Hi think about increase chance to appeard Gold magic Cavia form mobs
After 4-5h killing a mobs only 2 Gold Cavia it's too low chance
Gold Magic Cavia
- Rogger747
- Closed
The best chance is when you are 10 lvl above mob
Scout with 12lvl and i go to Kurhhan with mobs 7-9lvl
gold cavia appeard after 3h-4h killing mobsOn Mage with 102lvl in Kurhan with mobs 7-9lvl
gold cavia apperad after 2:30h-5h killing -
Well, go and kill lvl 2 when you are lvl 12
this will work when i go kill mobs 90lvl or higher with 102lvl character?
lvl 92 with lvl 102. but you will mostly get high lvl eggs. low level is better to start a pet with and will get you more diamonds too
low level is better to start a pet with and will get you more diamonds too
thats it.. and btw i will buy all your holy pet eggs under lvl 10
you can wsp me ingame "Nadanà"
easy but... i Catch gold cavia form Kashalyan and... 14lvl Water
this is a chance what egg appeard
Well, if you farm in Kashaylan you can also have low lvl pets yes. But if you farm in starting zones you won't have those high lvl pets and only low level ones.
my frend but Chance to appeard is soooo LOOOOW
Well, imagine how the ah would be spammed if they where easy to farm