Can the Wabbit Mystery festival event only be completed once per character? Or is it once per day? Would be cool to have more chances at the gasha without making a ton of alts.
Posts by Heimdall
If possible, an item to automatically max weapon training level would be nice. It’s such a waste of time and power to leave the computer on. Think of it as being energy conscious
alternatively, an event to level them much much more quickly or even just higher level dummies would help. Just a thought
Would love to see that pet that gives 120% speed boost for an hour and mirrorworld resets go on sale. And daily quest tickets
My first attempt would be to call the skill twice in the following way (pseudo code, not home to look up syntax):
Soul poisoned fang = {not buff_id} — always use skill when no buff
Soul poisoned fang = {buff_id, DiyceTimer = “Soul Poisoned Fang} — use skill when buff, set timer value to desired refresh rateIf that doesn’t work there are other things you could try requiring actual programming but I wouldn’t bother lol
Yeah it’s a bummer I just missed the last dia sale. Oh well
There are problems with this in PVE, a lot of tactics and things don’t cleanse bosses so if dots are hitting harder you get a lot more potential for weird bugs when your dots tick on a boss when it’s supposed to be immune. In general dots are just super abusable in this game.
If you’re trying to make DoT classes more viable, maybe try a different way? Give damage modifiers to skills based on the dots on the boss (ala rogue SS->LB->WA combo). The real problem with magic classes is they rely on the casting time modifier for their skills to hit as hard as melee. I honestly think warlock is set up really well, they have all the self buffs and things all they need is 1 skill that has low cooldown and hits hard. Right now they build up all these great debuffs and then do nothing with them. If they add a skill that can only be used with 4 stacks of soul brand they can make it hit much harder without ruining pvp.
M/R is a better example of a DoT class, the elite skills all focus on dark damage and applying kiss of the vampire. But cursed fang does nothing to increase damage. Some of the elites though are pvp focused and a waste in pve. Here’s a suggestion as an example:
20 elite: Make kiss of the vampire only usable with cursed fang bleed on the target
30 elite: add an effect that changes flame to dark damage, now we actually get to use the dark damage and casting speed buffs.
45 elite: Get rid of the movement speed proc, add an additional casting speed proc on using kiss of vampire for 10 seconds.
50 elite: change from 2 hits to 10 seconds of increased damage
60 elite: Make shadowstab do magic damage, and still apply a bleed.
70 elite: reduce cooldown of kiss of vampire on every dot tick (SS, fang, vampire kiss) instead of crit.
Now you have a class that uses dots to augment the normal mage skills. It has a spammable skill in shadowstab and a traditional mage burn with buffs to flame.
You can kind of see how it takes quite a bit of work to make these types of classes viable, but if you just start buffing dots you end up with a lot of unintended consequences.
Sorry for the long post... now I really want to play my version of m/r lol
I don’t think Zid has ever or will ever have any trouble making more enemies lol...
Also is this version of Dalanis Nightmare a world instance with a respawn or has it been remade into a traditional instance?
Yeah I remember you! Glad you’re doin well man
I logged on last night and did some exploring. I prefer pve, most of my guildies are merc’ing for EU guilds on the other servers, some might join me to mess around. Got any room in Hades? I would definitely join if it’s somewhat active.
My current plan is to get a champ to 104, buy an endgame weapon and a piece or two of armor, and plevel a few characters as high as I can and use one of those as my main.
2 questions: I’m not above dropping a few bucks to get started, but are there any reasonable ways to relatively quickly gear up? I’m so used to just borrowing stuff from endgame toons I’m not sure I remember how to start over.
And second, I gather that there are at least 3 tiers of legendary stats: Tikal, Arcadia, and divinity. Do these drop only on the last boss of Tikal/inferno/wherever the other one is from? Are there alternate ways to get them?
Fair enough, I appreciate the quick responses! Not trying to push any buttons with glitch abuse, I’m just profoundly lazy
I do agree that increased rates probably make the leveling slog in this game much more bareable (I’m assuming they apply to quests in addition to kills?)
Thank you for the quick response, that’s refreshing after playing the other server for so long lol. Added two more questions. Also to clarify, I assume the use of teaching certs on characters over level 30 classifies as abusing in game features? It may be fast to level but I’m more considering helping friends make characters so we can mess around on this server without too much extra effort
Hey all,
I am considering messing around on this server but I have a couple of questions first:
1. I seem to remember being able to skip straight to level 80, am I remembering the wrong server or is that still a thing here?
2. Is Tosh powerleveling in this server bannable? Is there a faster way to level/tp farm on this server?
3. Has anyone compiled all the skill changes that this server has made to elites and ISS? I understand that the patch notes may have some of it but I’d rather not drudge through them all.
4. What are some good resources for finding out changes made by this server, I remember something about being able to play all classes on one character (no race-bound classes) but can’t find a wiki or compendium of changes like that.