Posts by Assassincreed
a co do potworów w hoto to powiem tak 1,4kk ataku na bosach jest w 100% wystarczająco czyli jak masz odpal na atak to użyj dmg a jeśli chodzi o moby to po tym co widziałem maja mniej więcej 100-200k mniej niż na roflu…20na%20roflu&op=translate…20na%20roflu&op=translate -
for me the best is test like do 2x run with the same people rofl and 1 run go atack food next run go dmg and you will know wher is beter dmg wher is atack
and on next run you will know what you need use that i do
btw add GS too panteon stats red on mits right now is beter like stam/str rofl but have 0 point sad
like you see on screan shot must give 50% but give only 25% wrong somthink
Hello guys Guild Chichmont is looking for Heal (we prefer Priest) and warlock magic the language in Chichmont is Spanish Polish Turkish and English, but we all speak English on discord, if you are interested in our guild, I invite you to Whisper, see my nick on the cya forum in the game
in a whisper message you will get information about the drop breakdown innst hours and what conditions are there in the guildCześć chłopaki Gildia Chichmont szuka Heal (wolimy Priest) i czarnoksiężnika. Językiem w Chichmont jest hiszpański, polski, turecki i angielski, ale wszyscy mówimy po angielsku na discordzie, jeśli jesteś zainteresowany naszą gildią, zapraszam na szepta, zobacz mój nick na forum widzimy sie w grze;)
na szepcie dostaniesz informacje z podzialem dropu z godzina rozpoczecia sie gildyjnych runow i warunkami co i kiedy ci sie nalezy!!!
Hola chicos del Gremio de Chichmont en busca de una curación (preferimos un sacerdote) y un hechicero. El idioma en Chichmont es español, polaco, turco e inglés, pero todos hablamos inglés en discordia, si estás interesado en nuestro gremio, no dudes en susurrar, ver mi nick en el foro, nos vemos en el juego;)
en un susurro obtendrás información con el desglose de la caída, la hora en que comienza la ejecución del gremio y las condiciones de qué y cuándo se te debe
Merhaba arkadaşlar Guild Chichmont bir İyileştirme (biz Rahip'i tercih ediyoruz) ve bir büyücü arıyor. Chichmont'taki dil İspanyolca, Lehçe, Türkçe ve İngilizce'dir, ancak hepimiz anlaşmazlık halinde İngilizce konuşuyoruz, loncamızla ilgileniyorsanız, fısıldamaktan çekinmeyin, forumda takma adımı görün, oyunda görüşmek üzere;)
bir fısıltıyla düşüşün dökümü, lonca çalışmasının ne zaman başlayacağı ve neye ve ne zaman borçlu olduğunuza dair koşullar hakkında bilgi alacaksınız
btw for me all the magic class is same wl/s is like wl/ch m/s too m/ch too only 1 class is too strong for rofl is m/wd the aoe skill is too op like ch/m if you have on grup m/wd ch/m + 1 r/s on boss or r/ch you no need more dps for rofl only wl/m on suport tank and heal then 6 ppl on rolf is good for do fast full run if you change wl/s and m/wd m/s wl/wd and ch/d only change aoes skill nothink more will be all soo good but this is only me opinions and ppl who say he only see wl/wd he is wrong because more player play m/wd m/s
can someone explain how to respond aldo which stone is 1 which next together with the locations of stones what these red crystals mean around the stones to respaw the aldo and what how many can it be respawned
i will be soo happy to got this one because soo much ppl need title on aldo and thanks soo much if some on send here all
+ if some on can tell all taktic will be soo good -
Hi, I have to report another bug that is badly described or it is a bug and I mean the title for dark damage which, when used, gives you 4% dark damage, but if you have a badge level enough to raise it 100% more you do not get 8% only 20% at the bottom it gives a screen Regards: Assa
like you on screen on start without all title on dark dmg like you see i have 246% next only with dark dmg 256% and on next with up dark dmg title on title badge i have 266% then i not got 4 % on start i got 10% on next up next 10% then i got 20% more is like 12% more for free
PS; sorry for english :p -
Wybierz lepiej i mądrzej wybierz się do chichmont mamy 2x większe możliwości
maybe put recruit on world chat on 18-20 i mean 6-8 pm ( germany Time )
Good point
but for further posts I would recommend using more than only one sentence
However, your english improves with every post.
Thenks sooo much i try be good
and advice for cb is that at the beginning, as in every game, it is difficult, the basis is a well-chosen style of play or farming is not talking about farming anything just for the beginning brutnuch tierow good earnings 1 month is hard but you need 8 characters to get 91 lvl for kaslayan bottles and do 200 tokens daily, that's 100 top-ups, so every 2 days you have 800 top-ups 81 top-ups is the equivalent of 1 dirty t10 t calculate yourself but in my opinion, every 2 days you are able to take out about 600 dias times 15 let's say you have some dias and it's only 1 month after a month you buy pure stones from IS and multiply these dias from 1 month times 2-3 depends on how much you spend on clean and after 3 months you already have eq at the gorg 2 level of the latest instance but the base is 104/104 desirable sub classa a nice guild and alts are useful if you do not want to spend diasov on the start of adding weapons because the wheel every day something falls for free greetings, go ahead to me in the game the same nickname.
PS: sorry for english -
advice for cb is that at the beginning, as in every game, it is difficult, the basis is a well-chosen style of play or farming is not talking about farming anything just for the beginning brutnuch tierow good earnings 1 month is hard but you need 8 characters to get 91 lvl for kaslayan bottles and do 200 tokens daily, that's 100 top-ups, so every 2 days you have 800 top-ups 81 top-ups is the equivalent of 1 dirty t10 t calculate yourself but in my opinion, every 2 days you are able to take out about 600 dias times 15 let's say you have some dias and it's only 1 month after a month you buy pure stones from IS and multiply these dias from 1 month times 2-3 depends on how much you spend on clean and after 3 months you already have eq at the gorg 2 level of the latest instance but the base is 104/104 desirable sub classa a nice guild and alts are useful if you do not want to spend diasov on the start of adding weapons because the wheel every day something falls for free greetings, go ahead to me in the game the same nickname
quatron he mean just what he must to do on start to get diamonds and not be on game 24h like on oficial server
and he wanna get some player to tell him what he can do to get eq and dont lose soo much time!!!
a rada dla cb taka ze na poczatek jak w kazdej grze jest ciezko podstawa jest dobrze dobranego stylu gry czy to farmienia nie mowie o farmieniu byle czego tylko na poaczatek brutnuch tierow dobry zarobek 1 miesiac jest ciezki ale wystarczy ci 8 postaci wbic 91 lvl przenies je na butalki na kaslayan i robic dzienne 200 zetonow to 100 doladowan wiec co 2 dni masz 800 doladowan 81 doladowan to rownowartosc 1 brudnej t10 t oblicz juz sobie sam ale moim zdaniem co 2 dni jestes wstanie wyciagnac okolo 600 dias razy 15 powiedzmy to masz troche dias a to tylko 1 miesiac po miesiacu kupujesz z IS czyste kamienie i mnozysz te diasy z 1 miesiaca razy 2-3 zalezy ile wydasz na czyste i po 3 miesiacach masz juz eq na poziomie gorga 2 najnowszej instancji ale podstawa jest 104/104 pozadna sub classa fajna gildia i alty sa przydatne jak nie chcesz wydawac diasow na start na plusowanie broni bo z kola co dzienie cos wpada za free pozdrawiam jak cos wal smialo do mnie w grze taki sam nick -
this ability has a wrong description because it does not give you anything, neither life nor reduction of offenses, as if it simply did not work with disassembly or you can do something with it? -
widzę ze kolega nie zdecydowany to powodzenia w szukaniu
Zapraszam do chichmont szeptaj do mnie nazwa taka sama jak na forum
Hello what you think about all class warrior can use slash with 2h Hammer then we no need to get 2x weapon and will be nice if slash give Blood efect try do this.
PS. Sorry for English thanks
BTW why r/wd have elits too equip chain then maybe give on s/ch because scout have 1 subclaas with set skill too equip chain then more ppl will be play scout/chempion because this class is funy and have normal dps and no need next gear if you will do this will be soo nice to player.
PS.Sorry for me english -
litle too much gm on server srsly
hello Phaeri
(post must have 15 chars)