Posts by Ganga
Warden / Druid
The oak walker has a very large aggro, which interferes with everyone else in the dungeon. Give her a passive skill minus 100% aggro.Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
I also express only my opinion and there was no transition to personality. I just want these endless class changes to end and every time I go to the forum I see that everyone is asking for something and there is no end to this. Many classes with their own difficulties and conditions. You don't need to simplify everything until you press 1 or 2 buttons.
All those changes are made becouse we all want this game to be better in overall gameplay with all possible combinations. It's true that class balance is long but it's not so easy to align all those possible class combinations and without our(players) help and suggestions it would only last longer
I understand this and I try to make suggestions for changes myself, but these proposals must be adequate and really necessary,and when asked to simplify one of the simplest classes, it causes emotional surprise and questions.
I understand this and try to help myself with suggestions for changes, but these changes must be adequate and actually necessary, and when asked to simplify one of the simplest classes, it causes confusion
Yes, I played after the last change. To stack a buff need one second. Even if this is too difficult for you it doesn't mean that you need to simplify a class that already has 3 skills.
First, since every gcd it 1sec (at least I think so) you need at least 3 sec with no laggs to stack this skill, so don't state false things.
Second, Madoxx and I gave our opinion one something that disagreed with yours and know you get personal? This thread is for everybody, so everyone can give their opinion and if you can't do that without insulting others once they disagree with you, don't.
I gave my reply and since this is beginning to get OT maybe someone could clean before it gets to out of hand? Thank you.
I also express only my opinion and there was no transition to personality. I just want these endless class changes to end and every time I go to the forum I see that everyone is asking for something and there is no end to this. Many classes with their own difficulties and conditions. You don't need to simplify everything until you press 1 or 2 buttons.
Are you kidding me? The damage of a warrior / mage should be reduced by 20-30 percent at least. You're asking to simplify it. Nonsense. Ask them to give you the skill to kill everything and everyone? I'm playing a warlock / rogue who needs to use 5 skills before doing damage. This is not easy and not every boss has time to do everything right, and you are worried about one skill.
Have you played the Warrior/Mage after the latest changes? What he stated is correct that a) aoes (although slightly better than before) are still a joke (even with a ton of cast speed) and that b) the Warrior/Mage has to stack a buff 3 times BEFORE he can actually use his rota/skills. Because maybe you noticed that this class doesn't only use Whitehits anymore to deal damage.
And I've played both Warrior/Mage and Warlock/Rogue, and it's way easier to stack the debuffs on Warlock/Rogue because, except for Soul Poisoned Fang, the skills don't trigger a gcd which is exactly what Madoxx asked.Also I dealt in rofl, overall, more damage with the Warlock/Rogue than I did with the Warmage.
Yes, I played after the last change. To stack a buff need one second. Even if this is too difficult for you it doesn't mean that you need to simplify a class that already has 3 skills.
Another bunch of propositions mostly for mdps I play. Need to test wd/d and d/wl before talking about them again.
-W/M: Imagine how it is to lose 3 seconds stacking up electrical rage every 10 seconds if we have nothing to hit. Please remove its gcd. Aoes of this class are really low which are even lower in most places because we need to do them without stacking x3 properly.
-M/S: Although I really apreciate the increased dmg of the pet cast, it only works in bosses because they aren't moving. During the ini it barely does any hits on mobs, idk how could you fix it but it would be really cool if you make it usefull like rest of pets in game.
-M/Ch: 2 problems. Rage management and like always, plasma arrow disaster. I always thought an elite skill should help the class and not harm it. If Electric current arc is there to help the class, it should make plasma arrow instant or lower cast, not higher. This skill is just a pre-buff skill, we don't care about its dmg. The 100 times (150 if Im not even able to finish its cast xD) I use it during ini I just suffer.
To solve rage problem increase static field recovery rage per hit to 15 and/or change Electrolysis Power (still old useless skill from before rework) with something similar to Enraged from warrior.
-Now the holy trynity of crap sustained mages
M/WL, M/R and M/P. They have their good things like supporting (MWL or MR) or awesome burst (MP). Any increase in their single dmg sustain, like I asked millions of times, would make these classes more atractive. Remove rising tide cd (mp), magical shadow stab without gcd (mr), or improved soul pain without cast (mwl) could help them. If a nerf in their op things is needed I would prefer that than being mostly afk most of ini because mobs dmg is non existat (except tons of aoes for mr and mp ofc). Im more of seeking balanced classes than having some of them doing incredibly overpowered things but terrible in other stuffs.
Good thing, m/wl 30% def debuff rework its awesome, thx for that.
-Bug reports: Warrior/priest, berserk dmg isn't working well. Idk if the range is too low or there are other buffs bugging it but I tried in a few runs yesterday with an alt and most of the times i couldn't get the buff on my main character.
Another propositions: w/p, make 491466 raid buff, idk why is still group buff. Wd/d destruction blade 10% mattack, increase its range, atm its only for melee mdps and that is only mch and wm.
Are you kidding me? The damage of a warrior / mage should be reduced by 20-30 percent at least. You're asking to simplify it. Nonsense. Ask them to give you the skill to kill everything and everyone? I'm playing a warlock / rogue who needs to use 5 skills before doing damage. This is not easy and not every boss has time to do everything right, and you are worried about one skill.
Warlock / Rogue
Very long preparation for dealing damage, five skills need to be used "Extraction of sensations""The Curse of weakness" "Poison fang of the spirit" "Heartache" "Step into the shadow" only then comes the main combination. He does not have time to deal damage to the boss. Also, his basic skills with damage are not instantaneous. We need to fix this.
Warlock / Rogue
Very interesting class in fact magic rogue, which I wanted but one problem they are not very comfortable to play. To deal damage, you need to use 3 skills "Extraction of sensations" "Poisonous click of the spirit" "Heartache". On trash, practical is not possible to use, and on the boss it slows down the main damage very much. I think you need to make these skills in the form of a passive skill or as a buff for 15 min. These changes will not give him unbalanced damage, just make the game more comfortable.
We have a magical knight warrior scout guardian but we don't have a magical rogue. Why? Can be change the damage of rogue / knight to mdps (element light). This will diversify the magic branch of classes. I hope this idea will get support from other players.
A magical rogue can be made a rogue / mage. Give him a buff that will allow you to do both physical damage or magic at will. For example, as a champion can be both a tank and a dd at his request.
We have a magical knight warrior scout guardian but we don't have a magical rogue. Why? Can be change the damage of rogue / knight to mdps (element light). This will diversify the magic branch of classes. I hope this idea will get support from other players.
For the first time today there was a desire to close the game. Why did you do this? For the sake of balance? The fact that classes except mages have become slower to beat this can be accepted but the fact that buffs are used once a second is just a nightmare terrible.
Champion/Rogue Shadow Explosion 1-H Hammer increases damage by up to 8%. You need to return 15 % of the damage and the skill of waiting for the game needs to increase the number of attacks to five. He began to lose a lot to other Champions, I hope this situation will be corrected.
Does the charged shock work normally? For thirty seconds, 30 beats. Using elven dexterity and lute is a 45% increase in speed but still thirty beats. Why?
War / rog is a very interesting class. You need to increase the damage from Shadow strike or link additional damage to offhand.
Changed some class pets and cenedrils to update their attributes dynamically depending on owner attributes instead of only during spawn.
Now all cenedrils hit harder than the guardian / druid pet and they can't be called at the same time. Why do guardians need pets in the game if all cenedrils give out more damag?
The guardian / druid is no longer relevant.He is weak and slow on the zerg does not have time to deal damage. After cutting stable damage, it stopped doing damage on mobs as well. Return to attachment 16% damage and 30% earth damage.
Give an alternative to a warrior mage.
Why did everyone forget about the druid / warrior? It has a very good potential for damage. Make it possible for him to carry a spear weapon. You need to increase the damage and bind it to the strength.
Why did the warden/druid weaken so much? You just killed him. Get him permanent damage. He was inferior to the others on zerg.
I completly disagree. The change on Sepal Stab was more than necessary since the Oak Walker did way too much damage so I think this change was good. Overall this class did not loose that much damage. Yes, one perma buff git nerfed but in addition he got a really stron new buff that more than compensates for that.
Regarding the AoE damage..this class still does decent aoe damage. Yes you have to play it a little bit different compared to before the changes but it still is decent.And lets not forget the fact that this combination has several group/raid buffs that increase the damage of the whole raid(!), which makes it valuable in other ways.
I tested it in rofl (an NO I don't have golden gear and NO I don't have a T18 weapon) and overall the damage was pretty nice. Not overpowered, not dead.
Edit: I really like the fact that there is another class you can use then wand on. Thanks for that!
I also tested and I don't have any gold items either. I compared it to a war/mage and the damage is less than 30 %. Why create new classes that can replace a wsr/mage and then kill it?
Why did the warden/druid weaken so much? You just killed him. Get him permanent damage. He was inferior to the others on zerg.
"Reduced Sepal Stab damage by 90%."Why so many? The pet hits so slow that there was no damage. Bring a little bit of damage.
Warr/mage took away the magic attack and gave magic damage.The decision is wrong, it has become less damage to the bosses. No magic attack and no crit. Warr/mage can't break through the boss's defense. Return the attack or give the Berserker a 39.3% magic attack for 30 seconds.
Please tell me it's a balance of classes or the murder war/mage and strengthening others? Lowered the attack by 30 % and did not strengthen any skill. No mass damage no passive damage increase. Return the magic attack or give something instead. Make Electrical Rage a passive skill to avoid making a stack every time.
And fix the thorn shield of the druid/guardian .Healers interrupt each other's buffs.