Posts by Silence

    Hi nadana,

    thank you for your help.
    I allready found this link by my own but it seems not correct:

    CritResist = 60 * (Target's Level) + 600
    In my example it would be 60 * 75 + 600 = 5100 not 4000

    CRate > CResist / 2 =100 * [(CRate) - (CResist) / 4 ] / (CRate)
    In my example it would be 100 * (5869 - 4000) /4 / 5869 = 7.96%

    Even if i use the calculated critresistence and not the real one:
    100 * (5869-5100) /4 /5869 = 3.28%


    Dear community,
    I am currently playing scout/rogue on Insomnia and im wondering how crit - crit rate - crit resistence is working.

    Of course i know crit is a little bit luckbased but still over 10 runs "Aeternal Circle" my skills crit around 30-40%.
    The first boss in this dungeon should have 4.000 crit resistence.
    I have fullburst 6.712 (81,68%) crit rate and offburst still 5.869 (79,05%) crit rate.
    I am level 72 and the boss is level 75.
    We had no crit resistence reduciton (wl/m or s/wrd) in party.

    1. Does anybody know how exactly crit resistence influences my critrate?

    I know there are some soft and hardcaps for crit. Till 50% (37 crit = 1%) and around 75% (100 crit = 1%) you get less % critrate on same level per critpoint.

    2. Is my crit rate against a boss or a mop calculated by factoring critresistence and critpoints or is it calculated by comparing critresistence and % critrate?

    Would be nice if anybody can answer my question :thumbup:

    Silence :)