Posts by North

    First of all, I'd like to say that Rogue is my favorite class and I'd like to thank you for the idea of balancing. I'd like for all classes to have some advantages unique to them so that we can see those classes being played more often. Though I'm well aware it would take awhile to implement this kind of change to the game. With that being said I really don't like the idea of a class, Rogue to be more precise, having one too OP(R/WD) class combo and relatively so-so few other class combos. R/WL was relatively a good alternative to R/WD but now it's just R/WD and R/WD is kind of optimized for chain. Compared to the leather wearing combos there are already quite a few chain combos. Of course you can always play with leather armor but to be honest it'd be quite disappointing to play only /good/ Rogue class combo that's optimized for chain with leather. Please bring more balance into rogue class combos. Because as it is right now it seems Rogue players with leather gears seem to have a few choices. Either start playing scout or just stick with R/Wd with leather.

    I also fully agree with Ravinious. Leather wearing classes need more identity. We are /especially/ lacking that in rogue. When there are already so few class combos for leather wearing rogues that perform decently, nerfing one badly seems quite bad in taste.

    Best Regards.

    *I'd develop a more minigame like instance - Like the Ancient Treasure Hunt but more like an instance? So that way new players would have a chance at gearing up as much as others.

    *I also have the idea of something like a Welcoming Commitee. It's basically Master&Apprentice relationship but better.

    *Also I have this idea of making Armor Crafting& Tailoring better so that it's possible to gear up better if your craftmanship is enough.

    *I would also find a way to make people clear older instances again, I know lots of people like them. But I would try to find a way to make them more.. let's say. explorable? (It could be a coin per dungeon per day or something like that and you could buy things with these coins.)

    *I would make a title for lets say, getting %25 of the titles and then an another title for 50% and an another title for 75% and finally an another title for 100%.

    *Also I'd fix that dmg bug because its driving me crazy LOL.

    Of course all of these ideas are lacking and i know that these wouldnt be possible all in one day plus there is a lot to think about them but i liked brainstorming. I'm def looking forward to see what kind of stuff you all come up with, cheers. :D