Posts by Slug


    During our Siege War I used Blindspot on the Inner castle gate as it is built into my DIYCE this then teleported me onto the other side of the gate, this likely will be the same for the Bloodless Item Set Skill and any other skill which has been recently changed to automatically put you behind the enemy.

    Please look into this.


    I know this has been suggested already, however it still hasn't been implemented or any explanation for not adding it.

    I think the requirement for a hammer to use R/ch should be removed as currently to do good dps with it you need a 1h hammer which naturally most rogues do not have(at least not tiered as their dagger is). If you still want to have a hammer requirement for some skills at least remove it for Dissasembly, as without the on-hit dmg the class isn't viable in single target boss fights. This is a fun class with alot of AOE potential which is something very different and interesting for rogues as this is not something we have.

    Thank you


    I think it would be beneficial to implement a vote based patch system as this would accurately represent what the CoA community wants. For example with the ongoing class balances, I believe a voting system prior to large changes/buffs/nerfs would help, or even afterwards so you can accurately gauge what people think of them particular changes.

    As currently there are very few people commenting on the feedback posts and therefore you are only getting the opinion of a small percentage of the community, I think a vote system would encourage a larger percentage of the community to express how they feel about the patch as maybe they don't feel comfortable writing on the forums, for example if their English isn't very good or are simply too lazy to take the time to write a post.


    Firstly, thank you for shaking up the meta, it's refreshing to see different class combinations for once! Just my two cents below.

    I think you have done a good job in balancing out the DPS classes for the most part. However I do believe mages are a a bit too strong in their burst phase, but then are a little too weak in their sustain phase. I think a good remedy to this would be bring the raw dmg down to bring their burst in line with R/WL, Champ and Warden are now and add an increase to their cast speed to assist with their sustain phase.

    I am enjoying the rogue changes so far, it's nice to have a few variations to play, however R/Wl is a good amount stronger than R/S and R/K (as expected of R/K) similarly to how R/M was over other variations before. I think buffing R/S a little more would be a nice idea to have the choice of either R/S or R/Wl for serious dps. The buffs to R/K have been good and has made it a viable tank / offtank in lower inis, I tested this out in Tikal and didn't have many problems tanking the instance.
