Revenant u can said what u want rly
r/p is strongest rogue atm and he is rly behind mages champs or warden
rogue soon will end like scout scout in pt? hmm only support or u must make EQ like Lutine or Cruvor (2 tier better than good mage) if u wanna deal equal dmg its just not fair bcs they nerf all the time rogue
who need nerf right now? in my opinion all aoe class like m/s m/wd ch/m but for sure not rogue
bcs for now in random from last 2 week i never saw r/ch r/d r/wrl r/wd r/m only r/p and maybe 2 times r/w and they are behind mage in 95% situation
and its not all if u wanna play the best rogue in my opinion(who is behind good cloth or chain class) r/p u have sick mana usage
srsly this tell a lot
random no r/ch r/d r/wrl r/wd r/m no scouts
if they are good why ppl dont wanna play them
soon r/p end like r/s