Posts by Sypereth


    I'm old RoM player who is starting on this server.
    I'm looking for casual and friendly english speaking guild. Curently I'm trying out wd/w (104/104) dps but am also open for some other combos and roles since haven't started gearing up yet.

    Altho I'm old RoM player I'm new to this server so I don't really know how everything works here yet but looking forward to finding out .

    That's more or less everything for now.

    If anyones interested in recruiting my ign is Sypereth or you can send me pm here.

    Ty in advance!

    If I was a Dev for one day I would:

    - fix the crashing issues and bugs

    - update the graphics to be more "up to date"

    - try to balance the class combos so PvP would be more interesting and fun to play

    - bring SW out of beta

    - boost Honor Points gained from Drill Ground

    - change character creation a little (add hight restrictions and separate facial hairs from faces, also put some better hairstyles etc..)

    - maybe add a new race (whitefurs for example since they have starting zone or half dragon one that gets its own starting zone)

    - slightly change housing system (either to make every house like a mini zone of its own so u have the garden and a house or just put few more housing contracts in and add at least 10 more free house spaces)

    - put in option to create ur own housemaids since the ones u can hire sometimes look ridiculus

    - put in instance gathering system (something like instances in which u gather materials to level it up faster and at the end have a boss that drops some nice recepies)

    - add some new usefull crafting recepies (since I was told only cooking and alchemy are worth doing) to help new players gear up

    - implent function that displays all quests in the world (even the ones that are low level) and function to turn on and off display of certain quest genres (like daily quests, public quests..)

    - add xp/tp to public EoJ quests so they are more worthwhile

    - add hardmode to low level instances and some new gears that goes with them (if nothing else to have a good visuals) so people actually run them more

    - put in better dungeon queue system

    - add better rewards to minigames like AA and that horse race which seems fun but noones doing it

    This is more or less all I can think off at the moment.

    Hope that if nothing else it gives u some ideas that u can work on and posibly put in game in the future!




    Since the new patch I spoted some displaced fireworks around zones that has something to do with Snowflake festival.

    This is one image for u to see what I mean:

    Hope these help u guys, Cheers!

    I'm an old RoM player who just started playing on this server.
    I'm looking for a nice, friendly guild which doesn't run only end game content but also lower level inis and title runs, like Anselve or Hillarzu. I'm playing w/k (curently 80/65) and just starting Morroks and Tonis questlines.
    Later on im also interested in SWs and all other things that game has to offer.
    Altho I'm old RoM player I'm new to this server so I don't really know how everything works here yet but looking forward to finding out .
    That's more or less everything for now.

    If anyones interested in recruiting my ign is Sypereth or you can send me pm here.

    Ty in advance!