What you did with this patch really is alienated all your free to play players. And as much as I understand that you earn from those who pay you must also realize that if all free to play players go, this server will hold just a few paying players and since they're not always gonna be on at the same time they will lack free to play players in their possible groups and the game will die out.
What I mean is, even though you do not profit from free to play players you should concentrate on those the most because when they go, the game will die.
Posts by kad3t
Thanks! That's what I was afraid. So no point stating a bow then.
I've noticed a M/W with a bow in a bow slot. Can I put a stated bow in that slot if I'm a W/M or do I have to be W/M/S? Also if I'm W/M/S and have a bow in that slot and are switched to W/M are the stats actually active? Do they count towards my total stats on that character or only when I'm using S side?
Orion Moon Jewels would be extra cool.
Moon Jewel - Orion, ID: 243917
Advanced Moon Jewel - Orion, ID: 243920
Moon Jewel - Orion Master, ID: 243923 -
Hey everyone!
forum: kad3t
in-game: Shadowcat
My name's Blaze and I'm from Poland. Though I moved a lot over the years so you could say that I'm from Europe and that would most likely be more accurate. First time I sunk for countless months in Runes of Magic was back in the day when it was originally released by Frogster in Europe. My character's name was Inouemao and I played on Macantaht. I initially chose M/P and for a while it worked quite well, eventually switched to M/W to optimize my burst damage output. I worked on that character for for few years eventually grinding my way to top three mages on the server. I stayed in top 5 on various spots for another year or so until I quit the game. Why? I can't quite tell you, perhaps I've switched jobs and needed more time for the new one, or moved or just real life got in the way - it's quite difficult to pinpoint the exact reason now.
Years passed and I've grown hungry for that MMO high that you get working your way through new instances, learning the boss patterns, dying countless times just one hit away from downing "that" boss... I'm sure that you know exactly what I mean. But no other MMO I tried could just do it for me and scratch that itch. Tera and Neverwinter were probably the ones I spent most time with but no more than few months at each and I never felt the connection with them and their communities. There was just nothing like RoM.
And that's how we find ourselves here and now. Chronicles of Arcadia. The Runes of Magic game, that original Runes of Magic never managed to mature into. It's bigger than I could ever hoped for and the level 80 event is just massively helpful for someone who's not entirely new to the game but a coming back player. Granted, first day here proved that I've forgotten more than I could believe but both other players and surprisingly (at least to me as I still remember those working for Froggy) GMs were incredibly helpful. They answered all my seemingly stupid questions and done it patiently and thoroughly. And I can promise you that after such a long break I had plenty of stupidly simple and obvious (it seems) questions to ask. And I still do but at least now I know that I will get my answers. It's been little over a week since I'm here, my tiny W/M - 81/80 (and M/W as I plan to rock as both) - might not be the force to be reckoned with just yet but is showing a lot of promise and it's a lot of fun learning the ropes again.I know it was supposed to be a short story but ocean of above words aside I can tell you one thing - it was hella worth coming back! Chronicles of Arcadia thanks to the community and devs who seem to working for the gamers and not against them seems to be my new permanent place to be! All I gotta do now is gear up, find a nice guild that would take my under their wing and help to grow and I'll be able to start crushing them instances like a champ! Or being crushed by them, either way seems like fun.
I've been playing as W/M here on CoA and M/W back in the days of original RoM.
I'd like to be able to get to a competitive level play as in being able to run most if not all of the instances. I understand that it takes time and my slowly leveling 80/80 W/M (and M/W as I plan to play as both) will need to grind a lot and possibly spend a little but to do so I need some clear targets to aim for. Gear targets that is.
So, after this insanely and needlessly long explanation this is my question:
What are the best in-slot items (weapons, armor and jewelry) and where to get them for both W/M and also M/W. I understand that both wear cloth now but it seems unlikely that both would use exactly the same gear. If they do - even better, saves me time and work.If there are 2nd best I wouldn't mind learning about those either as the road to top gear is no doubtfully difficult and time-consuming.
If any of you kind souls have the necessary knowledge and wouldn't mind sharing it here with me (and others interested), I would be forever grateful!
Edit: just to clarify I'm talking end game gear.
Ps. It's great to be back in RoM after soooo many years. It seems it's the only MMO I can find myself in and enjoy it thoroughly.
It sounds a bit odd, a Warrior in cloth gear but from the monetary/grind point of view it would be good to have one set of gear for both sides of my W/M.
Thanks! -
Thanks a lot for the replies, guys! It seems that I'd made a good choice going for the W/M which will give me decent DPS output whilst I still would be able to switch to my favorite from back then M/W. I loved it cause of all the rotations and time it took to master it. Some said that mages were just spamming flame but those who were doing just that and nothing more were never very good. That said, correct me if I'm wrong in interpreting what melodic said but does the W/M wear Cloth and not Chain at endgame? o_O
Also, did any of you ever dabbled in W/M and can suggest skills I should invest in?
I mean, I've read two below articles to sorta figure out what my TP spread on both sides should be but they don't tackle skills deeply. And I'm not sure how up to date they are in 2019...
I wonder if I'll find any old friends from Macantaht here or is it just me not being able to enjoy any other MMO since RoM. xD
I was wondering since I'm new to CoA (not new to RoM, more like a coming back to it), subjectively speaking what are the highest DPS classes combinations?
I found this:
I'm not sure though how well it translates into CoA. When I last played on Macantaht many years ago W/M was the highest outputing DPS. I played M/W back then and I was quite happy with my burst DPS as I was third best mage on the server for quite a while.So, can anyone add their 3 cents to it?