how does 1 have over 180% treasure chance but only gets a treasure 1/150 ?
Posts by playboy
why the drop rate is low or non existent. since patch i've fished for hours and only drop is scroll in bottle x24 and nothing else. i saw others in world saying the ssame thing.
is there a purpose after lvl 100 because i cant find one.
yeah it still happens to me too
are all bugs related to addons ?
i stil get the backports and standing stil with no npcs around for 15-20 secs.
it's not my internet all other games work fine.
its more than warlock, it happens on mage also.
i did a integrity report. i deleted and re downloaded the game.
i think i did all that was asked for me to do and still a lot of error messages.
at this point i think i need support to go into my game and roll me back about a week so i can get all my macros and KC's and everything else back.
my game is unplayable atm and it's been that way for the last few days.
it happens to me also.i was told it was one of my i lost all my KC's.
i took out everything and it still does it.
now i have to start from scratch with an unfamiliar KC.
i don know if i matters but on M/B should eruption be changed since here is no more flame ? also should fireball be changed o do poison dmg ?
arcane transmutors pls
i would like to see a revamp of B/P .
i like the support skills but would like to see a couple aoe skills and some stronger burst/single target skills
oh ok thank you
not fully understanding of how this works, i know its for all classes i just put in warlock cuz it was quickest
- The Scales of Justice will modify Damage Dealt, Damage Taken, Hitpoints and Healing Taken depending on class combination.
Main Class Sub Class Damage Dealt Damage Taken HP Healing Taken Warlock Champion -40% 20% -40% -20% Warlock Knight 15% 20% -30% -20% Bard Scout -15% -10% / -30% Scout Bard -25% / / / -
sounds like easy fixes
i too would like to see a little buff on D/WL D/R
how about raising dmg on wands to make it playable again maybe from 62% to 75%.
just a thought but how about increasing the amount of psi a warlock can carry like instead of 6 psi make it 12.
i know some classes don't ever have to worry about running out of psi,but just like knowledge acquisition replenishes focus for 2 mins maybe a similar skill for psi .
like i said just a thought .
its broken or me
please make surge of awareness a non casting kill.
would also like to see warlocks get a boost for using wands.
magical classes have a lot of casting and in burst some warlock classes takes too long, thats why you only see ppl play wl/s as dps(you might see a wl/w or wl/r ) but in my belief to balance classes means all classes as much as possible.. i know you guys are trying and i applaud your efforts.
a i said in other thread i think your road would be a lot easier if all classes got elite kills 80-90-100
would like to see M/B get an aoe skill similar to B/M's fire nova also fiery song extraction should not be a casting kill and should get a little boost and also raise the magical dmg from 12% to 15% for the duration .
also most of all classes you ask feedback on i think you can probably solve some if you give classes elite skills 80-90 and maybe up to 100.
also imho you should consider giving all magical classes a wand boost either passive, elite or from iss.
i too dont understand the logic behind these changes(nerfs).
a little more clarity goes a long way
why ask for us to do a poll on the changes we want ? and it FEELS like you ignore some in game issues.
dont get me wrong i bet it takes a lot of work to maintain everything as a whole, but a little more info can give us(me) a little more understanding on why nerfs keep happening.i for one dont like to build gear up just to watch my dmg drop lol.
but maybe it's just me
badge of the warrior in HH pls
i would like focus character to show all the buffs it provides on buff bar
Changed Surge of Awareness to be applied to pet of target too if it exists
i would like it if you could make it non casting
can someone breakdown " quality of life changes " for me ?
because those seem like that should be a given that just goes along with the game unless im missing something lol
the bleed from shadowstab does no work id#490306.
after several attempts on different mobs it doesnt show
would like badge of the warrior to be implemented into the item shop please
i dont think anyone runs AA