast-lvl and have fun Guide! (R) (Patent pending).
    With this incredible knowledge base, you will rise to the top as a lvl 50 character, then as a 50/50 character, then as a modded 50/50 character, then as a suicide watch member...

    A - Character Development

    1 - The basics:
    Leveling up on Runes of Magic is simple business: You create your own character and start by doing "Quests", fake missions given to you by the lazy and weak NPCs on the game.
    On doing the so-called quests, you are rewarded with little gold, some experience and really bad loot.
    If you accumulate the required amount of experience, you rise 1 level.
    Sounds easy right? Well, not so much. Runes of Magic was develop by really sick and twisted people that think they can increase the "Joy-Factor" by implementing the following enhancements to the game:
    - Quests that require you to travel half the map;
    - Quests that require you to collect a large number of items of the ground for no reason;
    - Mobs with REALLY LOW drop rate on quests items to test your resolve on not killing yourself;
    - Mobs with respawn timers really inaccurate;
    - Broken quest lines;
    - Region time events to help you NOT kill your mob as the angry mob kill it before you do;
    - Quests that must be done in instances;
    - Huge amounts of experience needed to get to the next level
    - And so on...

    After slaving away for some time (a lot of time), you should reach lvl 50, and be ready for PVE content.

    Nop, now choose a secondary class and do it all over again!

    2 - Enhancing your gear.
    Getting to the lvl cap is just one step in the road to awesomeness, you also will need some equipment to deliver the damage you want.
    There is a number of ways on how to get the equipment you need, such as:
    - Asking your guild to take you in runs and winning dice rolls;
    - Going in Pug runs and winning dice rolls (face it, this never happens);
    - Buying armor from loot or AH (If you don't have the bling you can't do the pun-ching)
    - Crafting (Roflcopter, you really gonna do it?)

    After all that, you are lvl 50/50 and have nice lvl 50 purple armor and weapon. Good to go right? That's all there is to it, yes???
    It's never over... my friend

    As you will certainly notice, you armor comes with one of 10 designer mods, but it can hold five more of those. Also your armor got a Tier to it, starting on 1 and going as high as 20.
    Ah, almost forgot, you can refine your armor, giving it a plus. +1 to +20. All that change that lvl 50 leather belt into a lvl 50 Tier 11 Yellow Modded +12 Leather belt.
    Did I mention runes (God the game is called RUNES of magic). Yep, you can use four of those!
    Its like giving steroids to your armor!

    So go ahead and mod it all out.
    Where to get mods, you say? Well, on the same instances you got the armor of course!

    If you are slow or got lots of $$$, you can instead just buy the armor, weapon and mods and be happy about yourself, while rationalizing that money buys power.

    Feel the fun?

    3 - Mastering end game content
    So, you suffered 49 / 49 levels of questing, begged your guild to take you on runs, and went broke buying stuff to pimp your gear, what now?
    Well, even the best player in RoM can be destroyed by the new bosses with fixed damage or scripted 1 Hit KO attacks.
    As you progress in RoM, you will quick learn that every single boss battle got so much stuff needed to be done, that your nerves will be on breakdown point.
    To avoid certain death, PAY ATTENTION to a carefully laid plan, involving diagrams, youtube tutorials, videos and a little bit of luck to actually be able to kill the boss.

    Annnnnd when all that fails, cry away on your room as your every death destroy your armor and shatter your spirit. Nevertheless, fear not! After you kill the boss a few times, you will definetly die only 10 times on the next run. THAT'S 10 TIMES THE FUN.

    At this point, you should be geared and seasoned enough to run anything in game.
    Problem is, by now you hate the game so much you are probably on the verge of quitting...

    B - Social Development
    So, withering away grinding and poverty didn't scare you away from ROM, here's how social development will:

    RoM is a MMORPG, which means you will find many people to play with. In addition, it means you are going to hate a bunch of these people.
    It is impossible to progress on the game by yourself, as most end game content require more players, forcing you to take your so-called "friends" with you.
    If you are a anti-social, fedora wearing, above average, too-smart-to-even-be-here kinda guy, you might get some problems on this topic.
    Here are some tips for faking a social life:
    1 - (Try to) Join a guild.
    By joining a guild, you start to live in community, which means you will have people who might consider you when making a decision.
    It also means you will have to abdicate a little of your time to help em out.
    Joining a guild bring new and fun aspects to your life, like:
    - Guild Drama;
    - Farming for guild resources (YOU CAN'T GET EM BACK);
    - Inviting new players needed for runs;
    - Guild Meetings;
    - Guild regulated loot;
    - Voice chat with people you never knew;
    - Weird foreign accent on voice chat;
    - Stalkers (if you are a girl)
    And so on.
    After all that, I can almost TASTE your anticipation in joining a guild. Have fun!

    2 - Posting on forums:
    Venture into your game forum for a new perspective on the game!
    See how other people feel about certain problems and make sure to leave your own opinion.
    Just watch out for Trolls...

    C - Past times
    After you done all that, your game might not have much for you to do content wise. That's why you can enjoy some of Runes of Magic fun options.

    1 - Crafting
    - Create your own gear that takes much more time to craft than better gear who comes from Runs.
    - Create food buffs that go immediately obsolete as soon as a housemaid sets foot on the game.
    - Or, if you got the $$, create potions everyone want to use, but can't craft and sell for lots of bling. Yeah! Capitalism!!

    2 - Minigames
    Malatina is a clown sent from the deeps to keep you entertained, so she bring her toys to improve our lives.

    Amaze yourself at awesome stages such as dig the loot (or robots that will hit you in the face) or click the cannons (YAARRRGHHH!!!)

    D - PvP
    So, fancy yourself some human blood eh? Not a vampire I presume. Good, good...
    in this section you will be instructed about PVP. In rom there’s 3 types of pvp:

    1 - Open world PvP servers.
    Anything is game in this server! Slash away people you never meet IRL using every trick on the book. Hide on rooftops, water, disguised as a Zurhidon, inside mobs, on their mailbox, on their shower, on the forums, etc...

    2 - PvE server Guild Wars
    That lvl 45 took your Straw Mushroom? Oh, can't have that, can we? Abuse your guild position to declare a 1 hour of hostility against a selected guild.
    During this time, players from their lot will be your moving targets.
    Ignore all pleas for peace while happily slaughtering people who got no beef with you.

    3 - PvE / PvP Siege Wars
    Guild wars is fun, but now we got Guild wars in SPACE! Ok, not space, just on an arena.
    Have fun abusing glitches on RoM archaic code, to bypass walls and burn castles, laughing while it all goes down.
    Just remember to play either Rogue or Priest, or you are dead already.

    With all these tips, your life on RoM sould be easy as pie!

    Have fun!

    Rocharox Ultimate guide to Champion (Not Really)

    Hello there! Some people brough to my attention that Chapter V(vee) from Runes ofMagic presented us with 2 new classes: Champions and Warlocks.

    Since some lunatics actually went throught the suffering of leveling up all over again, I feel it would be wise to shine some light on the two.

    Well, what are we waiting for?? Let's do it!

    Welcome to rocharox Ultimate guide do Champion.

    So, you have been watching Game of Thrones and think dwarves are cool right? Well, in the following lines you will bask in the glory of the Champion class:

    Not this one, the dwarf one.

    Nop thatis a mushroom...

    Runes of Magic has had dwarves in the game since the begginings of chapter 1, but choose to only allow us to play with them at chapter Vee.
    Of course, all this time was needed to make the balance to the skills and create cool new animations for each class, right?? RIGHT??

    Wrong! Scream in despair as your champion gains the form of actually in-game mobs for an animation as he uses his skills... Talk about lazynes..

    RoM developer hard at work

    But thismakes the toon more interesting! Your inner 8 year old will rationalize
    Sorry to disapoint, but all it does is making you look like you stole one of HoS mobs.

    As skills go, your champion will have access to a barrage of well-crafted destruction moves, such as kicking ankles and headbutting knees.

    The gimmick here is the Runic form, a skill that gives you more skills and actually makes you a tank, by changing almost all your strenght into stamina and giving you aggro skills. If you are thinking the WoW Druid, you are not all that far from the truth.

    For armor, you can use all the glory of chain armor! Why not plate? Cause RoM makes no sense!! Deal with it

    Since dwarfs can't be scouts, their secondary class selection is way weaker than the other races, but theres still hope in some combos, let’s see them:

    1 Champion / Mage -> Mommmy told me I could pick any class I wanted!
    2 Champion / Priest -> I NEED to be safe! WHAT IS THAT OVER THERE!! Oh, it's just a cat...
    3 Champion / Rogue -> I like to do damage!! Well, at least I think so...
    4 Champion / Warlock -> This way I can try both new classes!
    5 Champion / Warrior -> I have no idea what I'm doing...

    As weapons go, feel the power on the tip of your fingers as your Mini Me devastates the battlefield with anything Melee, even the 2h axes those warrior jerks are so proud of.
    Here is a dwarf wearing lvl 93 epic armor and axe.

    The basement dwellers who choose champs are categorized as follows:

    End game enthusiasts
    Some people got their knights at 700k hp, tier 13 armor and +20 all gear. What more do you expect those guys to do? Roll an alt and do it all again! Enjoy the sight of quality end game raids while the tank is a very competent player augmented by the careful and well planned use of all the champion skills, all while watching adventure time.
    Tyrion: Stay close guys, Andoneo is the boss and he hits hard.
    The battle starts
    Knives: Amazing, I can go all out with my dps.
    ObamaCare: And he is not facing us, well done
    Tyrion: This is nothing friends, TO VICTORY
    Andoneo dies
    All: Yay... have my babies

    Trying this class players
    Everything new is great! Nevertheless, when novelty goes, so goes the enthusiasm. These players suffer from the lack of motivation to gear up and mod their new little friend.

    As a result, these champions end up tanking the floor, instead of mobs
    MikeBronzebeard: Let’s farm some TOSH TP!
    Everyone: Yes!
    MikeBronzebeard: Ok pull the little mobs
    GoldenBow: pulling
    MikeBronzebeard gets obliterated
    GoldenBow:OMG What is happening??!?
    The party wipes
    MikeBronzebeard: Oh, maybe I should bring some more stamina...
    Everyone: DUDE!!!!

    Divine Order of Royal-Knight Squires
    Do you think the name is cool? Well, it all there is, as the Divine Order of Royal-Knight Squires, or DORKS for short, will annoy the He** out of you! DORKS are everywhere and on RoM they play champion! With constant question on how everything works, painful slow leveling, inability to use skills in a coherent sequence and questionable mod choices, the DORKS go all out trying to be good, only to fall flat on their faces... poor souls....

    KWarNotOP: Ok gang, First boss is Jenny Giant, you ALL need to pay attention.
    PunchYourFace: Oh, boy, I got it!
    The battle starts
    PunchYourFace: Where do I stand again?
    PunchYourFace gets one shotted
    Pyroclasm: Dude, every single time...
    PunchYourFace: This boss is too bad, i think we need to bypass him. I got some wall hacks...
    Everyone: kick him!

    So, if you love Game of Thrones and wanna tank but think Knight is too mainstream, Champion is the class for you!
    If you missed the other classes guides, they are all in the off-topic.

    Rocharox Ultimate guide to Druid (Not Really)

    Hi all. Today we are reviewing the druid.

    This is it folks!! We left the best for last! This is the most broken class in the entire game! So much it can heal, tank or dps, all depending on the will of the player! Change your hole from Restoration (heal), Feral (melee), Guardian (tank) or Balance (Ranged) all customized for your fun to wreck havoc....
    What?? Wrong game?? Oh yeah! silly me...

    Welcome to Rocharox Ultimate guide do Druid.

    This is it people! Final class!!
    in this last guide for chapter 2, you all will learn about the new healer on the block, the Druid, and how awesome the class can be.
    Like the Warden (we talked about them already) the druid is a cross of two classes: Mage (magical dps) and priest (magical heal). Like the Warden, the druid is a mess of a class.

    Not enough damaging spells to be solely dps and just about HoTs to solo heal, the druid drain the essence of its players while they try hard to do what the other classes can achieve with minimal effort.
    All that effort will surelly put you in shape fast! Feel the calories going already?? Feel the gainz?

    That's the result of your HARD WORK!

    Druids are the nature fury made flesh. Too bad that the "made flesh" part is done by us humans, who insist in making female elven girls with gigantic hooters.
    As for the characters themselves, elves run very awkwardly and their spellcasting animation is very extravagant, making you wonder what kind of temp made all their movements. Whoever was, we are certain he was FABULOUSSSSSS.

    See what I mean?

    -Oh God, all you have been saying is awful! I better reroll my druid then!!- Scream your inner 9yo.
    Don't be sad by the (lots of) negative sides of your druid, little lamb, all is not lost! Your little tree lover comes packed with some broken skills that, from time to time, help a lot with clearing content.

    Skills like Spirit Guidance, Group HoTs and cleanse are very helpful and shine on 12 players instances... That until everyone start rotating mages with Discharge. Talk about fairness...

    As for buffs, your druid will shine when using Savage Blessing to increase Physical Attack Accuracy and Magical Accuracy... Accuracy???? For real? Well, nvm there's Concentration Prayer! it raises the most useful stat!Stamina Wisdom?? What do we need group wisdom for?

    Thanks Obama...

    When picking a druid, you have 5 options as secondary class go. They all help you shape your little elf friend into something actually playable. here they are:

    Druid / Mage - Yes, D/M. No, not the other way around. Do 30% less dmg then your role reversal!!
    Druid / Rogue - For the emo kids who play in black clothes
    Druid / Scout - Envy those heals, priests!
    Druid / Warden - For the ones who REALLY love elfs...
    Druid / Warrior - Not so good now, wait till lvl 70 elites!

    Heres a lvl 50 druid in purple gear. You can verify that this one was created by one of us mortal men.

    The cutesy little chaps who choose druid are banded as follows:

    Hardcore endgame players (mostly female)
    For hardcore content, druids can be the reason you live or die. Fast heals, instant Hots and removals are essential to keep the party alive.
    For that you must multitask well and, we all know, women are WAYYYYY better at this than us scrubs, making the majority of the druid players female. These colossal epic healers enable the runs under ciscunstances that otherwise would be certain death, and can do amazing things in a short amount of time.

    WreacKnight: Stay close guys, we will take Vrantal now.
    The battle starts
    Bonfire: Wow, our hp bars are barely moving.
    NeverSeeMe: This druid is really good.
    Yeneffer: Oh, did you guys said anything? I was talking with my boyfriend and didn't saw it.
    Bonfire: What about the boss fight???
    Yeneffer:Oh! You people got 10 seconds of full HP HoTs, don't qq..... bunch of casuals...

    The not-Druid/Scout druids
    Mostly played by people who wanna try out the class, druid/whatever(not scout) combos are scarce and so don't receive the dedication and focus they deserve. That end up in making their damage or heals not up to par. As you can guess, most of these slackers playing druid are male.

    FightMonk: Ok, lets test my D/W!
    Heatwave: But your weapon in not even tiered and you got like 3 pieces modded...
    FightMonk: Its just a test
    The battle ends.
    Heatwave: Scrutinizer show you last dude.
    FightMonk: Druid sucks!!

    Special Celestial Reconnaissance and Utility Battalion
    Druid players around the world have to live under the shadow of the worst group of people who play video games: the Special Celestial Reconnaissance and Utility Battalion, or Scrub for short.
    Scrubs bring the worst in gaming and gaming community, including drama, toxic posts, greediness and unfair play. The scrubs playing Druid are known for they desire to roll on mods just to immediately sell em on the AH.
    The saving grace for us is that it is very easy to identify a scrub, so we can kick em fast.

    Midknight: Finally, we reach Zygro.
    Flamestrike: ok guys beat her up!
    The battle starts
    party 2 generic warrior dies
    Midknight: Druid, friend, heal up
    party 2 generic rogue dies
    Midknight: Druid, hey, heallll
    party 2 generic scout dies
    Midknight: Wtf are you doing
    RessingYou: checking her drop list to see what sells ok.
    ALL: kick him

    So, if vegan is the way, you like to spend some time back in the farm and you wanna be a doctor, Druid is the choice for you!

    If you missed the other classes guides, they are all in the off-topic.

    Rocharox ultimate guide to warden

    Hello there! Welcome to OZ! I am Warden Rocharox, and now I own you!
    Oh,wait, wrong warden guide.

    Welcome to Rocharox Ultimate guide to warden, on the following lines you will learn everything about this class that so many people love (to se other people playing).

    The warden

    Wardens are the elven melee class, and they do that by hitting stuff OR summoning a nature spirit to do damage for em. Very direct, am I right?

    Wardens are damage specialists, meaning they like to chop things. Only problem they got is Runes of Magic kind of messed around a bit, and forgot to give them the skills needed to do so.
    While playing the Warden, much of your time will be spent on a drinking frenzy, caused by the gallons of mana pots used by your inefficient skills.
    All that can be forgotten, of course, if you keep reminding yourself that you can wear chain armor!


    Like the druid (not the op WoW one, the messed up Rom one) Wardens are mix of two roles into one: Hunter (ranged dps with pets) and a Barbarian (Melee with axes).
    Then it got the best of each class! Your inner 8 year old will squeak.
    Not really, what we got is a clumsy mix of both. It is like trying to mix two different slices of pizza to make a Super Pizza... It never works out well.

    Playing warden will make you curse nature, as instead of turning "Captain Planet" and running to its protection, everything that moves end up hiting you with more efficiency than your set of different pokemon spirits and skills.
    Never fear, thou, all is not lost!! By using a secondary class you can have your warden behave like a regular toon and do its job well! Here are the options:

    Warden / Druid: No idea what you are thinking. It’s for those who like elves...
    Warden / Rogue: Now you can do damage! Get a free melee skill and a second axe!
    Warden / Scout: The Chapter 4 Op Chiron BullS*** class
    Warden / Warrior: So, you want to be a tank but do not like knight! (No, srly, go knight)
    Warden / Mage: Now you are making the class even more difficult to play...

    As weapons go, wardens LOOOVE 2h axes and 2h swords. Using a 2h axe makes your damage almost decent! Just don't forget to tier, +6, slot it and hammer it... You did not even had any use for those diamonds anyway!
    Jump into that wagon and aggregate and paint all your armor!
    Looks count a lot while slaying the undead 8)!

    The poor souls who choose Warden will be classified as follows:

    The 1%
    OMG, some people got asian blood on their veins. I didn't say they are asian cause asians always go for the broken classes, not the shattered ones.
    By use of extensive math, scripts, macros, add-ons, luck (lots of luck), pots, buffs, and every other means of buffing, some guys can do devastating damage as Wardens. How? The game kinda ignores them since there’s so few wardens and don't cap their damage like the rest of us. Lucky few...

    IamTANK: Alright, here we go to Regin.
    Weird sounds play on ventrillo
    FireisRed: What is that sound
    NurseJoy: It is coming from the warden.
    WardenofPain: Ok, here we go.
    the clatering sounds increase
    IamTANK: Wow, Regin healt is dropping fast!
    NurseJoy: Jesus warden dude, what are you doing
    WardenofPain: Playing... using all my macros and skills. You need good APM to win, people...

    RPG players:

    Believe or not, some people play the game to Role Play. They think themselves to be little elves, fighting for freedom, justice and the American way.
    Since roleplaying makes this game sooooo much slower, you can expect this group not to be so geared and not so good with skills. That with the natural ability for warden to be slow will be certain death form most of em.

    Hitwoman: Who want to farm Talomo Souls?
    BernardtheThird: I will go with you.
    Hitwoman: How much HP you got?
    BernardtheThird: 2.100
    Hitwoman: You need more hp man.
    BernardtheThird: Nonsense, I can defeat the gigantic ants on dust devil, my fair lady. Pirates will be no problem! 'tips fedora.
    Hitwoman: nvm, I will solo it...

    New Occult Ominous Battle Squad:

    Unfortunately, Runes of Magic features some members of the most infamous group known to men:
    the New Occult Ominous Battle Squad, or noobs for short.
    Noobs are a plague who ravage the gaming scene, and always are drawn to multiplayer games.
    In rom, you can see many Noobs playing as warden, hoping for the pets to do the work while they play candy crush on their phones...

    All members of the noobs are 15 our lower for some reason...
    HealingNun: What is that warden kid doing?
    Firebat: Don't ask me, he just summoned his centaur and is there doing nothing.
    ArrowtotheKnee: Hey, bro, why are you doing nothing?
    Odyssius: My minion will do all the damage, don't worry about me, i'm here watching it
    Firebat: What about your damaging skills?
    Odyssius: Didn't bother to check em...
    all: kick him!

    So, if you got no idea what class to play and like to choose one at random, there is a chance that warden is the class for you!

    if you missed any of the other class guides, they are in the off topic section:


    Rocharox's Ultimate Guide to Warrior

    Get Ready to Rumble!!!

    The main man is Back! And this time to bring you DA PAIN! Can you handle it? CAN YOU HANDLE IT? Not really, just another informative guide...

    The Warrior.

    Oh the warrior, the class built for players who love MMA, Fight Club and Wrestling. Warriors are Runes of Magic attempt at making the game harder, by creating a class that can't use its own skills, unless beaten up to death first.
    -But it is like a Super Saiyan, you might say in a moment of madness!
    Nop, not a chance! While Goku and his friends turn "rico and suave and blond", gaining the power of protagonism, your warrior will gain the power of the inneficient skills, passable aoes and almost decent sigle target enders. All while enjoing a barrage of punches to the face.

    Playing warrior is relative simple, as RoM gives you just enough skills to not get too confused. As weapons go, you can use anything your inner barbarian likes, as long as its an Axe.
    Here's a warrior using enrage.

    The warrior yellow energy bar, called rage fills as the warrior hits or get hit. This causes the players to voluntarily jump in the face of danger.
    If it gets too complicated, remember Rocky Balboa.

    The degenerates that choose warrior are grouped in 3 categories:

    1 - Hulk Hogan fans
    My God, so much testosterone! The modern day vikings find themselves very confortable playing runes of magic, they can use an axe and theres no limit of the number of mobs they can chop down with said axe. This class of warriors really deliver the damage the class can do, all while listening to Heavy Metal and drinking hidromel.

    ForOdin: Guys, they increased the drop rate on clops!! Lets do it!
    everyone: ok alright!
    25 runs later!
    ForOdin: Thats the spirit people, lets keep it up.
    NatureCall: I can't take this anymore
    KnightKnot: My arms are about to fall off...
    ForOdin: Oh, are you guys tired? but we just started :)

    2 - Anderson "the spider" Silva fans

    This group of warriors can't take other peoples advice while gearing, and slap strength everywhere on their armor. Problem is having infinite power without knowlege is useless, as they fail to do the rotations required to transform all those stats in damage.
    These guys die a lot in every run, training our healers on how to be a paramedic in real life.

    HealthyVegan: Careful with Snow Blake, she do aoe damage when she pulls.
    ArnoldSurname: Ok, I will beat her up
    After a pull, ArnoldSurname dies.
    HealthyVegan: Dude, I told you she did AOE
    ArnoldSurname: Well, my bad, will go to watch cartoons while you kill her.
    HealthyVegan: Dude!!!!

    3 - Syndrome of Universal Cronic Kramp cases
    Some warrior players suffer from the horrible disease called Syndrome of Universal Cronic Kramp, or S.U.C.K to shorten the term. Players who s.u.c.k give warriors a bad name, using 1 handed swords, wrong timing aoes, rushing in front of the tank and creating big pulls that triple the time of any run.
    Those S.u.c.k people end up creating so much rage they could use infinity skills! Too bad the rage is created on other people, as they have to deal with the destruction wave caused by the s.u.c.k.

    MLPFISM: Warrior, stop rushing in front of the tank, you are pulling half the instance.
    Axethrower: None can whitstand my rage. TO WAAARR
    Axethrower get obliterated.
    Shieldbeared: That does it, kick him.
    Axethrower: No, wait, it was just a bad pull.
    Shieldbeared: We been here for 4 hours on nothing but bad pulls from you
    Axethrower: Well, if you had gotten aggro on the mobs faster...
    Axethrower gets kicked...

    So, if you love Rocky, Jean Claude Van Damme, Arnold Schwarzenegger, axes and pain, Warrior is the class for you!

    If you missed the other guides, they are in the off topic section:

    Rocharox's Ultimate Guide to Knight (Not Really)

    Roses are Red, Violets are blue, we love knights, rhyming is hard!!!
    Hello again.

    Today we will be reviewing one of the endangered species on Runes of Magic, the Knight.
    Once though nothing more than a myth, knights are real and actually play the game.

    The knight.

    Ah, here we go. The knight class is the easiest one to play in Runes of Magic. Really! It is!
    At least is what everyone will try to convince you if, for a nanosecond, you ask what class you should play.

    Knights are the tank class, meaning every single guild need one or two of these. It also means to be a good Knight player, you MUST "Ignore DPS" in favor of aggro.
    This is where things start to go bad.

    The few knight players who resist the temptation of not running a dps class might be consumed by rage while building aggro and watching his peers destroying limb after limb of a boss, quitting the raid in the process.

    Here an expample of a tank raid quitting:

    For the people with superhuman mental strength that can bear all that, the suffering is still not over, as players insist in nagging the tank with stupid demands he already know.
    - B-b-but we must help him tank!!! Your inner 8 year old might say!
    - Nop, not really. Unless specifically stated by your knight friend that he "needs" a certain thing to be said or done, all your talking will be as helpful as a cat running on top of his keyboard while he tried to hold aggro.


    Runes of Magic knew the knight would need a lot of help to be able to tank all the content the game got, so it create a kind of armor specificaly for the knight to wear: the plate armor (dun-du-dunnn).
    Think your armor is good? Think again! Plate is a lot better! It gets higher defense points and most plate come with stamina mods! And the best part, it's super easy to get.
    ..... ok, not really that great and easy to get, but you get the idea!

    - Ah! But plate armor alone wont help them to hold aggro, what now rocharox?? Your insistent inner child will scream at you!
    - Fear not, little lost lamb, for RoM packed the knight class with a lot of custom made skills to guarantee they can hold their own against a party of 5!
    Indeed we got the total amount of 04 (four) skills for tanking: Holy Strike, Hatred Strike, Threaten and Whirlwind Shield. Embrace your inner jedi master as your tanking will be basically spamming Holy strike with the occasional WWShield.

    Using cutting edge technology and a new algorithm called Skynet, we were able to distinguish the 60 people who play knight into 3 groups

    1 - Human Walls

    The pillars of any sucesful encounters, this are the players who excel at not getting people killed. Perfect pulls, perfect rotations, saves for other people bad pulls, enduring the constant nagging from the 9YOs who play rogue and demand fast aggro, these are the true MVPS.
    The Human Wall class is the tall player in shining armor, big shield and very little sword
    between you and a boss who wanna love you long time.
    Also, got 0 wait time to find a raid.

    Palafriend: Ok, last boss is Thynos, TO VICTORY!
    ***Thynos lies defeated on the ground after battle***
    ForestFire: well done, you turned him, kept your distance and did a really good job!
    Palafriend: It's ok friends, now we can farm him all the time!
    Elvesarecute: And noone died during the run, well done
    StabbyStabby: mph... he could get the aggro faster so I could dps more
    ***StabbyStabby gets kicked from party.
    Palafriend: oopps, i "accidentally" kicked him. well, no more nagging. lol
    Elvesarecute: LOL
    ForestFire: ROFLCOPTER

    2 - The guy chosen to play tank
    Since knights are never seem, some guilds last resort is to get people to roll an alt to tank. Problem is, this guy will never have the fine art of not raging at other people's stupidity, like a real tank does.
    More than that, players love to blame everything wrong on the tank, increasing the chance of a ragequit.

    MrGeneric: OK, I will turn the rune warrior from you guys. Don't stay far away or he will kill you.
    *Everyone*: Ok!
    **battle starts**
    *RingofFire gets obliterated
    RingofFire: Omg I got 1 shotted!
    MrGeneric: I told you not to stay away
    CuttingEdge: Stupid mages can't stay close lol
    MrGeneric: Guys. pay attention
    *CuttingEdge dies
    CuttingEdge: Wow, everyone dying, this tank sux
    MrGeneric: That's it, sc--w you guys, i'm going home.

    3 - People who like to do damage
    So, you feel the need to protect all the ladies in the land? well, first, they can take care of themselves pretty well actually, also dpsing the boss IS NOT the way to do it.get ready to experience a knight who delivers lots of heavy blows to the boss, in his back, cause his face is turned to whoever is top aggro at the moment!

    MrWhiteArmor: Feel my Wrath, boss!!!
    **boss turns to the party**
    Healzfelz: Omg its crushing my legs
    Toothpicks: It burns.... it burns....
    ForceofNature: I ca't feel my legs...
    MrWhiteArmor: Well, that could have gone a bit better...

    So, you got a little sister that need constant protection? Noting makes you happier than be the first to roll on stamina? You loved Star Wars? Then Knight is the class for you!!

    In case you missed the other guides, they are all in the off-topic section:

    Rocharox’s Ultimate Guide to Scout (Not Really)

    Would you look at the time?

    Welcome! Today we are reviewing the Scout, the rollercoaster class. It is a rollercoaster cause it has its ups and (lots of) downs.
    Scout is the preferred class for all players…. To be his secondary class. The best Tank, Healer and DPSer are all <Insert your not scout class here>/Scout. CAN YOU FEEL THE LOVE?

    Scouts are the second best ranged DPS in the game. Right now, we got two! That’s silver medal everyone!
    To play as scout, your primary challenge will be choosing what combo is the one that best suits your playstyle and life:
    -Scout/Mage: For the hermits who hate be near other people;
    -Scout/Knight: For whoever picked wrong when choosing the secondary class;
    -Scout/Priest: Prist players leveling their secondary;
    -Scout/Druid: Same as above;
    -Scout/Warrior: For the bipolar;
    -Scout/Rogue: for all the mega-edge-kids who love to be on the EDGE of things.
    Easy to pick one right?

    So, you watched Arrow and now think bows are cool! Think again, as Runes of Magic makes you suffer from poor DPS until you are finally able to get the two skills that makes Scout viable: Shaterstar Storm and Archer's Glory, who give scouts everywhere almost decent AOE and DPS. While that don't happen, suffer to level up and, after that, to mod up as you tank the floor on your pretty green costume.

    Equipment for Scouts are easy to come by, since scouts can use both Dexterity and Strength to increase their attack. Problem is both Strength and Dexterity increase attack by only "1" and the gear you can wear is cloth and leather.

    Here's a level 50 Scout wearing purple gear.

    The people who try to hide the fact that they play scout are grouped in three personas:

    1 - American Sniper Fans
    O-M-G, some people need a time out, but never get it. These crazy lunatics play scout. Capable of going through the 200 skills necessary to, in order, do the damage that saves a few scouts from oblivion. Never stay too close to one of these, unless Death Wish is your favorite movie.

    RaidIsLive: Ok gang, gonna summon the binpike.
    ***loud Noises and the statue attack***
    RainingFlames: Omg, he got a lot of HP
    BoomHeadshot: Not so much, here I go.
    ***The HP marker starts to get down quickly***
    RainingFlames: Dude, you are doing it! You got like 80% of the total damage!
    BoomHeadshot: lol, and only using one hand...

    2 - Try Hards
    You hate playing with the class everyone uses, like rogue or mage, but can't play priest or knight, cry no more lowly scrub, here we are at scout. Problem is, while most classes in ROM demand quite the determination to master, Scouts are that X10! Being the hater you are, the first target for your rage is exacly the complicated skill system that the scout use for maximum damage.
    The results are quite disapointing, but so it's the world and it's posers.

    GreenArrowRL: (talking to himself) Ok, now I activate Ice Arrow, now autoshot, now blood arrow, and now I can start the dps.
    GodofFire: Dude, what are you mumbling about?
    GreenArrowRL: Oh, nothing, sorry, I ready to kill!
    GodofFire: The boss is dead...
    GreenArrowRL: Oh wtf!

    3 - Turn it off
    As you play MMORPGs, you come to the understanding that healers are quite rare, so they must be treasured and not annoyed. What could annoy more a healer than someone constantly demanding HoTs to marginally do more damage? If you heard a voice saying "nothing", it was your inner self! Some people are the cancer who play scout and insist in using blood arrow 100% of the time! Why? No f-ing reason! No only it annoys the H out of the healers, is makes these scout easy as pie to kill, since they themselves are working hard on it already
    To these green semi-trolls, the phrase "no pain, no gainz" is a way of life

    ShinyArmor: Why is this scout kid almost dead all the time?
    PointyEars: He keeps using stupid Blood arrow all the time, I already asked nicely for him to "turn it off".
    BowforLife: Hey druid, what's the big deal? if i can't use blood arrow I can't top the dps chart!
    ***A few seconds later BowforLife Dies since no heals***
    PointyEars: Hey scout, your dps is now "0", what's the big deal?

    Like all other classes, scout has a major problem that players must face. In this case, is not playing whatever secondary you got, and have a much more fun and less painful experience.
    Choices right?

    So, if you always uses the sniper rifle on Call of Duty and you scream like a little girl watching 360 no scopes on youtube, Scout is the class for you!

    Oh, look who's here? Can't stop yourself from clicking it can you?
    In the following lines, you will learn all the secrets of how to play and be good as a rogue.

    To do so, you first need to understand one basic rule: The sharp part of the dagger goes on the mob!
    See, you are already learning something!

    The Rogue

    Rogues are double wielding pain generators: They hide a bit and then BAN! there goes your face.
    If you encounter a rogue while on Siege Wars(Eternal Beta) the best course of action is to stay in your castle and pray for the old gods to disconnect the rogue player internet access!

    As with other classes, Runes of Magic fills rogues with LOTS of skills! The problem is on chaper 2 (or 3 as we got it) a lot of em are useless in practical combat. The ones that are not, on the other hand, are soo unfair and unbalanced that after each use you can hear the other player screaming Bloody Murder at the screen!

    Here we see a raid of Rogues ready to start attacking:

    As a rogue, you will have only one problem, your brain will suffer from extreme fatigue and possible meltdown after all the fine-tunning you need to do on your macros for damage sequences.
    After all your testing, macroing, using of foods and pots you can have the pleasure of watching it all fail as the bosses freeze, paralize, silence and get out of your range.
    But, if it all fails, rely on the always efficient "Vanish" skill, to get you out of trouble.
    Here's a rogue using vanish:

    Can't catch me.

    The people who play rogue can be categorized in 3 classes:

    1 - Real Life Ninjas
    After the Edo period in Japan, ninjas got really bored since noone else had to be murdered in
    sneaky ways anymore. To fix that, they all started to play runes of magic as rogues.

    If you can't find any of em, just go to a Guild Siege and stand still long enough. That dagger on your back will be your warning.
    These people got supreme control of the Rogue skills, making it virtually impossible for anyone to keep up to em on damage (while, at the same time, riding a unicycle).

    DoYouevenBleed: Ok, Andriol is easy, just stay out of the fire.
    ***the battle starts***
    DoYouevenBleed: Hey, rogue, watch your aggro!
    BloodisCool: Just hit the thing and get aggro, I know what i'm doing
    ***the battle ends***
    DoYouevenBleed: Wow, how did you do 50% of the damage?
    BloodisCool: Hitting it dude, wtf...

    2 - Those edge little kids:
    Do you know those kids who eat alone, own a katana and like to plan how to embarass everyone in scholl? Now they got a class that reflect thei inner suffering. Playing as rogue let em dreess in black, use hide so no pain can find em anywhere and drain blood from anything that moves. Too bad that the rogue requises a set of skills to be used at a regular sequence and intervals to maximize damage, cause just using bleed to see the blood flying isn't efficient.

    SolarFlare: What is this rogue kid doing?
    AidenKnife: I am using the skill and making beautiful art here, so much blood, it's red and its everywhere. such joy
    RegenYourDignity: What is wrong with you kid?
    AidenKnife: Nobody will ever understand my suffering, the pain of playing runes of magic while being in this worthless life that ends in agony and despair...
    RegenYourDignity: Kick him...

    3 - Desperate quitters
    Some people start playing whatever class they want but then think they are too difficult to play, and as soon as they see a fully geared rogue, toughts of lust come to mind.Too quick to swap, these guys go and try to play the class that got the worst possible starting level speed and learning curve end up regreting the move.
    These are the lvl 13 rogues you see at varanas bridge while they ponder if going priest is actually a better move.

    Connnann: Hey man, you been at varans for quite some time now, everything ok?
    WhosLaughingNow: I think I made a mistake, playing rogue is difficult, and the mobs keep killing me...
    Connnann: Well, its hard now but then it get easier on end game
    WhosLaughingNow: But that can be said of any class!!
    Connnann: Yeah, pretty much, rogues do suck while lvling...
    WhosLaughingNow: Urg! this sucks, I'm going to try warrior...

    As you can expect, playing a rogue isn't just fun and games: Rogues got the second weakest armor ingame - Leather, which is just as useless as cloth.
    Another thing: the rogue energy bar, that fuel your awesome skills and you need to wait regen after killing a mob to, then, go to the next one.
    Finally all rogue best armor comes from the last bosses of the instances, making you the last to ever see your gear.

    Here is a rogue with lvl 50 gear:

    So, if you hate other people, hate mobs, hate anything that moves, and would like to be able to do a batman impersonation, like when he disappears and leave people on the dust, Rogue is the class for you!

    Ultimate guide to Priest.

    Hello again! Welcome back.

    In this new entry in out informative pieces of text, today we will be talking about the Priest.

    Ah! The priest! The class everyone seems to remember when dying for some unknown reason.

    This is the class everyone loves, but no one can play! Playing a priest requires good reflexes, intelligent thinking, skill and luck (mostly luck). That is why most of the best Priest players are female.

    Here a lvl 50 priest ready for runs:

    Indispensable for any Instance runs, priests make the game more enjoyable by “trying” to prevent everyone from dying and, in the end, taking the blame for other people lack of skills.

    Knowing the harsh environment of Taborea, the game packed the priest with very useful healing skills, like Botox injection, field boob-job or free Xanax. Here’s a priest effetely healing a hurt player:

    As with Mage, we can categorize the people who play Priest in 3 separate groups:

    1 – God-tier Healers

    These are the basic of any successful run. Healers who heal for triple your hp, are quick to react and control their mana like a pro. These people are the force that keeps a group united even in the face of a giant spider, dead cyclops from the beyond or a huge Minotaur with bad attitude. For some reason, very few of these priests are male.

    DontTouchtheHair: Ok guys, Thynos hit like a truck, so be careful.
    5 minutes into the fight
    DontTouchtheHair: Wow, we are all alive! Our hp bars are barely moving!
    MichaelBayjr: This priest is really good! She is keeping up with all his attacks
    ImNOTYourBabe: Please, this boss is harmless, not even using half my skills… (Filthy casuals)

    2 – Grilfriends(boyfriends) or people forced to play

    Sometimes people find a game to play and end up loving it, but how to bring your QT3.14 girlfriend who don’t really dig that whole “slaughtering of npcs” into the fun? Well, your problems are OVER!!! We present you the pocket healer! The priest who plays to heal someone else from a close distance.
    Pocket Healers can be guys too, but those are very rare.

    Also we can put in here the people who were coerced into playing runes of magic by their so called “friends”. They are also forced to pick the class no one else could master.

    RockywithAxes: Ok, need rebuffs

    Sneaky: We are talking with you, priest.
    Marcus113: Oh, yes, 1 second. Which one is the buff again?
    RockywithAxes: Enhanced attack and Grace of Life
    Marcus113: Ah… ok, and, what does the icon look like?

    Sneaky: just look for the name.
    Marcus113: These icons look the same to me… Sure you guys don’t want to play My Little pony: World of Caos? It’s also MMO!
    Sneaky: Dude! That’s why we don’t hang out with you…

    3 – Kick him.

    Runes of magic got this sadistic pleasure in seeing us being stabbed, frozen, cut, burned, strangled or killed (and all of the above at once too). That pleasure is increased Over 9000 when one of the “Kick HIM” tier Priest join a party!

    These are the clueless people who refuse to play their class well or don’t have the right skills or brain to do it.
    “Kick Him” priests got a nack for doing damage, never put any point in Increase Attack since it dosen’t help with magic, have group heal at lvl 1 and love the color Red.
    Most “Kick him” priests are male.

    ShieldBearer: Rebuffs
    LetYouDie: You are buffed.
    ShieldBearer: we only got your weak Grace of life, and now the number of mobs will increase a lot.
    LetYouDie: I don’t buff attack, it’s useless. Here is Grace of Life again.
    ArrowTotheKnee: Hey, this guy is not healing us at all!
    LetYouDie: Yes, I saw you guys staying alive with pots so I started to do some damage
    All party members: KICK HIM!

    You will be seeying this a lot:

    One great disadvantage (Another one??) of playing priest is that very few of your skills do good damage, increasing the time you take to lvl up to twice the amount other classes take:

    So, if you are a crazy person who loves the pain of having other people QQ on you all the time? Do puppies seem cute beyond imagination to you? Do you have a boyfriend who loves to bring you places you didn’t even know existed before? Then the priest is made for you!

    Welcome! Welcome!

    Starting with this, I would like to grace you all with some informative guides on how to choose, play and enjoy the various classes on Runes of Magic. You will find here some of the strengths and weakness of every class currently available to play.

    A warning, thou, the information here is so intense it might blow your mind!
    Another warning. English is not my primary language, so bear with me.

    The Mage

    Mages are like volcanoes: They wait a bit then unleash infernal fire on you! Sometimes even with a bit of lightning.
    Mages are a given choice for everyone who likes to keep people out of their personal space.

    For your enjoinment, Runes of Magic pack the mage with lots and lots of spells! That you will unlock and put at some forgotten slot in your bar, as you use the Flame + Fireball + Lightning rotation on everything.
    Here's a happy mage casting fireball

    Playing mage has the benefit of making your very very rich, as faming packs of mobs get easier by using some of the most devastating aoe weapons since the nucklear bomb: Purgatory Fire.
    With this marvel of cutting edge old arcane magic, you can bring lots of mobs into a close range and then BAM:

    Can you feel the Phat loots?
    The people who play mage can be categorized in 3 classes:

    1 - Piromaniac Glasscannons
    This bunch is the crazy mad people who loves to set fire on anything. Playing mage is an obvious choice and they bring out all the good stuff on the class! Usually not many are like the Glasscannons, as it takes a huge toll on your sanity to macro the best rotations and to keep an eye on your mana / distance / casting time / Cooldowns / cookies.

    Generic Knight 01: Hey man, did you solo clops again as a mage?
    PyroforLife: Yeah bro!
    Generic Knight 01: And did you get another Moa Core?

    PyroforLife: Yeah bro!!

    Generic Knight 01: And you have 2 already!

    PyroforLife: Yeah bro!!!

    Generic Knight 01:I hate my life

    2 - New players:
    Also called by the acronym N.E.W.B.S - New Energetic War-Bringing Souls. These players chose the mage because is the only medieval class they got any knowledge of, and hope to do some damage. Unfortunately the NEWBS never really reach their max potential, since this plane got in for them and forces from the beyond keep hindering their progress. These players seem to think the mage only got 1 skill: Flame.

    MrStabALot: Dude why are you doing nothing?
    Fireinthehole: Flame is on cooldown. I'm spamming it as fast as I can.
    MrStabALot: Use your other skills, fireball, Plasma Arrow...

    Fireinthehole: Nah, they do less damage. You really need to learn how to play!

    MrStabALot: DUDE!!!

    The third most common kind of mage player is the abomination called Gold Farmers.
    Players from remote regions of the galaxy who insist in coming to servers, creating bots and annoying everyone utill the Banhammer hits their head. That works for the shor period of time that takes to set a new proxy and a new bot is created. Rinse and Repeat.

    ObeyMyAxe: Hey, a mage! Can you help us with Bernok?
    GoldisGolden: Buy our gold at for fazt Deliveriiir. gold for 1 dolla.
    ObeyMyAxe: OMG gold sellers! Report!

    Unfortunately, The Mage got 2 disadvantages: The only armor you can equip is cloth, which in this game (and gaming general) is not the very best protection you can get. Here is an example of lvl 50 mage Cloth armor so you can get the idea of the level of protection:

    Another problem is that casting your awesome spells uses mana, a blue bar that keeps getting empty for no reason.
    As a result, expect to consume huge amounts of mana potions to keep the fire burning.
    Here is a mage after completely replenish his mana bar:

    So, if you love firecrackers, cooking your own food and long walks on the beach whit a blowtorch, Mage is the class for you!