Posts by jere32810


    We will figure it out soon I guess 😐



    Just wondering what will happend with people that can’t afford gold gear? A full group of gorge geared ppl will be able to clean rofl like they should ?? Maybe some players need it more difficult to enjoy it (easy when you use 3kk dias gear) but what about low geared ppl that already don’t do much dps? They will just quit the game, then CoA will die just as any other server did. RIP CoA?

    For my parts, I think donating here isn’t safe anymore because I feel like this server is going nowhere and slowly dying.

    What about PVP patch instead of destroying every PVE class combo while trying to do balances?

    My last questions : do you even ever tried to play before doing changes ? Becaus some of them make no sense to me. Nerfing classes that already sucks...
