Is w/m really that bad compared to k/m and other classes here? because I want to play it real badly.
W/m vs k/m
try warden warrior that were the real DMG is
Ty but I heard s/wrd is better but I do plan on playing that and w/wrd but I'm looking if k/m is really better than w/m
k/m is not better than w/m, in fact beside HoS ,k/m is worse than w/m in every activity as a magic damage dealer so if you like w/m you can play it here without worry that you can be best by other mdd class with the same gear
Ty I love you ppl kept saying k/m lol was so sad lol.
If you ran hos hm zym and dn etc you would see this is not true or pillar or grotto etc I can do decent damage but not a good amount to be really competitive also p/s was nerfed due to sw purposes so if my class who was nerfed due to sw purposes even tho other classes like m/wrd r/m and etc have more of an advantage why should p/s be un nerfed ?
When ppl started stating mdef and Stam and Def etc and using pvp gear they could easily tank me no effort if pvp is the case just make it damage reduction against players like how lighting and silence are ty
Also zym back in the day bosses had less mdef after belthalis it was raised as I'm grotto and up get geared or coke wl/m or m/wl and run with us you will see I had to over gear on game forges platform and I still couldn't be top of scrut with a sigil and ideal buffs I would need a full on magic party.
Also I can provide proof can you ? -
if you need to be top of the scrut REROLL instead of buffing an already op combo they should buff up the combos that never get played. this game has all these combos to add diversity.
as for running instances i play what i like i am here to enjoy the game not to be top of anything. i have been there and done that in ch 3. maybe the problem you are having isnt the combo............ -
You just contradicted yourself if my class was op why would I need to reroll ? Op would suggest taking 1 to 2 of the same class and doing later instances with w/m that is not possible also of course I would love a chance to be on top of scrut with w/m that's my class I like it I can easily re roll to k/m or whatever other combo I rather not tho also it wouldn't be a buff even with its 25% back I still prob wouldn't be top of scrut but I will have a better chance.
Also by your logic maybe p/s and other classes shouldn't be buff but it's probably you right ? -
please reread my post. i said if you NEED TO BE TOP OF SCRUT REROLL. i did not contradict myself.
In my opinion Rouge/Mage, Warrior/Mage, Knight/Mage are too OP.
Not really too op would suggest solo vor hm or something which is not possib7le also they both beat w/m just saying.
Also other classes like scout and warden/war warrior/ward or scout can easily beat those classes hos doesn't count no mdef. -
Word give him his 100℅ back
judging from server rankings for him , i would say he still needs to gain some m att . this combo is already op. and nothing you can say will prove otherwise. you cant go sayin it needs to be buffed by 25% when you arent even close to being fully geared. maybe he lacks in tp as well (i doubt this as tp isnt an issue here) maybe he needs faster attack speed.
Zym if you ran you would know see why i ask for 100% back it was nerfed for sw while other classes had greater advantages in sw like k/m r/k wrd/w etc i can provide proof i will put a scrut in here next time i run just for your eyes how is w/m op ? how would you know ? if you dont care for endgame like you said if w/m was so op i would not b7e playing k/m right now please do your research bro i cant tell if your trolling i hope you are.
Stop crying and start debating with some reasonable facts.
If the Knight/Mage would not be so strong as he is, everyone would play warrior/mage.
The K/M is so strong because of the Tikal 2h Sword (it gives more than 10k magical damage more than lvl100 weapons)
Because of that you can play k/m also in DN (where mat doesnt really count, just mdmg)In my opinion knight/mage and warmage are too op in single target magical damage. i mean whitehits cannot deal so much dmg like they are doing right now...
better buff the mages
W/m will never be top scrut compared to k/m in hos fact war mage will never beat k/m in dn fact or a r/m which isn't a magical class fact.
Also white attack is there only strong point take that away the class is useless I am not asking for a nerf of k/m I don't believe in nerfs unless it is absolutely necessary.
Also dn and hos aren't the only instances if you look at grotto to vor w/m will lose to the rest of the classes also I will provide proof next time I run. -
Lol, ok than the scrut i saw 2 days ago was a fake one... the w/m was on top, ok it was a highly equiped one but he also had twice the dmg of the k/m... wargod you decided to play this class even if you knew that the skill is like that. So live with it or start pimping
Seller where and what classes were in group also can I see this scrut ? Also how equipped was the km
as i said high equiped, f.e a T15 weapon (no tikal stats on equip), but this is the way it is... and sry for not proofing my speech, it was 2 days ago.
it is the same like some w/wrd, r/m or a lot of non rage classes could cry, because they can´t do the first boss in tikal wich is only for range dds and in addition this classes are almost usless in inis like hos, they also can´t be on top of the scrut there... Sry guy you knew it and if you really like this class than you play it like it is and not to be top of scrut, even if you can be there.
P.s.: Grotto (it was an pdd ini) is not a got example for not costume made inis, f.e bone peak was almost only for w/m at my time on the servers you spoke about...
Lol what instances was this and how geared was the KM ? Also what other classes was there ? Also w/m can only do good damage was first boss of bone peak I believe also I play k/m now but I would like to play w/m.
keep in mind that a scrut screenshot wont prove your point. you will need to provide other things like your buffed int and m att.
and m dam .....without these the scrut will mean nothing. -
Well ofcourse I still don't get why your against it you don't run or care for endgame but ok also if they don't buff it I can just play k/m I rather not tho
so far you have given absolutely no proof to your claim that w/m is not op.
yet other combo"s need some slight tweaking to get them closer to a viable combo.
as for my opinion.........i have experience with testing different combos and i believe i have much more understanding of the games mechanics than you.keep in mind that we are both new to here so we both need to learn just how they have balanced things here.
i am not against giving it back provided i can see proof. which you have not provided.(yet)so to summarize so far in 5 days since making this thread you have given no proof what-so-ever. yet others (not just me) have stated that the w/m class combo IS op.
W/m is op
btw i out gear two of them with 85k int 400k ma and 20k mdam on k/m i beat them sometimes pyper beats me tho im not asking for nerf tho
You just contradicted yourself if my class was op why would I need to reroll ? Op would suggest taking 1 to 2 of the same class and doing later instances with w/m that is not possible also of course I would love a chance to be on top of scrut with w/m that's my class I like it I can easily re roll to k/m or whatever other combo I rather not tho also it wouldn't be a buff even with its 25% back I still prob wouldn't be top of scrut but I will have a better chance.
Also by your logic maybe p/s and other classes shouldn't be buff but it's probably you right ?and you say i contradicted myself. ROFL