17.05 at 11:15 CEST Paradise will be restarted.
The restart is expected to take approximately 10 minutes.
# 11:22 Restart completed
17.05 at 11:15 CEST Paradise will be restarted.
The restart is expected to take approximately 10 minutes.
# 11:22 Restart completed
It will be changed soon.
We might take a look into fixing QuestHelper in future then.
Please check if it's also buggy with this option enabled:
Current temporary solution is just to cancel any login dialog popups and stay in login screen for 1 minute (60 seconds) and then you will be able to enter without issues on first attempt.
14.05 at 15:30 CEST Paradise will be shut down for server maintenance.
#16:06 - Maintenance completed - Patch
07.05 at 15:30 CEST Paradise will be shut down for server maintenance.
#16:15 - Maintenance completed - Patch
When you get issue again please try to change zone or relog, it might be due zone limits if you send a lot of messages in one zone session.
NPCs have all flags and coords set correctly. Please show full screenshot of your world map frame, maybe you have unchecked in top left option to display finished quests.
29.04 at 16:30 CEST Paradise will be shut down for server maintenance.
#18:18 - Maintenance completed - Patch
Display MoreHey,
I wanna give a feedback to the overall situation and development of the game. Not exactly only Orkham. But its all patch.
So we get overall many QoL-Changes in various situations which is pretty nice and good for the game and the playerbase. But with all these good changes there come many things which are not anymore related just about beeing lucky. Its more likely only gamble. And we was fine with this, but it start to get more and more. Becouse player do not realise it or dont think that way. We have many gashas, gashas are supposed to be good dependend on your luck. But lets start count what neccesary gashas we currently get. Just for Gold there are 3. 2 for Atlas Coins, which you can gather while playing PvP which is no sense since it is full bugged. We play many times SiegeWar, but the reward is quit low. Atleast the Atlas coins. So you have to farm multiple hours to obtain a Gold Gasha. This Gasha can have up to 2kkk Gold. After various pulls my highest was 500k. Weekly you can do Atlas where the Gold amount is 100 Gold - 100kk Gold. Atleast from what i saw and my guildmates obtained. never saw more then this tbh. Lets do not talk about Gold-Wings. After opening more then 200 Gashas i never saw one.
Lets keep going with Robots or the new Corruption System. On release we had terrible rates. Even with stats which was neccesary not even included in the Weapons. during orkham we can obtain crystals to reroll. Yeah our Gamble Addiction get higher. Cuz we can run smth and gamble after to realise all this stones was completly useless. Since after 500 - 1k stones we dont get the roll we need. Dont talking about the high difference between max roll and non max roll, even dont include the negative stat which can destroy your maxroll aswell. - Beside all of this, you can aswell pay for stones to roll you best in slot roll. Same as for Robot.
Festival. Lets start with Events. Its nice that there comming new events. Pretty good and refreshing for all. But now, we have to scan full Candara (which includes 12 Zones), to find the space where the egg is. To obtain all title you have to find in 2 min, which is pure luck (gamble?). Same as the Old Rabbit Atlas event. Im not saying impossible but without porting and using ostrich impossible to get 40. For the Title. New Event in Varans. Completly gamble if you get instand 1 shot, when the npcs are still running to the rabbit, while event isnt still active. And on top, it destroy your gear. (yeah i can put out i know).
New Festival Gashas, i knew they are new and have to be observed and improved. But there is a gasha, which you can buy for 250 ribbons to obtain a title or nothing, what kind of luck you seeking there? After getting over 200 new festival gashas i got overall 250 ribbons, pulled this gasha and yes nothing. Congrats. Thats not fun that makes myself just more and more annoyed.
Seasonal.. Seasonal is pure luck, pure gamble. Its almost saver to take r2 since you can obtain there more cards then on r1, which you need to get titles aswell. Also i do not understand why you wanna have now more diamonds from us to reset events. You want us to play seasonal, but aswell increase from 99 to 249 diamonds the costs to reset. If you wanna avoid reset meta, just disable to reset Events?!
Overall I wanna say, think about how much new "luck" based stuff you gonna implement. Becouse each more will formyself just come into a higher gamble section. Since its not anymore just luck. When you wanna do stuff you have almost to gamble to get it. Increase rates or observe stuff what you implement. Some rates are disgusting low.
This is just my opinion. Feel free to flame me for but current state and patches just show me in this topic, that it goes well worse then it should be.
~ Greetings
Thank you for your appreciation of Quality of Life changes.
About gold gashas you are not required to use them, you can obtain gold in more old fashioned ways such as selling items, purchasing it from other players or exchanging. We are welcome for more ideas on ways for obtaining it or reducing spendings, such as new Prestige benefits. Please put your ideas if you have any.
PvP was never meant to be designed as gold farm, we are cheerless seeing it is considered only in such way by you. Is there anything that is making you not consider it as actual content alone? Low rewards, not being fan of fighting between players or something else?
Can you please refer what do you see as bugs in PvP? The only one we are aware of is that not always all sub class general skills are maxed, and it's already fixed waiting for next patch.
Siege War rewards are based on activity during entire game, not just winning it. Maybe you are going on shortest possible road causing to get quick win with low activity and therefore get low rewards. Try to get more interactions with zone in various ways.
Gold gashas are never providing 2kkk gold. Description says that you can't carry more than 2kkk gold in backpack at once. It means that if you are 1.950.000.000 and pull 100.000.000, you will end up at 1.999.999.999. Appears description wasn't fully clear in this, it has been updated for next patch already.
Golden wings were pulled this year already total 6 times from gasha, currently I can not check previous years due logs error. They are rare and are meant to be. According to logs in this year you opened 9 item gashas, so this is about to not be easy get them with such rare openings. They were also often possible to be obtained in forum contests, where some of them had low interest and therefore being easy to be won with low effort.
Roll stat pulls weren't perfect on begin indeed, nowadays are most likely quite properly designed. It is not so easy to adjust these correctly with such large various of possible class combos on Arcadia.
You are not required to get max stat roll in order to play. You can get good roll close to max and still get good enough benefit for playing. It is system known from other games where you are also getting one good and one bad stat, and there even it's unknown what is considered max roll. Like name of system says it's "corruption", so unexpected, it is not meant to be "easy good bonuses" system. If you feel uncomfortable with rolling, you can use your weapon without corruption bonus or buy already rolled item from someone else. It is not required for defeating monsters in dungeons, it is just about comfort of speed in killing those.
Paid option for rolls is for people who have limited time and want to reduce required effort to try their luck. They are not mandatory for playing.
Obtaining title from festival is not required in order to continue playing, it is not locking anything behind it like not allowing to enter next zone. You can wait until someone one day most likely share possible locations.
You can suggest changes to festival activities in adequate way, such as designed threads or new suggestion threads. Putting in between large post is not making it easy to track interest and opinions to analyse current results to consider need of changes.
We have already on to-do list durability-loss protection Prestige benefits. It can be also achieved along with addons.
According to logs you have opened only 67x Spring Rain Package, not 200 mentioned.
You are not forced to have every possible title, and having all might require some effort.
Seasonal Windrunner is not only about luck, but also good planning in order to use obtained skills in most optimal moment. Rewards are based on many factors of activity during game, not just reaching certain place. First place has slightly better chance to obtain card than second.
Reset ticket prices are based on amount of total gain obtainable from them, which is different for every festival due various amount of activities. You are not forced to purchase them. You can obtain everything without reset tickets. If not this year, then another one.
While "luck based" elements are often publicly mentioned as hated, interest in them is extremally high, which speaks over words. Regardless, in future we will put an eye to introduce also a bit more of streamlined features.
Such idea is already in planning stage, I will include your ideas into to-do list so they can considered as be included in list of activities per zone.
16.04 at 14:30 CEST Paradise will be shut down for server maintenance.
#15:19 - Maintenance completed - Patch
In Item Shop you can find:
- Weapon Experience Encyclopedias (you can read them in house and increase their power with Encyclopedia booster)
- Weapon Experience Charms (it fills them with same exp you gain normally and then you exchange it into exp orb for extra experience)
- Weapon Trainer pet (gives you 200% Weapon Experience buff daily)
Also Prestige: Plus and higher gives you special pet to skill book which gives bonus for 500% Weapon Experience.
Please contact support for further debugging of FPS drops along with all detailed information about your PC hardware and also please make client files integrity reports, which can be made inside launcher settings.
07.04 at 9:30 CEST Paradise will be shut down for server maintenance.
#10:48 - Maintenance completed - Patch
These information indicate how many of diamonds/aggregators you would need to place this time inside Magic Wardrobe.
Magic Wardrobe is accessible in Character Frame (where your gear is) in top button, on right if I remember correctly without starting game. It allows you to create visual skin sets for multiple gears and quickly change them without need of using aggregator on each of them separately.
Display MoreHey and happy Easter,
please change the setting of the auction house so that the default auction time is 1 day.
Every time you have to change it again, it's annoying.
Kind regards
Currently it is just remembering last value you used. We might consider adding option to make default values always reset if you want.
29.03 at 10:05 CET Paradise will be shut down for server maintenance.
#11:31 - Maintenance completed - Patch
28.03 at 14:30 CET Paradise will be shut down for server maintenance.
#17:40 - Maintenance completed - Patch
You can throw excessive amounts of items you will not need any soon in next months/years.
We will not create extra big stack sizes for items just for 1 player. We increase it only for where it is clearly worth or never increased before.
You can also place 1000 chests of 40 slots each in house, use house servant storage, whole bank, whole bag, put skins into magic wardrobe, fill guild bank, use other characters in same account, sell not needed items. That is plenty of possibilities.
Short life tips:
- if you write long message where most of words is not bringing anything real into discussion, it might be skipped reading by many people (I did and not going to read that spam);
- if you are demanding in emotions your point of view without being kind and open for discussion, you will be mostly ignored as no one likes conflicts;
- if you use sarcasm in 90% of message, it will be mostly ignored by others;
- if you write short exact arguments on list it has bigger chance for being taken into account;
- if you are kind, world becomes better, lesser people argue and it's easier to find compromise;
Have a nice day.
Are these parameters not enough?
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8300H CPU @ 2.30GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.3GHz
Memory: 16384MB RAM
Chip type: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
It is more about if your disc is HDD/SDD and/or quick or slow.
How long are loading screens for you?
Issue should be most likely solved at least of such large scale. Please let us know if it persists.
13.03 at 14:30 CET Paradise will be shut down for server maintenance.
#16:15 - Maintenance completed - Patch