Heyho, I think Hurricane is realy great atm, i think maximum a bit buff enough for it, like 250->275% not more, the real problem with it, the small range. So sad you need to go almost melee as a scout just to use it, so i think increase the range, the rest is fine in my eye.
Posts by aeronbrown
Thanks for clarify, I got it now.
Can you provide any details about the previous suggestions also ? (distant dmg single target runes & Target Area disable effect.
Duck -
Hello Ikaria,
I know, but its Already 5 second and its global for all skill as how i know. If you check the picture its show only Piercing arro have 20sec cooldown my others skills no.
I found a bug, what happen sometimes in orkham at color boss. Sometimes reflect shot(id: 499535) and piercing arrow(id: 493008) cd increased over the normal: https://gyazo.com/6c4795316651d1684b43d591296f0f44
it was 20 sec when its happen, but i was slow when take screenshot faster.
Duck -
Its just a small suggestion from me. Change Target Area (id: 490464) to just lose effectiveness if you have 0 focus instead of deactivate. Its so annyoing when its off every time when you change weapon, even more before boss fights.
Nuke -
Its just a small suggestion from me:
To increase range for scout its probably not the right way with the current inis / events because the most of times you never been in max distance. So my suggestion is, change Abbey rune (distance: 30 Ranged Weapon Range)
Gyazogyazo.comsomething useable like: +10-12% Distant Damage (single target) same like title: Separation Anxiety (Id: 532345)
Duck -
Nice guide :O
A bit suggestion for druid/mage:
This class is well on aoe, but absolutly terrible in single target, so my suggestion is to change:
Rockslide (ID: 493543) to a nongcd instant dmg spell
My suggestions for make b/d playable:
1, Tempo (id: 1491103) make usable with staff
2, Incredible Riff (id: 1491390) reduce the area dmg reducation from 90% -> 50%
Little suggestion for m/s:
Reduce Shot cooldown by 0.5 sec (id: 499598)
My suggestion for warlock:
- Change weakening weave curse (ID: 497959) to instant spell and raise cooldown from 4 to 10 sec.
- add extra effect to 104 iss: Provide 10%(or 5% + magical crit rate) dark dmg for 10 second, raise cooldown from 40 to 50 sec.
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