Hi, here is a suggestion about Hilarzu. At the moment it seems almost impossible to make him spawn since you already have low odds to make a guard spawn , then low odds to make a captain spawn from a guard and an even smaller odds to make Hilarzu spawn from a captain (like 1% ?). It would be nice to increase the spawning odds for Hilarzu to like 15/20% at least imo.
Hilarzu spawning odds
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- notrasta
- Closed
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Hab letztens 1,5 std gekillt und hatte ihn 2x.
Hi, here is a suggestion about Hilarzu. At the moment it seems almost impossible to make him spawn since you already have low odds to make a guard spawn , then low odds to make a captain spawn from a guard and an even smaller odds to make Hilarzu spawn from a captain (like 1% ?). It would be nice to increase the spawning odds for Hilarzu to like 15/20% at least imo.
Hilarzu already has 20% chance to spawn from killing Captain, (It is visible in NPC tooltips). But we will add pity system similar to Anselve/Aisha/Akeli the Sage.
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Moved the thread from forum Suggestions to forum Implemented Suggestions.