Posts by espartano

    I´ll use a bit of humor to explain the situation (dont fell offended pls)

    Hi all, what happened to the chain classes?

    Warden, Warrior, Champ, all nerf

    These classes only work for support: Champ/dudu, Warrior/scout

    Classes like Warrior/mage, Warden/druid and Champ/bard as a magical dps?

    Why dont modify the mage/champ, mage/warrior, mage/warden to be physical dps too?

    Nerf like :

    Warrior: Reduced Frenzy cooldown to 3 minutes from 5, reduced attack speed gain to 8% from 16%, increased duration to 30 seconds from 25. (16% to 8% really? :D).

    Changed Berserk to provide 26.2% physical damage instead of physical attack. (we can only use STR stat on the gear, we are not rogue or scout XD ).

    #Dont kill the chain classes

    I dont think so, the balance is not even close to ending, in fact i dont think it will ever end.

    For example for the mage there are 9 combinations, but only 2 or 3 are used.

    The other combinations are not used for obvious reasons, little damage compared to the most used classes.

    The same thing happens with the other classes, the player who is dps will look for the best class, but if 99% of the server use the same 3 classes, its is because there is no balance.

    Surely someone will say " in my guild there is a friend who use mage priest and does a lot of dps", but that friend when he goes to a mixed party will use (mage scout) (mage rogue) (mage warden), and what about the other combinations?

    And this is just one example, but will also have the 9 combinations of (rogue, scout, warden, warlock, champ, warrior, priest, druid, knigth). Think about this, of these named classes why only 2 or 3 are used?.

    I think there is still a lot of work to do, not only in increasing the damage to skills (for class combinations thare are not used), i also think that some skills should be modified to do something completely different, make interesting.

    I understand that the developers worked a lot until today and the effort is appreciated, but please dont close the balance yet, there is much more to do. Thank you

    I would like to suggest that the developers implement a Test Server

    What characteristics should it have?

    1) All players can access.

    2) Use the Rofl npc to buy golden gear and weapons.

    3) Open that server only 2 days a week.

    4) Perfom all class balance on that server, and finally when it is finished, execute it on the official server.

    5) Stop class balancing and focus on creating a test server.

    This balance will not end if we continue on the same path, in the future we will have a SW patch and possibly a new instance. Let´s imagine the mess it would be if there is no Test Server to see these change before

    When there is a lot of confusion , people will not invest money and time in the game.

    These are just ideas, but i hope everyone can seriously collaborate with other ideas to make this Test Server and end with that class balance that has been present for more than a year. Sorry for my english and Thank you.

    I've been seeing how this general damage reduction goes, rather remember that you have new players who are arming slowly, not the same speed as someone who buys diamonds and can quickly arm themselves with gold, it would be better to increase the difficulty of the rolf instance, increasing statistics to the bosses or add something additional so that it does not affect those who have just started, realize that there are people with effort farm and now they cannot simply as an example before a friend could make grotto (normal) the first boss now cannot even do it, And that frustrates, it would be nice to have a solution, the nerf and buffeting of classes is something that must happen from time to time since if the game wants to stay alive it has to exist, but just think not only of the endgame players if not the that they are still beginning that they are striving.

    I agree with you, but you know what? . Those some players who make Grotto need to come to the forum and write it, as long as they dont appear here they will be invisible to the rest.

    It is sad but that´s the way it is, if they dont claim anything they will not be listened to.

    So please invite them to participate in the forum, they also have the right to express their opinions.

    If the new players participate in the forum it will be better, because the developers will hear other voices and we can make a balance server for everyone.

    (creo que tu hablas español, así que te lo diré mas resumido, si solamente viene uno solo a reclamar, pasaran de uds, deben venir todos y expresarse, estoy seguro que tienen reclamos e ideas para aportar, pero deben venir todos para ser escuchados)

    Good morning, I want to propose a solution so that all players can farm DN stones.

    Many complaints have come to developers about players entering with twins and closing DN in 10 min.

    The team made the decision to put a 3-day cd to the characters who closed DN. That worked, at least for a while.

    But those same players have created more characters in different accounts and they close it again every 6 hours, making it impossible for the others to be able to farm stones. That's why the solution of a 3-day CD is no longer effective.

    The solution I want to propose is:

    • keep the cd for 3 days to players who close DN
    • If someone closes DN, it does not affect the other players, kicking them out of the instance. They will be able to continue farming as many times as they want, but the boss Fydolax will not appear, only the 4 mini-boss will appear to farm stones.

    We will see what happend, until now there have always been a variety of magic class in rofl, Mage/champion, Mage/scout, Mage/warden, Warlock/warden, Druid/rogue.

    We hope to continue seeing those class, becacuse if after the patch we will only see warlock/warden and scout/warlock this class balance will no make sense, we will going back a year ago where players used only 2 magic class like warrior/mage and warlock/champ

    Im not asking that the plate tank be the "best dps or healer". I only make a suggestion to make a gear (plate gear) more usefull, like all the others classes. There are other games where this works, just have to know how to implement well. I understand thay you are against mixing up gears and roles, but they wont go back and erase everything, but if we continue along this path, there will be forgotten class like Plate tank, wheres it is not necessary to use it, because you have other more useful combinations, like chain gear class or leather gear class

    Can you improve the "plate" class ?

    Im very happy that the healers now do dps, but dont forget the "Plate Class" like the knight, give it more utility than just receiving hits.

    Use the Hp or Stamina to transform it into physical or magic attack or maybe wisdom.

    Its would be nice to have a plate gear and use it as a healer or dps