Hi there! Reminder, I am not a developer, just a GM and I play every single day on a personal account, so I understand your sentiment. First, I want to say that I know the game can be overwhelming. From an outside perspective, it seems to me that this server was initially created with the intention to bring Runes of Magic players over from the original game, so they already had a baseline understanding of what to do. This created a gap in knowledge between true newbies, and returning players. I, myself, was someone who played RoM in the old days. There have been recent attempts to close this gap, as you have seen, things like the tutorial, and many updated posts on the forums. However, we clearly aren't perfect, as you described yourself, and we are working to improve these things. However, to my point. My biggest suggestions would be twofold: First, ask for help in world chat. Luckily, our community, though with exceptions, is mostly filled with very helpful and very knowledgeable people. There is bound to be someone to help you if there is no GM present at the time. Secondly, find a guild after you can no longer quality for the Newbie guild. It is true that most guilds here speak German, Russian, or even Chinese, and English exclusive guilds almost do not exist entirely. However, most of the server speaks English as a second language, and you will still fit right in, even if you don't speak their first language.
In regards to ways to make diamonds. It is true that diamonds are hard to come by initially. However, by farming gold, arcane, and other things that endgame players buy, you can create a good foundation to build your first set of gear and start running inis to sell things of higher value. This is why a guild is important, as guild runs are much more frequent than random runs. If you want to know more about Arcane Forge, which is probably the best way for early players to make diamonds, I encourage you to read around the forums and even ask other players for the best tips, as most have perfected the art of it.
Please continue to provide your feedback and feel free to ask for help in-game, I would be happy to assist.
-These suggestions are directed towards any newer players that may seem lost as how to navigate the beginning portions of the game.
I've now been playing off and on for few years now. I love this game but I'm alone all the time every time I join a guild I get kicked or they disband. I'm level R103/P80 and completely lost idk where to go to make diamonds, or how to start making straight end game gear. I see all these end game players in Atlas, but no one will speak to me. I've been reading and researching trying to figure it out on my own and well I get lost a lot trying to understand what goes where, how to do this. then on top the best in slot for my build never has anything on auction and where it drops, I can't solo so I'm in a bubble now trying to figure out what's up from down for end game. it was easy getting here just questing lonely as heck but doable. now I've begun to hit a straight wall and I keep quitting and coming back hoping it will change but hasn't I just sit here solo lower level dungeons and raids to get drops to sell cheap on auction to try to help other new players and be bored when I want to understand the end game and finish building my char and doing the hard stuff with ppl but it seems no one wants to step up as a player and help someone get there to have fun.
I understand your pain, as my first few guilds very quickly disbanded as many of those players quit as well. It took me a while to build my gear up enough to join a decent guild that consistently did runs enough for the guild to stay active. I would suggest to first get to level 105, as that is very important, and not that difficult to do on our server. Second, I would try to find a guild that is active during your time and runs instances. You can always ask in worldchat or simply just begin reaching out to players that look to be around your same skill-level to increase your chances of joining them. It is true that this game can be quite lonely when embarking on the journey as a solo player, but joining a guild definitely makes things more exciting.