Posts by Narasch

    I didn't know that someone in this game forces someone to buy something: D Everyone can get items the way they like, if someone wants to and has someone to get it with, if someone has no one and wants to buy it, he will buy it. Everyone decides for himself and it should stay that way

    ofc nobody is forced. :) But I like stuff that's unique to the character, something that you can't just buy if you're rich enough. Let's wait for the details though

    when you want unique stuff by a unicorn and let us buy the new ini stuff XD

    I for one am happy about stuff you actively have to farm yourself. Buying in everything is lame. Maybe the Artefacts will be a little bit like Cenedrils: Parts are buyable, parts are only farmable.

    I didn't know that someone in this game forces someone to buy something: D Everyone can get items the way they like, if someone wants to and has someone to get it with, if someone has no one and wants to buy it, he will buy it. Everyone decides for himself and it should stay that way

    Yeah pls patch in that this kalin loot and artefacts are unbound, that i can buy it and dont need to run this <3

    Maybe the best idea is change alls support classes like the heals that they need good gear too to play the class so that wl/mage scaling on int champ/druid and champ/priest maybe on wis or str the scout/priest support can scaling on dex and the warriort/priest support scaling on str i think that would be nice and a good dmg nerv over all


    Wir suchen, für Unsere Gilde, Unterstützung in Form von allen Klassen und Rassen ;)

    Kurz zu uns:

    Wir sind derzeit eine Kleine Gruppe, wo der Spaß im Mittelpunkt steht.
    Aus dem aktuellen Content haben wir alles bis einschlieslich Rofl clear.

    Das jeweile Real Life steht natürlich im Vordergrund weswegen wir nicht böse sein werden wenn man mal hier und da ob kurz oder lang ausfällt :)

    Was wir erwarten:

    - Konstruktive Kritik sollte man vertragen können ^^
    - Man sollte ein Grundverständniss seiner Klasse haben
    - Eine gewisse regelmäßige Aktivität sollte vorhanden sein.

    - Das Nutzen von TeamSpeak sollte kein Problem darstellen

    Sofern Interesse besteht und Fragen oder Ähnliches existieren,
    meldet euch Ingame bei mir: Antichrist

    einen Schönen Tag gewünscht
    und vllt hört man sich ja mal ;D


    My idea is to rework the openworld events that ppl they farm a lot can get any usefull items/cores/fragments or maybe some other rly usefull stuff for energy of justice.

    So the open world zones get more attention again and player have one more option to farm something solo or duo

    Best regards Narsch


    My idea is do a Guild Castle skin thats look like the Atlas Castle

    Maybe you can do this skin Expencive but bring in a npc who will give you a little extra buff like haidon (maybe 2% for all atributes) for Guilds that get the new skin.

    When there is a way you can insert a way to craft with coin/cores items That you need to upgrade the Castle to this skin

    best regards Narasch

    Hello all,

    I have a Little idea for the Guild castle billboard quest.

    it would be nice to upgrade the oldone or geht a 4th board with new quest.

    my idea is to do quests in there where you need to kill bosses in the custom inis like cl,Hos,Dl hardmode , tikal, inferno , gorge, and that you become some guildmats they usefull for the standard at this sever like 5-10k rubis/guildrunes/guildstones or other guild mats.

    I hope you like the suggestion and bring in some suggest from you ;).

    Best regards Narasch