Posts by Tyrvana

    Honestly don't get why there is 1 thread that pretty much is short & well-written like this. E.G how many quests there are to get x amount of classes up depending on X and Y situations e.g boosting to 80 or leveling all from scratch right.

    I do have a relatively accurate understand on how many quests there are that gets you to 104 "Max level".

    Was thinking of making a guide regarding just the leveling, how many quests there are and about how many classes you can get to X level depending on X situations and do's & don't's.

    I feel like after so long there should be some form of go-to/information, however its all scattered around and half of it doesn't make sense. If we combine all the information out there, add it to the wiki and eventually a Starters Guide for fresh players on the leveling, professions, Instances, World content, Diamonds, Gold, Stats and so on. I might or might not write a guide, just depends if my depression kicks in and i lose interest and quit.