Posts by Flyxx


    I noticed a strange behaviour with the Pet Skill "Flame of Fire" (ID: 492675). It says, as long as the pet is summoned and my "Shot" hits with magical damage it will trigger. But after ~2 minutes, the effect does not trigger anymore, even though Shot hits with magical damage. Resummoning the pet works. Is this intended behaviour?

    I attached a screenshot of my damage log (sorry for german language). This is against a punching bag ("Sandsack"), but happened in real combat aswell.

    One can clearly see, that Flame of Fire (German: "Flamme des Feuers") still triggers on "[13:08:27]", but doesn't on "[13:08:31]" even though Shot (German: "Bogenschuss") triggers twice with each physical and magical damage like before. From then on, it does not trigger anymore, so I need to resummon the pet. This is really annoying as it might happen during combat, aswell.

    Thanks for your help! :)

    Best regards,



    after accidentally moving the interface menu window a bit higher and then readjusting the video settings, the menu window is now permanently out of screen (see attached screenshot). I'm not able to move the window at all since it can only be moved by clicking at the title.

    Adjusting the video settings doesn't work either, it always looks like that.. Reinstalling the game also didn't work, I guess the settings are stored somewhere else?

    Please help, I want to modify the interface again :(


    Best regards,
