Posts by Fuzzii

    Nah a few people are having this issue actually Grox, and the backup from launcher doesn't seem to stick either so we have to do it repeatedly etc. I'm sure it'll get fixed soon but the issue is there :P


    Not sure if this is the sort of solution you're looking for, but I've resorted to creating a local git repository because I was sick of manually restoring backups back and forth as well. Maybe you could look into this or a similar solution?

    Excellent Guide. Hope we can get guides on instance like VCK and Puzzles for Tikal, Inferno, etc.

    I unfortunately don't know too much about most of the puzzles so someone else would have to do those if so, but I agree a couple more guides that can help people not feel so helpless without particularly making things too easy would be nice ^^


    Since a lot of new players - myself included - find themselves disoriented and unsure of how to get things started when joining CoA, I'm going to try and put together a small reference guide. Please correct me if any of the information is wrong or anyone would like to add anything else :)

    Gear and Loot:


    These are the five kinds of cores you are guaranteed to get at the end of most Arcadia-Custom instances ranking from lowest to highest:

    Weak Core: Hall of the Demon Lord (HM): Same prequest as normal mode to enter.
    Temple Core: Secret Temple of Tikal - Prequest to unlock this and higher custom instances.
    Fire Core: Inferno of Divinity
    Ice Core: Gorge of the Ice Giants
    Earth Core: Realm of the Forgotten Legends (ROFL)

    There are two things you can do with your cores:

    1. Create a weapon: You need a certain combination of cores and a Sealed weapon (obtainable in ROFL) in the arcane transmutor in order to create a golden weapon.

    2. Get an almighty core: After clearing ROFL, you need to do an event in order to unlock an NPC in the chamber of elements. Once unlocked, this NPC will offer you the option to trade 5 (one of each) cores in exchange for an almighty core. You can do this once a day and once you have 10 you can exchange them + a piece of red ROFL gear for an upgraded version of that gear, also referred to as a golden pull.

    Core Conversions:

    You can buy core conversion recipes at an NPC outside Atlas - these require alchemy level 100 (covered briefly below). You cannot get a higher tier core from a lower tier one, but you can convert cores down by one, two or more steps based on your needs.


    Fragments are required to buy gear/stats from their respective instances. These drop at the end of Inferno of Divinity (Molten Fragments), Gorge of the Ice Giants (Frozen Fragments) and Realm of the Forgotten Legends (Buried Fragments).

    One kind of fragments are exchanged in Atlas + a relatively high sum of Arcadia Coins in exchange of a stat of your choice from that instance and for your fragment class:
    Protector: Stamina
    Pain: Strength
    Agility: Dexterity
    Knowledge: Intelligence/Wisdom
    There is no corresponding option for ROFL as it is the current end-game instance.

    The other kind is exchanged in Chamber of elements and those are called Plate/Chain/Leather/Cloth and Charm (Accessories).
    In addition to being end-boss drops, these kinds of fragments can also be bought from NPCs in chamber of elements for coins. To exchange you need:
    A Fragment
    A piece of gear (purple from boss drops or also bought by NPC for instances lower than ROFL)
    100 Lava (Inferno)/Ice (Gorge)/Earth(ROFL) dust which can either be farmed in the chamber of elements or dropped by mobs in the instances.
    10 Lava/Ice/Earth Shards which drop from bosses and are usually collected by one person and split at the end of the instance or however else the party chooses to handle them.

    With this, you can get a stat and/or a Red piece of gear which would be the upgraded version of its corresponding purple.

    It is possible to roll for something other than your main class
    , but you need to call your choice before the last boss: Fragment - Stat - Weapon (if RoFL).


    Custom instances drop purple stats at the last boss or purchased by the above method, their names are:

    Arcadia-(x) - from HODL, HOS HM
    (x) of Tikal - From Tikal (or purchased cheaply for coins in Atlas)
    (x) of Divinity - From Inferno
    (x) of the Ice Giants - From Gorge
    (x) of the Forgotten Legends - From RoFL

    It is possible to join parties for HoS and Tikal with relatively low-end gear, the other stats are more difficult if you are just starting out, however.
    Some alternative solutions that you can get by yourself:
    of Dawn and of the Storms stats can be obtained with Phirius Shells (from minigames or IS) from NPCs standing on a ship East of Atlas
    XVII stats are affordable and can be obtained in some high-level zones.

    Random Attribute Extractor stones do come on sale often so don't be too afraid of statting somewhat poorly and having to restat later on if you are not getting help.

    Since Alchemy 100 is a near-requirement for anyone aiming for end-game, here is some helpful information:

    The memento vendor in Weeping Coast sells materials (and rare materials like straw mushroom and bison grass etc.) up to level 60.
    All following materials needed to get to 100 can be obtained with mementos from Black Codex NPCs around the world.
    You need approximately 8000 mementos to level alchemy from 1-100 (I imagine other crafts are in the same ballpark)

    To maximize your efficiency you can:
    Try to get alchemy furniture in your house when they are on sale, the maximum bonus is 1000 and helps with XP and crafting speed considerably. If you cannot afford them, then you can craft in someone else's house but you would only get the speed and not the XP.
    Use Production XP and Speed potions from IS as well as the crafting XP Item set skill from the level 60 craftable guardian set.
    Have your mementos ready and locate and mark the NPCs and trainers before starting for minimal hassle when crafting.
    Have Home sweet home handy.

    While some of the cooking/alchemy recipes are still viable, do not expect to make much profit with them as most important recipes have improved level 100 counterparts sold outside of Atlas and craftable for materials purchasable with Arcadia Coins.

    Making Your First Diamonds:
    This is maybe one of the trickiest parts for new players who join the server alone. The unfortunate truth is it will be very difficult to make a decent amount of diamonds as a complete starter and without some capital first, but it is not entirely hopeless. Here are some things you can do:

    The crafting route: Farm mementos in Grotto of Horrors (HM) and level your alchemy/cooking and earn enough coins to purchase some recipes - this way you can make some diamonds by running only the lower custom instances. (not very recommended as you will need your coins, but it is an option).

    The Grindy gold farming route:
    farm items and vendor them for gold and sell your gold on AH for diamonds. Find an instance with a decent amount of mobs that you can comfortably farm - the additional backpack spaces, traveling merchant and fast pet-looting make this a bit less hellish. You will not make an insane amount of diamonds with this either, but again, it is something you can do on your own.

    Tier stone farming route: this is perhaps the more reliable solution for income if you're willing to grind, as buying charges and puris while they are in promotion allows for a decent profit margin. You do however need a starting capital for this, however small.

    The card farming route:
    this being the way to go has been a myth in my experience, some cards do sell for a little bit, but effort/reward ratio isn't too favorable. Some of the cards obtained from events can go for a decent sum of money, though.

    The XVII and shell stats do sell, however slowly.

    Additional Information:

    NPCs in Itnal Camp in Atlantis will give you some daily free rewards.

    If you want to jump straight into the action,
    WL/M is always a welcome addition in parties as a support class. All you need to start is to be able to survive, and know how to keep the party buffed. A good starting position if you want to go this route is to grab healer level 80 gear when you start your character as healer gear has a lot of HP. This + some food and some minor changes should allow you to run some of the instances and start farming gear and stats for yourself.

    Atlas Defense is an instance special to Arcadia: it is open only on weekends and can be joined once a day. It's a 6-player instance and has 3 modes of difficulty.
    In order to access the instance you first need to get motivated by an NPC called the wanderer. You will sometimes see in chat the zone he is in, or you can try and access the portal and get information about his current zone. His spawn locations can be found here. The instance drops a currency called Atlas Scrolls, which you can exchange for gashas at the same NPC later on for a chance at some rare cards, some gold, or if you're incredibly lucky a set of special golden wings.

    The Shadowmoon Merchant:
    You will see a message in chat every 2 hours saying that the shadowmoon merchant has appeared in X zone and is selling goods for Y currency. This vendor sells some useful item shop items like phoenix, home sweet home, house energy, plussing stones etc. for various different currencies. He has a limited supply (first come first serve) and despawns after 20 minutes. He has a set number of spawn locations per zone. The bad news is people will typically not share his whereabouts as this could basically ruin the whole thing if people just port and take everything and leave nothing for others. The good news is, it's a hassle so most of your competition is likely to be other newbies.

    Elite Skills: You only need to do your 60/70 elite skill quests on one class. After this, all you need to do is speak to the NPCs again on a new class in order to get all your elites. Some of the items required for elite skills are available on IS and are periodically on sale.

    You can have all 10 classes on CoA, you just need to change your race/gender and pickup the class then you can keep it once you switch back. If you go dwarf, you will remain male when you change again so you would need a gender change ticket if you want to play a female character. Unique class combinations like Champion/Knight or Priest/Druid have recently received elite skills on CoA, and constant rebalancing and adjusting is being done in order to attempt to make most class combinations viable.

    Happy adventuring!

    usually tank and heal wanted mostly.

    But please be aware that the starting gear for healers is not really useable due to the lack of +healing on the items. It has a lot of defensive potential, but you won't be able to heal very well.

    But since it is is mostly stamina/HP oriented, it would go a long way to starting if you were to go wl/m.


    For the last few patches now after the client is done updating I get error not found. The fix is to close the process from task manager then restart the launcher but I'm wondering why it's happening at every patch.


    I'd like to suggest two modifications to the training dummy area. The first is that we make the area one with high HP regeneration. This way people with skills that consume HP like blood arrow can also fully test their rotations and DPS as they would in a raid environment where a healer would be available.
    The second modification I suggest is to have at least one training dummy that can reflect aggro properly (we already have Balton but if we dare aggro he one shots us :)). As it currently stands it is very difficult for tanks (especially ones testing new combinations) to figure out exactly how much aggro is generated by each of their skills, with no way to test except in raids. Since DPS and healers have ways of testing their own combinations and rotations, it seems like a good idea to allow tanks to do the same :)


    I suggest that we make the crafting furniture range for crafting zone wide. As it stands right now most of us have all the furniture almost stacked on top of each other and mostly just as soon as you enter the house so we don't have to move around when crafting multiple things. I think if we make it possible to craft anywhere in the house as long as we have the furniture somewhere it may allow us to use them in a more aesthetic way and give us more leeway with decoration etc.


    First of all loving a lot of the changes done in this patch. I've gone from crashing 10+ times a day to almost none and can overall see a boost in performance.

    The FPS remains an issue, though. I've got a fairly decent PC and we've done some extensive testing in our guild, run with the minimum addons possible and got rid of anything that could be an FPS leech. And while there is improvement in open world, instances (RoFL in particular) become almost unplayable regardless of our respective pc specs.

    I've come across this fairly old addon, and sceptical as I was about it it does seem to improve performance considerably. In RoFL there is noticeable improvement but it is still well below what our specs and configurations should allow and it does become difficult to play through even with all effects/damage and heal info disabled (which makes playing very strange).

    The automatic adjustment function in game is highly unreliable (always has been in RoM), as it sometimes could make characters disappear altogether or delay important information in exchange for a very minor performance improvement.
    I think if something incorporating the addon above were possible to implement it would make a great difference, if possible with different thresholds so that there remains some control about how high each player would want it to go etc.

    The most problematic areas in RoFL so far are:

    - Boss 2
    - Boss 3
    - areas with lots of mobs (snails, monkeys etc.)

    Very excited about all the new changes otherwise :)


    I saw some similar questions and concerns in other threads but the information seemed either outdated or didn't answer all my questions so I'm posting here again.
    I am new to the server, and am finding myself at a little bit of a dead end already just days after having joined, so I'm wondering if I maybe am missing something.

    I realise there are plenty of ways to generate diamonds in the game, but the memento and gold conversion ratios seem impossible when compared to the prices of items and gear etc. It is my understanding that once I'm able to reach the high end instances the economy would not be much of a problem, so the question is: how do I get there without spending obscene amounts of money?

    Some of the suggestions I saw were:

    Farming cards: aside from event cards (and no one wants to grind that 24/7), it seems that the majority of cards are worthless and pay off very little.
    Farming tier stones: the prices of tier stones is lower than the charges would cost, and therefore it seems I must wait for charges to be on sale, which also requires a fair amount of money to start with.
    Mementos, shells, minigames etc. seem to offer no possible path for progression or any payoff that could help in climbing the way up in order to be able to start gaining coins.

    Am I missing something major here? Is there actually a way for a new player to make their way to endgame without spending a fortune and without leeching their way? If so, could anyone please enlighten me?

    Another question is about gear progression. Assuming the above is resolved, is there any point to try and aim for any gear lower than the endgame gear at the moment as a stepping stone or would that be useless? And if so, how do I go about starting that?

    Just to clarify: I am enjoying the game very much so far, and think it's very promising and love the changes coming up and the new concepts and effort being put into the game so this is a genuine question rather than a rant. It just seems somewhat unrealistic to be expected to invest too much in the game without being able to at least experience some of the endgame first.


    In case this helps other new players who are equally as lost, here's a possible path:

    Get some refined gorge gear, and put some so so stats in order to reach the necessary minimum to run CL HM and get some coins for yourself - this is a considerably cheaper option.

    I was lucky enough to have joined with 3 other people and have fallen into the hands of a kind and helpful guild but unfortunately most players don't come in bulk and would have a difficult time finding parties to the lower instances like CL HM so the issue still remains to some degree.

    Would it be possible to consider implementing a couple of ways for all players to contribute and benefit from the economy, however small? Maybe by making crafting more viable (and not only through ways that are locked behind the currency we're trying to get access to in the first place), making minigames optionally more rewarding in a way that could help further progress or other things of the like? I imagine the majority of the playerbase started when it was mostly official content going on and so making the transition was not too difficult but for most new players I think there's a little bit of a gap that needs looking into in order to make it less frustrating and intimidating to attempt to become part of the community.