I found last item from Cave of Water Dragon
Coords: 68.5/22.8, behind boss
Best regards, Fiaso
I found last item from Cave of Water Dragon
Coords: 68.5/22.8, behind boss
Best regards, Fiaso
1. I always happy from beatiful dungeons
2. Heavenly mystery attracts and beckons to itself
3. The road that leads us to something high
4. Mysterious statues that defence underworld
5. It took a lot of work to put the powerful dragon to sleep
6. Prepare to fight the magical forces of the other world
7. Despite the fact that the underground world is dark, there is something to please the eye.
8. Some natural force has drawn the poor knight into its nets.
9. Go through barrier and obtain rewards
10. Look of angels can be changed
Its a shame that only high end player can use the new t-stones and they earn a alot of diamonds just because most of the players dont have access to orkham so it would be nice if u could do something about that.
привет всем. я полностью поддерживаю Daddyflacko мнение.
если задуматься, то можно приравнять нпс который меняет заготовки на тир к нпсам которые меняют:
1.монеты аркадии на сувы...
2.сувы на алмы... и т.д.
Не правильно то, что доступ ограничен к обмену итема на итем. Можно сделать дополнительные сложности по квестам, чтобы была возможность в доступе к нпс обмена заготовок тира на сам тир
(скажу тихо) я не знаю как было бы лучше, но осмелюсь предложить:
1.добавить в общий доступ нпс с обменом заготовок тира на сам тир (поставить его вне данжа).
2. убрать свитки повторного прохождения Тайной Кузницы.
3.ограничить вход в аркану, например пятница, суббота и воскресенье ( т.е. сделать вход три раза в неделю - подобие оборонки)
на мой взгляд так будет справедливо по отношению к пользователям разных слоев развития
С уважением к вам, Fiaso
Hi everybody. I fully support your opinion.
If you think about it, you can equate the NPC that changes Corrupted Tier to Normal:
1. Arcadia Coins on Ancient Mementos...
2. Ancient Mementos on Dias... etc.
It is not correct that access is limited to the exchange of item for item. You can make additional difficulties on quests so that there will be opportunity to access the NPCs of the exchange Corrupted Tier
(I will say quietly) I do not know how it would be better, but I dare suggest:
1. Add NPC that could change Corrupted Tier to Normal (put it outside the dungeon).
2. Remove the scrolls for repeat Arcane Forge.
3. limit the entrance to the Arcane Forge, for example, Friday, Saturday and Sunday (i.e. make an entrance three times on week - a kind of solve)
In my opinion, this will be fair to users of different levels of power
Best regards, Fiaso
хммм. даже не знаю, что и сказать...
мое мнение
1. добавить для всего сервера на аркадии нпс который будет менять свитки на тир
2. никакого нового данжа для фарма золота добавлять не нужно. на сервере достаточно мест , где вы/мы сможем добывать золото. у кого не достаточно золото, тот может ограничится более низким уровнем тира, не делая его на т17....но если очень хочется кому то сделать т17-25 как у гм , то просто на мой взгляд, вам нужно набраться терпения и потерять какое то определенное время для приобретения вашего желаемого тира.
у разработчиков и так много работы.
уважаемые игроки. дайте время разработчикам залатать те проблемы которые существуют на сервере, а не создавать новые , новыми идеями внедрения различного характера данжей..
умейте ждать, и не торопить события
разработчики работают. Они стараются, чтобы КАЖДОМУ пользователю было комфортно. комфортно и уютно должно быть не только тем, у кого есть возможность фармить Оркхэм...
вы можете и не соглашаться с моим мнением, но терпимости я вижу у многих нет. если сервер будет шагать семимильными шагами, то сервер быстро начнет развиваться и также быстро закончит свое существование.
не думайте только о себе, человек такое существо "НАМ СКОЛЬКО НЕ ДАЙ - НАМ БУДЕТ МАЛО". умейте получать удовольствие по порциям.
по поводу ново пришедших игроков. в связи с добавлением двух последних данжей у новых пользователей пропадает интерес играть, потому что им никогда не увидеть т 17-25 тир на себе. получается так - что новые пользователи по мнению топ-игроков ДОЛЖНЫ продать свою почку (орган брюшной полости) и сделать вложения реальных мани в игру.... ЗАДАМ ВОПРОС - как заработать школьнику/студенту на донат? ограбить банк???? С ТАКИМ ПОДХОДОМ сервер потеряет новых игроков.
мои наблюдения -люди новые приходят, они желают быть тут. но когда они видят возможности тор-игроков (не средних игроков! ) , то просто уже не играют
C уважением к вам, Fiaso
Hmmm. I don't even know what to say...
My opinion
1. Add an NPC for the entire server on arcadia that will change corrupted tier to normal tier
2. There is no need to add any new gold Arcane Forge for farming. There are enough places on the server where you/we can farm gold. Those who do not have enough gold can limit themselves to a lower level of tier, without making it on t17....but if someone really wants to make a t17-25 like GM's, then just in my opinion, you need to be patient and use time to make your desired tier.
Developers already have a lot of work to do.
Dear players. Give the developers time to patch up the problems that exist on the server, and not create new ones with new ideas for implementing various dungeon charters...
Be able to wait, and not rush things.
The developers are working. They try to make EVERYONE user feel comfortable. It should be comfortable and cozy not only for those who have the opportunity to farm Orkham...
You may not agree with my opinion, but I see that many people do not have tolerance. If the server takes leaps and bounds, then the server will quickly begin to power up and also quickly end its existence.
Don't just think about yourself, a person is such a being "HOW MUCH YOU DON'T GIVE US, WE WON'T HAVE ENOUGH." be able to have fun in portions.
About the newly arrived players. Due to the addition of the last two dungeons, new users lose interest in playing, because they will never see the 17-25 tier on themselves. It turns out that new users, according to top players, SHOULD sell their kidney (cut of the abdominal cavity) and make investments of real money in the game... I WILL ASK the QUESTION - how student can earn a donation? Rob a bank???? With THIS APPROACH, the server will lose new players.
My observations are that new people are coming, they want to be here. But when they see the possibilities of top players (not average players!), then they just don't play anymore.
Best regards, Fiaso
Sorry, but i think that it is not required, you just can speak with seller and ask him sell it for gold. It is online game
Another possibilty is to reduce the gold prize for end game necesitties and implemt an npc where new players or players who aren't having good gear are getting the Items for end game gear for Gold (for a reasonable price ofc.. It should be more profitable to run instances but it should be possible to get end game relevant items for an appropriate gold price.
My respectful greetings to everyone.
Guys. I have read all your statements and made my conclusion.
We (you) all need to decide on the topic in this section. In my opinion (you can accept it or not), it can be divided into subtopics:
1. Donation. Each user decides for himself how beneficial he is to everyone. Value is our (your) real time. You can earn money in real life and invest it for your own pleasure in the game.
2. Atlas Defense industry is not about earning money. Atlas Defense gasha is a random mini game (roulette). No one forces us (you) to take a piece of gold. Those who need stability from visiting the defenmse industry can choose 100% item (rune, etc.)
3. And the topic of beginners. I partially agree with Agronom opinion. a beginner came into the game and cannot donate, and cannot immediately earn diamonds for himself. Accordingly, he will go to mine gold for himself from mobs.
4. The theme of guild buffs. Someone saying "on arrivals same expenses". Each player can use buffs of their choice. There are levels of free and paid buffs on each tower. those who go to the dungeon and earn from the sale of income of things, they can afford to buy buffs for gold.
I believe that players (users) cannot solve the economics of the server. There are dedicated people in the devs team who look at this.
I don't want to offend anyone with my opinion. But at this stage, the newcomers of my guild have the opportunity to join and at the same time enjoy the game. If each of us clicks the game icon and enters the game... Player doesn't do it under violence, everyone does it on their own from their desire.
in my opinion, it's not about the economy, but the fact that people powering is very quickly. it is necessary to remove the rates on experience and talent and slow down the powering of the characters. They will learn how to have fun by pieces (like an orange)... And you want to eat it whole and then just sit there and do nothing... And saying that you are bored.. You are not satisfied with the economy... Or something other you're happy with.
We all need to be patient. The developers will have new updates, new dungeons and new events in their plans. Which will give you new opportunities to earn money and have fun at the same time.
Have a good game,
Your Fiaso
There original russian version of text
мой уважительный привет всем.
ребята. Прочитала все ваши высказывания и сделала свой вывод.
Нам (вам) всем нужно определиться с темой в этом разделе. На мой взгляд (ваше право принять мое мнение или нет), можно разделить на подтемы:
1.донат. каждый пользователь сам решает для себя насколько он каждому выгоден. ценность - это наше (ваше) время реала. можно заработать в реальной жизни мани и вложить для собственного удовольствия в игре.
2.оборонка - это не заработок. оборонка - это мини игра (рулетка). Нас(вас) никто не принуждает брать гашу золота. те, кому нужна стабильность от посещения в оборонку, могут выбрать 100% итем (руна и т.д.)
3.и тема новичков. отчасти соглашусь с мнением Agronom. новичок пришел в игру и не может донатить, и не может сразу заработать себе алмазы. соответственно он пойдет добывать себе золото с мобов.
4.тема гильдийных бафов. есть поговорка "по приходу и расходы". каждый игрок может воспользоваться бафами на свой выбор. на каждой башне есть уровни бесплатных и платных бафов. те , кто идут в данжи и зарабатывают с продажи дохода вещей, они могут себе позволить приобрести бафы за золото.
я считаю, что игроки (пользователи) не могут решать экономику сервера. на то есть отведенные люди в команде разработчиков, которые смотрят за порядком.
никого не хочу обидеть своим мнением. Но на данном этапе новички моей гильдии имеют возможность развиваться и при этом получать наслаждение от игры. если каждый из нас нажимает иконку игры и заходит в игру... он делает это не под насилием, каждый делает это сам от своего желания.
на мой взгляд, дело не в экономике, а дело в том, что люди очень быстро развиваются. нужно снять рейты на опыт и талант и замедлить ход развития персонажа. ребята научитесь получать удовольствие дольками ( как апельсин).. а вы хотите съесть его целиком и потом просто сидеть и ничего не делать .. и говорить , что вам скучно.. вас не устраивает экономика... или еще какие либо недовольства
нам нужно всем набраться терпения. в планах разработчиков будут новые обновления, новые данжи и новые мероприятия. которые дадут вам новые возможности заработка и при этом получать удовольствие.
всем хорошей игры
ваша Фиасо
But it is not true. You can check last moths SW history and see that everyday when LivingLegends register SW, then we always paired only with them
Between our guilds in rating by SW score (11 789 and 626) you can see two guilds: "Oasis" (1 572) and "Chukchy" (657), but by some reason we again get SW against LivingLegends as in some last months. So matchmaking not working only on score as you said. Why matchmaking do it? Where logic in it?
Hello, Ikaria
SW matcmaking is handled with guild members count.
We think that current solve it is not correct for this.
You can change system to use only SW rating for it.
We must not think about this realisation, becouse you have special people who doing this work. So will be better if matchmaking system will use only SW rating from SW list.
Ikaria, also pls write to Wells, that he speak with people in private chat not enought suitably
Привет Икария.
Рейтинг осад устанавливается по количеству нахождения персонажей в гильдии.
Мы считаем, что это не правильное решение для вывода осад.
Сделайте осады по его рейтингу на момент принятия другого решения.
Мы не обязаны тут для вас предъявлять какие-либо идеи. У вас есть назначенные люди, которые занимаются такой работой. Поэтому будет удобнее всем на сервере выбрать "осадного противника" по его осадному рейтингу, который указан при открытии осадного списка гильдий
Икария, передайте привет Велсу... в нем чуть не хватает нормальной адекватности для общения с людьми приватого чата.
I have an idea to add some Smiles badges like
Will be good, for example, see current mood of person
Best regards, Fiaso
777071 | Card - Ice Blade Mage Guard. These elite mages use cold magic to create deadly traps. But along with their outstanding abilities, you should be aware of their fighting skills.
• 777072 | Card - Ice Blade Guard. They protect a mysterious ritual conducted by the Inexorable League on the Plateau of the Ice Blade. Beware of their stunning attacks.
• 777073 | Card - Ice Blade Priest. This priest has a magical art with which he provides support to his comrades.
• 777074 | Card - Ice Blade Transducer. This caster uses frost magic. Be afraid of its cold.
• 777075 | Card - Ice Blade Devourer Soldier. These mighty soldiers are enhanced by the dark magic of the Inexorable League.
• 777076 | Card - Plateau Ice Fay. An ice fay influenced by the dark rituals of the Inexorable League.
• 777077 | Card - Plateau Ice Witch. Despite its comeliness, this creature will not allow you to interrupt the magical ritual of its owners with the help of cold magic.
• 777078 | Card - Priest of the Wrathful Eye. A wise priest of the cyclops of the Wrathful Eye, who received great knowledge from his leader Zeyj.
• 777079 | Card - Guard of the Wrathful Eye. This cyclops oversees order and safety in the camp of the Wrathful Eye.
• 777080 | Card - Battle Boar of the Wrathful Eye. An aggressive fighting boar faithfully serving the cyclopes of the Wrathful Eye. Beware of his fangs.
• 777081 | Card - Shaman of the Chaos Altar. A peacefully walking minataur. Despite its calm state, will aggressively meet any threat to its leader with the help of his abilities.
• 777082 | Card - Iron Guard of the Chaos Altar. His armor will protect the Chaos Altar from any attack.
• 777083 | Card - Berhu of the Chaos Altar. This formidable shaggy creature will fulfill any order of his master.
• 777339 | Card - Golem Guardian. This ancient guardian of the earth was found among the remains of mighty punishers. He was restored with the help of the defiled earth magic of the Moon Tooth shamans and solar power of the Black Star priests to protect the entrance to the Sun Temple of Eternal Sleep.
• 777340 | Card – Darkfang. The ancient warrior Angren, brought back to life by the Inexorable League and received dark powers, is ready to fiercely defend her masters.
• 777341 | Card - Nex of Enoch. The formidable big Nex is the lord of the swamps desecrating the lands of Enoch with his mushroom spores. Any living creature being near him falls under the influence of his toxic poisons.
• 777342 | Card – Sunlight. A crazy elven priest performing rituals to protect his chambers with the help of an army of musical cavies.
• 777320 | Card - Sun Temple Combat Mage. This battle mage skillfully wielding natural and dark magic protects the Sun Temple of Eternal Sleep.
• 777321 | Card - Sun Temple Guardian. If the guardian turned his back on you, it does not mean that he did not see you.
• 777322 | Card - Sun Temple Mage Guard. These soldiers are the protectors of the Sun Temple of Eternal Sleep.
• 777323 | Card - Sun Temple Devourer Soldier. An elite soldier. He is strong in mind and body. Enhanced with solar magic.
• 777324 | Card - Mutated Angren Warrior. A strong mighty warrior. Do not underestimate him in battle
• 777325 | Card - Mutated Angren Hunter. A secretive forest hunter defending his territory.
• 777326 | Card - Mutated Angren Priest. Despite the fact that he is a priest, he can teach you a harmful lesson
• 777327 | Card - Mutated Entling. The mutating caretaker of the forests, awakened from eternal sleep
• 777328 | Card - Mutated Jyr'na Druid. He heals his comrades with his magical abilities.
• 777329 | Card - Mutated Jyr'na Scout. Don't run away from him. His swift arrows will overtake you.
• 777330 | Card - Mutated Jyr'na Guard. A guardian who poses a threat to anyone who attacks him.
• 777331 | Card - Mutated Temple Demon Weed. The mutated flower spreads accelerating decay into the surrounding lands
• 777332 | Card - Mutated Temple Giant Mantis. A mutated mantis inhabiting the Sun Temple of Eternal Sleep. Eats everything in its path.
• 777333 | Card - Mutated Temple Carnivorous Plant. A fetid carnivorous creature feeding on carrion.
• 777334 | Card - Mutated Temple Pukari. Look around. This creature is perfectly camouflaged.
• 777456 | Card - Temple Naga Patrol. Having found the intruder, he attacks. Without hesitation, he announces the alarm.
• 777457 | Card - Temple Supply Naga. Naga responsible for the equipment of the new Pantheon squad
• 777458 | Card - Temple Naga Warrior. A warrior can easily deal with someone who attacks him. He skillfully wields his naga blades.
• 777459 | Card - Temple Naga Guard. A guardian who in many ways surpasses the people of the unshakable league
• 777460 | Card - Temple Naga Assassin. They are lying in wait for the target in the corridors of the New Pantheon.
• 777461 | Card - Temple Naga Mage. Representatives of the Naga new pantheon using the power of fire
• 777462 | Card - New Pantheon Demon Soldier. His intimidating appearance symbolizes his strength.
• 777463 | Card - New Pantheon Butcher. The butcher executioner. Won't let you pass by.
• 777464 | Card - New Pantheon Snake Demon. This lizard-like creature will slay any target to the ground.
• 777465 | Card - New Pantheon Tentaclion. A demon created with Naga fire magic and dark forces of the Inexorable League. His sharp claws can pierce through you
• 777466 | Card - New Pantheon Guardsman. Guardian of the New Pantheon. They are the best warriors of the Inexorable League.
• 777467 | Card - New Pantheon Combat Mage. He can destroy his enemy with the help of dark magic obtained from the Soulless One.
• 777468 | Card - New Pantheon Mage Guard. A well-trained combat mage. Protects the New Pantheon.
• 777469 | Card - New Pantheon Researcher. They are very careful. They are conducting research that will help strengthen the nag.
• 777470 | Card - New Pantheon Devourer Soldier. An elite soldier of the Inexorable League, who received demonic powers
• 777031 | Card – Conrack. Protects the entrance to the Inferno of Divinity, using the power of fire received from the fire titans.
• 777033 | Card – Sigurd. An ancient mighty knight using illusion magic.
• 777034 | Card – Surt. An ancient fire titan wielding blood magic. Having lost his sword, he is forced to serve Loki.
Merry Christmas to all from Fiaso
Wish you brightness,
Happy moments,
Merry meetings,
Good luck always.
Lots of friends
And lots of joy.
Live with hope,
Shine, enjoy.
And let your life
Will be like a sun.
Marry Christmas. Congrats.
Live with faith, have a fun.
Яркой жизни я желаю,
И моментов лишь счастливых,
Встреч, что счастьем окрыляют,
Удача пусть не ходит мимо.
Друзей много настоящих,
Радости тебе желаю,
Живи с надеждой и блестяще,
Каждым днем лишь наслаждаясь.
Жизнь, как солнце, пусть сияет,
В сердце настоящей веры,
С Рождеством я поздравляю,
Всех благ тебе лишь, непременно.
Halloween come to my house
Hellish Halloween Party
Witches , ghosts,
We'll create a skull from a pumpkin -
Congratulations to you !
We'll go under the window,
Just don't be scared,
We're going to get some goodies -
Get ready with us !
Адский праздник Хэллоуин
Ведьмы , привидения,
С тыквы череп создадим -
Вам для поздравления !
Под окошко подойдем,
Только не пугайтесь,
За гостинцами идем -
С нами собирайтесь !
Best regards, Fiaso
Best Regards Fiaso
Home is where thoughts rest,
Where they do not "take out the brain" and do not scream,
And love neither "for nothing", but "because",
And they are also happy - "just like that."
Дом там, где отдыхают мысли,
Где не «выносят мозг» и не кричат,
И любят ни «за что», а «потому что»,
И радуются тоже - «просто так».