Posts by answer001

    Arcane TransmutorSynthesis needs to be manipulated in the Arcane Transmutor。Each crafting consumes 5 energy.

    Five low-level weapons or clothing can be randomly combined into a next-level weapon or clothing.

    For example, 5 Level 90 weapons or clothing can be combined into 1 Level 92 weapon or clothing. Consumes 25 energy.To craft a level 95 weapon. Requires 25 level 90 weapons or clothing.Consumes 125 energy.

    Crafting level 97 requires 125 level 90 weapons or clothing.

    Keep reasoning

    It is possible to prohibit the highest level of weapons and clothing from participating in crafting.Or participate in crafting to spend more energy points.Or diamonds.

    I think it is an excellent programme. It can help a lot of people.

    This system has strong applicability and advantages.The system can be used permanently.Highly recommended.