Posts by Kilmister


    Wyrmfang Fragment(R): 8,2/54,4
    Crimson Wyrm Banner(S): 15,5/67,3
    Emerald Fang(N): 20,6/60,4
    Spiralmark Stone(N): 29,9/69,3
    Bestiary of the Obsidian Wilds(S): 36,6/87,4
    Spine of the Sky Tyrant(R): 59,6/82,6
    Golden Cog of Eternity(R): 76,6/18,3
    Sealed Whisper Jar(R): 64,9/36,7
    Hammer and Hearth: A Dwarf’s Guide to Survival(S): 78,9/21,3
    Orb of the Desert(N): 61,3/30,6
    Dualis Bloom(N): 49,2/72,4
    Oakwood Soup Bowl(R): 60,9/61,3
    Goldcrest Flower(N): 60,9/48,8
    Emberwood Sigil](S): 25,2/79,2
    Cartographer’s Legacy(S): 61,1/54

    Here are location in Taffrock – Southern District

    Tribebound Tapestry(S): 59,2/72,1
    Shadowroot Cactus(N): 53/54,4
    Fossilized Fang(R): 50/50,5
    Dawnkeeper Manuscript(S): 48,9/33,8
    Tunnelmark Stone(N): 62,8/29,6
    Horned Spirit Totem(R): 50,3/59,5

    3 new location in Elven Island

    Ivory Vessel of the Wyrm(R): 23,1/26
    Sunworshipper Parchment(S): 31,8/24,7
    Blushleaf Grass(N): 49,9/78,9

    Elven Island

    A this stage, here are the item I found

    Wyrmfang Skull(R): 53,5/34,5
    Cartograph of the Vanished Realms(S): 54,5/50,2
    Circles of the Four Winds(N): 46,2/38,9
    Titan’s Tusk(R): 64,8/74,7
    Mossbound Fragment(N): 46,5/66,4
    Tidewoven Pennants(S): 29,6/45,9
    Whispers of the Ashen Tide(S): 19,9/37,6
    Sunmark Stone(N): 22,3/10,5
    Serpent's Coil Vessel(R): 32,1/78,2

    Items Location in Bolinthya Rift

    The Radiant Fern(N): 81,6/38,6
    Sapphire Veinstone(N): 26,5/32,9
    Azure Basin of Whispered Tides(R): 56,8/70,5
    Thorned Coral Bloom(N): 58/58,9
    Frostspire Summit(N): 61,9/33,3
    Aureum Seat of Judgement(R): 27,9/35
    Scroll of the First Dawn(S): 29,3/60,3
    The Wyrm's Remains(R): 32,8/65,4
    Verdant Emberstone(N): 38,1/73,7
    The Journal of Eternal Echoes(S): 43,4/49,2
    Celestarium of the Eternal Veil(S): 68,7/46,6
    Ring of the Eternal Oath(R): 42,9/29,2
    Chronicles of the Shattered Crown(S): 26,5/71,6
    Emberfang Bomb Cache(R): 33,8/50
    The Silent Shelf(S): 37,9/63,3


    Maybe this map will help someone, there seven items from Hall of Earth. You can take them

    In fact, there are 9 items in this hall like in the other ones


    The Ivory Parchment: 26,8/105,4
    The royal Standard: 14,8/60,3
    The Verdant Tome: 51,3/48,3
    The Infernal Bloom: 57,1/83,2
    The Barrel of Whisper: 71,7/76,2
    Crimson Reefflower: 25,3/33,8
    The Enchanted Bloom Vase: 40,9/87,5
    The Icy Vial: 56,9/45,2
    The Waterweed: 40,8/67,5

    The Icy Vial is on one of the platform bellow the boss #2

    The last one is between boss #1 and boss #2, in the water reachable with the lift

    Could you remove score equipment cap for Tikal Instance in easy mode ?

    We work hard to improve our equipment and cannot get into this instance with it.
    I assume, farming arcadia coins in this instance is no longer a matter since they can be got with world boss for now.

    Thanks in advance,



    Some item location found in SilverSpring

    Beastlord’s Crown : 66.4/22.9

    Horn of the Lost Prophet : 44.4/16.8

    Starbloom Flower : 26.4/80.3



    Here are a few ideas for new event:

    1/ Monster hunter : Some bosses (new or instance or wb depending on your choice) pop randomly on different map (maybe one map per region). Players have to find them and kill them. It sounds like the hunt for magical eggs during Eastern festival, but in outdoor environment. Maybe with another concept : By killing the boss, you get one item you have to bring back to a NPC for rewards (at your discretion ;))

    2/ Defend fortress : Years ago, such an event was implemented in the legacy game. Players had to defend the dwarf fortress in the redhill mountains against hordes of monsters. It was a world event involving all of the volunteer of the server.

    Of course, due to the gap between VHL/End game and Low Level/Mid Level players, it has to be adjusted, maybe using an alternate map such as castle ground : Such a way, their might be groups of players in accordance with their lvl + gear. Hordes of monster objective might be to destroy the castle throne, while players'one should be to prevent it.



    Just another idea.

    In the world, each forgotten civilization has left remains (lost treasures) we discover from day to day. Taborea seems to have a past like our irl world.

    So why not consider some kind of lost treasure hunt in the game that would give a new perspective for zone exploration.

    Indeed, there are a lot of places on each map that contains ruins or grotto or deserted places.

    The base idea you might ellaborate on, would be to set in random locations (one or several depending on your point of view) on each/selected map, a chest containing one or several valuable items or money or whatever ;). Those item should be in accordance with the map level (maybe instance items ?)

    Those treasures might be guarded or not by at most an elite mob with level in accordance to the current map.

    To avoid grinding, those treasures might be opened once a week per account.

    Respawn frequency and location may be random but location should remain at least one hour to enable a deep exploration of the map.

    It is just a food for thought but I assume that it could be exciting and motivating for all of the players.



    Not sure that this discuss is at the right place.

    I have been playing CoA for a while now (played to the legacy version for years).

    Here is my feedback :

    1/ In comparison with the legacy game, CoA is outstanding : Few crashes, better graphics, better combo, better content, ... I thank you for all of your work. :)

    However, the main drawback is the game difficulty :

    There is a huge gap between legacy content and additional content in term of difficulty. Even if you have implemented several means to level up, the associated gear is clearly too weak to deal with your additional content. Even 104-nautilus gear is insufficient. I assume that at least, it should be enough to resist to mobs in "low level" Awakened instance or "low level" Core instances or at least not to be one or two shot ;)

    Additional content is then reserved to high level players which I think don't encourage new or casual players to play their game.

    Afaik, you say that you want to encourage party playing and coop between players. I do understand, but I think this approach leads to make new or casual players flee the game. The main reasons for this are :

    * Difficulty : as said before, the game becomes quickly of an outstanding difficulty. Except when spending thousands of dia to get a better gear. Not all the players can spend years to farm or can afford to pay thousands of euros to get the required amount of dia for a better gear.

    * Parties : It seems that most of the parties building are for high level instances (in awakened mode). New or casual players have few chances to be admitted because of their weakness. Especially when preconditions are required and unreachable for them.

    * time : building a group seems to take a lot of time except between long term players, as well as access to minigames. Not all of the players have enough time to wait for a party. Low rate progress after legacy map won't serve game interest.

    * language : The server is international, that's ok, but high level instances require vocal which is not so easy for all players

    * gameplay : Pick up is a good think for quick levelling but no one learns how to play his/her character in such a way.

    Those difficulty as direct impact on the economy of the server which is hold by a couple of players. Prices at AH are totally delusional. (more than 40k diam for a piece of End game gear set ~200€ <X ). I assume that it is dissuasive for most of the players (at least me ;) )

    All those points make me think that CoA has became an elitist game without (or few) consideration for new or casual players and lead to a disaffection of the game which only make the situation worse. I retired from the legacy game for a similar situation.

    Maybe, you should rethink some aspects of the game :

    a) Reconsider transition between legacy and additional content with an intermediate game level.

    b) Make ISS more easy to obtain (NPC memo sellers for instance)

    c) Improve crafted or NPC-sold items power

    d) Decrease game difficulty : I have heard that some players find the game too easy. In order to consiliate all the requirements of the community regarding difficulty, maybe a buff/debuff option could help (similar to Raksha one) with of course the higher the difficulty, the better the rewards. The main objective should be to allow access to all the aspects of the game to each player.

    e) Make mini-games more easy to get in and more easy. Reaching AoD/pvp or arcanic arena is nearly impossible due to lack of players. And AoD/pve is too hard in comparison to its training quest.

    f) Reconsider prequests for instances

    g) Adjust Event rewards to motivate people

    In other words, I assume that a better balance between hardcore gamers and new or casual players would benefit to the game that deserve it.



    But just 'cos you got the power

    That don't mean you got the right "

    R.I.P Lemmy

    Thanks for taking my concern into account.

    Unfortunately, it seems that your solution implementation doesn't solve anything. It is on the most a slight annoyance for players camping for WB. For example, if we look at the Kal brothers, it is only a matter on order for killing them and no solution allowing other players to get them.

    Maybe, you should reconsider your implementation ;)


    I have noticed that some players have alt camping near WB respawn points such as the Giant in silverspring. And they activate their alt just for killing the giant when it pops.

    This may be considered as a king of boting.

    If you want to increase the challenge and the competition between players, it might be interessant to implement some kind of "inactivity timer" which force deconnection when zeroing. I have seen this on other mmo.

    Of course there should be exception such as afk-ing at home, in the castle, near instance entrance (for buffers) or generally speaking in towns/villages.

    I assume of a 5-10 minutes timer should be a good value.



    As far I as understand, Tina gives event titles. Unfortunately, I see that only 5 or 6 titles are provided.

    Do you intend to increase the list of available titles ? It would be great and give this NPC more interest after a couple of months of playing.

    Thanks in advance.


    Could you consider to modify the rewards in the minigames such as Malatina or goblins in order to provide an alternative to the potions ?

    For example, by adding recipes ?

    Thanks in advance


    Is there any tip to skip tiles challenge for non "Mario" players ?

    This part of this instance is useless, boring, painfull, stressfull and raid stopper.

    The instance is complicated enough without this challenge which involves no strat nor reflexion, only dexterity and a good part of luck.

    I suggest to add a lever just before the challenge to activate the mobile tile.

    I think that such an evolution won't unbalance the game and would preserve player's health and keyboards :)

    Could you provide a guide for world boss respawn conditions such as timers or kind/number mob to kill and possible location ?

    I have especially in mind Ayelo and Perodia.

    Btw, in a previous post, I suggested to add Ayelo in the Worldboss event. You answered that it was not relevant since she is farmable and many ways to make her pop. From my point of view, I do not see any difference with other bosses ;)

    Could you as well integrate Aimina in the Worldboss Event ?


    In fact, there are two different topic that I address in my post :

    1/ Engineering recipes that are only buyable with nero coins

    2/ unbalanced AoD between experienced players and newcomers.

    For the first point : could you make engineering recipes buyable with gold pieces ? or make nero coins easier to get ;)

    For the second : As far as I can see, you can buy potions, titles or badges dedicated to AoD. When newcomer, you cannot afford those benefits. That creates the unbalance I'm talking about. It might be interessant to implement a league mechanism creating matches thus increasing the challenge between equiped players (let's say platinum league) or between newcomers without any buffs (let's say bronze league). At this stage, a newcomer is the privileged target for all other player which is very frustrating ;)

    There is some rare Mechanic with one hit possability, this is intended.
    Some / alot of Skills are Melee, where you in range ?

    Yes, I was close to my opponents and the strike hits but no damage



    But, there is something I don't understand : during the matches I have experimented in AoD, I was unable to make any damage to other players while they killed me in one or two strike.

    Are Cenedrils active during this event ? or artefact or robots ? or any prestige advantages ?

    I can only notice that the matches are clearly unbalanced.

    What about implementing some kind of leagues I suggested before ?
