I personally don't like the change that the warmage skill "Electrical Rage" is now a cast.
The fact that it's a cast really don't feel good in the gameplay and you can't make an autoattack while you cast the skill.
Also the range of it is only 50 so you can't use it while you are running to the next mob.
Also there is a problem with the aoe-skills which all costs percentage mana and doesn't make really fun.
I know that there are heals which can restore mana but you run out of mana way too fast.
At the moment nobody plays warmage so maybe it would be nice if the skill "Electrical Rage" will be a non-gcd-skill.
In big pulls the warmage is fast out of mana so maybe you could remove the percentage mana cost of the skill "Whirlwind" or change the costs to less than 5%.
Maybe with these changes the warmage will be playable.