Posts by Remaxan

    Bagde of the Worldwide Fame, Aged Realgar Wine, Egg Rice Dumplings, Featured Cuisine Delicacy, Everlasting Love Spiced Juice, Soulmate Mixed Dessert, Big Purified Packages, drill packages, house chests, equipment jewels (+6,+12,+20)

    After the changes introduced in the instance I am forced to say that I was disappointed. The monsters are dealing now too much damage, and we were only on way to the first boss! The changes are a big minus. Yes, some changes in the instance were required, but not such. Everyone, except for one guild who thought that the instance was too easy, wrote both on the game and on the forum that the instance was well done, only needed some minor corrections (of course, some pointed on forum on what you should focus), but in spite of all the instance changed.

    Before the changes, several smaller guilds, including mine, were able to make instance. I thought it was a good change, that smaller guilds could also challenge the new instance and not like it was on the gorge, that only the best guilds could do it. You made the wrong choice just as it was done to the legacy server (Insomnia) which may result in the outflow of many players. I understand that you want the instance to be enough for 2-3 years but this is a very bad approach! During this period, many players will get bored with the instance, which can result in the fact that they would stop playing. You don't want players to run away from the server, right?

    I think you should start listening to players feedback. If this were done, there would be no such controversial changes. Reconsider while adding new custom ini adding colored levels like in raksha temple (bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond). I hope you will think about the changes that have been made and the ones that are to be introduced.

    Pet amulets, guild resources, phirius potions, transport runes, Potent Luck Potion (202322)

    Mounts and skins have been added to IS

    enhancement potion, daily tickets, advanced bind lifters, some weapons skins, house contracts

    All costume packages have been added to IS

    If you are going to release nostalgia dungeons then it should be harder compare to what we have now (i mean hos and new released dl). It should be challenge to do it with our gear so we can feel how it was many years ago. (for example doing dl with lvl 55 gear). High hp don't compensate for low defense (not only bosses but also mobs in dungeon).

    I think if bosses and mobs had hp comparable to gorge and defense something between inferno and gorge it would be great. Cards are good addition to dungeon so this change is good but they shouldn't drop too easy. Dungeon should have tactics, even if they would be reworked because current tactics was created many years ago and can be outdated or not working as they should.

    And at last stats and equipment. Now equipment that drop from bosses is from normal mode. Looking at cl we should get some new eq, comparable to tikal/inferno/gorge or something between two dungeons, so we can have varied options. Stats which drop are from hos (arcadia stats). I think there should be unique stats for each ini so we can have many different stats and choice what we want use and what we dont want. They don't have to be purple stats like on hos but should be enough good to reward our effort for finishing dungeon.

    Badge of the Worldwide Fame, Knowledge Gem, Big Purified Package, Arcane Transmutor Charges, minigames reset tickets, Power Up Pill - Level 80, Shint's Secret Intelligence (ID: 213009), drill packages, equipment jewels (+6,+12,+20), transformation potions

    Guild resources (wood, herb, ore), big purified packages, drills, TP Runes