In this guide i would add title sistem,what cenedrils you use also pet type and stats you got on him. Its just my suggestion also robot is good to be explained what type to get like all attributes max def,hp
Posts by Elipso
Hi,idk if any1 have suggested about second deck cards but here is my opinion. I was playing all the time pdd classes and all of my cards are str/dex/patk and atm i wanna make second deck of cards and they needs to be upgraded with boost witch is rly expensive since we have 2k + cards lets say each is 600 dias thats insane number or lets say we need to farm them to lvl 5 star is insane amount of time.
I would like to suggest that we could maybe farm it again all over like we farmed for deck I and upgrade it to another stats like int/matk or pdd/stam or any other we need like we did it on deck I it will help players to make more then one deck of cards and play tank,mdd,pdd or healer class as most of players have 2 or more gears.
thanks in forward -
Hi, i could search on auction house in filters for cards i dont have with You dont have this card and now its not working maybe some strings are not good can you pls check it out...
And m/r as it seems is still broken as i can see... even with all nerfs
Cao.. I would suggest to add -agro on katana gloves since with katana is rly hard to have max agro!
ty -
I can agree with Cruvor from start of ini ive saw a big loss of dmg when i cast snipe since snipe wasnt doing enought dmg.. Scouts needs more love same as rogues.
Hi ive been farming Nightmare dream land for mats of amulets but there is big problem whit farmed amulets becauze bosses also drop amulets and if you want to save them they take alot of space since they cant stack in one item. I suggest change on that that you can sell them or stack in one item.
Is there a fix for allmost all the time combat? Since if we start ini most of ini you have combat no matter what so if we start with one title we need to finish it mostly with it
I mean it shoud give buff even i have my offhand equiped.. Thats what my thoughts first was about this.
Mostly if you look none of other classes making double gloves cuz other option is way better for mdd or chain players.
Thanks for fast replay
I rly dont understand this new second gloves you have added. In my opinion we dont need to be pushed to play with katana or to be scout. In my opinion 1h with no shiled talisman or any other weapon in offhand will be incresed as i know every rogue is played with double daggers wich means if we take gloves only option is katana.
Pls reconsider this and change this option witch is not fair to players who dont play with katana.
I dont like option to be pushed only for normal set or to be scout...
Thanks in forward -
No plans of unbindings weapons? Pls dont destroy our trade market with this ...
I rly dont like that we cant trade weapons anymore... If for example someone wanna go from leather to mage or chain he cant any more trade weapon and this game is all about trading in my opinion this should rly change
Hi i can agree all this renegade is tooooooo muuuuchhhhhhhhh!!!! pls think about it if you dont want ppl to skip this content...
What about single stats we are geting? How much time we need to get all stats for gear? Most of time is 1 stat on item... Also 2 min is that can take even more before some of event can start so you can do something... But i would say more annoying thing is one stat on item
Caoo... i dont know if its wrong description but skill is passive and on another skill saying that cooldown is description... -
This is rly bad to write and not puting in an english translation so i cant read it or i am just to lazy to use translator for all of this text... I would sugest to add english translation
Hi i think rogues who use katana have big problems whit agro, whit new stacking of perfect slice now agro is rly high on rogues,my agro never gets under 18% whit w/p and priest - agro. My opinion is you sould do something about rogues whit katana about agro to reduce it so we can play normal in burst so we dont take agro from tanks..
Cao Elipso
Any other language? how many you speak?
maybe you speak Serbian
Cao Elipso
Hi.. After latest changes on bosses in AOD i dont see any rogue that i can play whit to play as dark vs light force. Bosses hiting 180k or more can you consider of maybe adjust it abit...
I do have it you can contact me on discord robi5052 and i can give to you..
Cao Elipso
Hi flames could be also removed after draong is killed at 10th wave like on 5th flames are gone after fight.
Cao Elipso
Cao to all ... I was wondering about r/ch one box follow and other one is not following. ID 498837 is not so rly good cuz if mobs die buf is gone and most of times its useless since mobs are gone in few sec most of times and in Dark Core we are moving constantly so we are not having buff at all. I would suggest some kind of rework or something like to follow us..
Ive been playing knight last few days and charge skill is rly annoying to play whit.
Like in instance rofl charge skill port you behind target and in ini like FA skill just apply debuff of stun and thats all. Idk if that is intended but i guess annoys other players as well. I guess you could copy rogue set skill soul storm or just leave it as it was before the change on knight and warrior.
Thanks in forward
I think its rly good to be like this so you can have more sustain in energy and dmg