Posts by Tutubr

    I don't play for a long time, so I can't remember how to do it. How can add stats from a rune like Miracle X to a Purified mana stone? Can I do that? Sorry, can't really remember how to add runes to create mana stones. I'd appreciate it if anyone could help me.

    Thank you for your answer. I sent a msg to the support to ask about spirit mages. They used to sell fusion stones at Varanas. Now Odeley Prole in Lost Island of Atlantis in city.
    As about fun and Diamonds, I liked very much prices and how much you can get with only one Diamond at the shop.
    I don't play this game since 2010, so I don't remember where Npcs are. I do remember quests and zones, but I am kind of lost, still.
    Sorry for my english =)
    Have a wonderful week!

    Hey guys,
    I am Brazilian and used to play ROM at the beginning, back in 2009.
    After a year playing, Frogster decide block Ips from outside US and I could not use my account.
    Now I went to log in and realized that they just deleted my whole account, without any warning. And account full of excellent stuff and all my skills at max.
    This game is so very cool and I would like to know first:
    If there are Spirit Mages still, second.. can I have alts?, and last one, how much dias can I buy with PNC?
    Thank you all and GG.