Hello there,
Can you guys change the name for the category instead of Sys_ACCOUNTSTONE.
Posts by antiDevil
Farming the stones for the rings in DN is at the moment not that easy, everybody want the rings, everybody want to farm, and then DN is closed. A possible workaround could be to limit the access for everybody to 1 per day, as in Hall of Survivors. That way, everybody has the chance to get 1 stone per character per day.
Greeting derfloh93,
I totally understand where you going with this, but I personally would not think its good idea to do this. The price of the Stabilization Stones is about 1.5k each so if you make this change happen then the price will go down. In addition, these are the best accessories so I do not think it should be easy to farm them. I hope it makes sense.
antiDevil -
**Auto Shot**Code/run enemy = UnitCanAttack("player","target") and (not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")); a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,AS = GetActionInfo(3); if enemy and (not AS) then CastSpellByName("Autoshot") end
**Tikal 1st Boss****Cancel Buff such as Champion transformation or PK mode**
Code/script i= 1; while UnitBuff("player", i) ~= nil do if UnitBuff("player",i) == "(Name of Buff)" then CancelPlayerBuff(i); end; i=i+1; end
**Dalanis Nightmare Boss Event (Fireeaters)
antiDevil -
Hello, Kochanie
I think that idea is not bad. However, that map is little easy to figure out, currently I am working on diagram that better represents my idea #1 and make it visualize better. I think map should be little puzzled and bosses spawn at random locations. I am still working on this idea.
antiDevil -
I have couple of ideas for how the BG should like.#1: What if we merge pvp and pve for the battleground. Let me explain. There is 2 teams and 4 objectives; kill opponents , seize towers, and sly bosses and mini bosses. Let me go indepth with Bosses and mini bosses. Into 3-4 mins into the fight, mini bosses spawn around the map, which teams can kill and get essence; I will explain what that is used for later on. Then in 15-18 mins into the battle; boss spawns which you could do same thing. I believe these boss fights would last around 2-3 mins and here is the twist, other team can kill the opponents when they are doing thr boss and take the loot. Bosses will require tactic and good skills to kill them.
#2: We can do the elimination rounds, each round they kill opponent and get gold to get better gears and stats for next round.
#1: I think for this idea and #2, essence will be used to buy gears and stats for the real account. We could even make this currency part of Arcadia, like there is Dias. We can probably use essence to buy items off Item Shop.Essence for idea #1 should be given based off the number of points. You get 1 point for assist and seize towers, 2 points for killing the enemy. It should be 2x for the prize where X is number of points. You can also get essence from killing the boss.
Essence for idea #2 should be given based off number of rounds won, 4x where X is number of rounds won.I am pretty sure we can make great BG and one that everyone will enjoy. We can combine people's idea and make a awesome "Incidia Battleground."
How could the gameplay in the BG zone look like?I think that gameplay should look like real pvp. I do not believe that real pvp should be 1 shot or 2 shots. Like in WoW, it takes lot of efforts and skills to get the person down. Make each skill count to win the battle, that just doesn't mean reducing the dmg of the skills in the Arena. I could talk more about it later.. it if you guys want to hear it.
What rewards could we use for both servers? Or should each server get own rewards?
I would assume that reward should be something that would interest both parties (Paradise and Insomnia) so that they would play the BG. Make reward something interesting so it motivates players to play the BG.
What name do you suggest for this battleground?
Insidia battleground: its a combination of Paradise and Insomnia.,
antiDev -
Its been fixed there was way easier way lol, if anyone wants to know pm me. Also there is snails missing from training camp, I guess someone came to steal them D: Anyways thanks for help -
Hello again,
I waited whole 1 and half hour for it to download and when I started thats what I ended up with and another thing I do not use .Playernet client. -
I have having same problems as some of them, when I downloaded the patch, it took me to GF official client, from there it downloaded many times and reloaded client, then finally it opened. When it opened, it took me to normal Arcadia log in and when I put it password it says its wrong, when I am pretty sure I am typing password and username correctly. I have included couple of pictures. Thankshttps://gyazo.com/cdacc5cf265c44375f930ab09a87c6ef
The problem is you don't have the players on server to do enough good SWs. When you remove badges from NPCs you just end up having no SW skills for new players at all. And PvP is not only SW you can also do 1v1, 3v3 arena etc. and in there and in SW you get honour points that you could exchange for some badges with my proposal. And let me tell you a story from official server about getting badges from SW: there are a lot of alt guilds in low point area that just put some alts in sw and wait till the time is up and both sides get badges and honour points from the draw. I don't think that this is what you would want do you?
I understand that, but if we get more people from patch 9.0 we can probably do that and it would be great, people will start doing SW. I see couple of guilds doing SW but if we get more people we can get more SW. There will be low chance for people who does alt guild to get paired up with them. Talking about 1v1, 3v3 arena, it gives honor point which is no use for me or most of the people. It would be great if they started giving something useful, which will motivate people to start joining. *Make change that motivates players to do
Scream|antiDevil -
I believe Badge of Trial should be removed from npc. It would motivate people to sign up for Siege war. There is no purpose to do SW anymore, and I think that server should focus little on PvP also rather than all PvE. However, I do recommend increasing badge of trial you get from SW if you were to remove it from npc.
-Scream|antiDevil -
I think you guys should keep phases since when its on 1st stage you get 3% buffs. However, they might need to be checked because whenever I tried to get it only gave me physical such as hp, pdef, patt, dex etc.
-antiDevil -
Greeting Arcadians,
I would like to mention that some classes are too OP and some are just ehh. If you (devs) work on those "ehh" classes such as r/w would be great. I think that all classes should be redesigned so that many people tries different classes. Tell me why people plays r/m and not r/w? because r/m offers more dmg than r/w. Some classes are just OP like k/m, r/m, s/wrd, etc. k/m & r/m is both good in pvp and pve, I guess there are more OP classes. I also have some suggestions for new classes: Gunner and Crusaders, if you need details on that please whisper me ingame: Antidevil. I know that many people might disagree with this but this is just my opinion. (JUST SUGGESTION DOESNT MEAN IT HAS TO BE DONE) Thanks =) -
I think we should have PK mode, where people from whole server fights for their guild.
We can maybe have sport event.
-When I played Fiesta long time ago, We had 2 goals, GM spawned 1 big dummy, Each team had 2 tanks. Tanks aggroed the dummy to their goal and then DDs killed it.
Thats my suggestions. =)