noob questions about progression :)

  • i played ROM a while back, but nowhere near endgame, so forgive my maybe obvious questions. my main concern is simply if i am on the right course with what i am doing and some things i simply do not know and i feel it is time to ask :/

    currently as a main i am having a rogue/knight/mage at 105/65/63 and some classes at lv50. slowly doing the morrok quest line with them to get them higher, but not really in a hurry there. i have the class/race changes all bought on that char, but nothing higher leveled. mostly play rogue/knight, mage/knight and knight/rogue currently. i am in the newbie guild with 1k+ diamonds left on my char, but the free 5k form the guild dailys already done, so i feel like it is time to leave due to that. i mostly used the dia's for bag space and race/class extensions. i am running some twinks for the goblin-mine and malatina survial game for phirius shells and doing dailys on them to get fusion stones form the phirius shop to extract the stats. some other mini games i have not tried and some i just find annoying, like the 2nd malatine puzzle thingy. my current plan is to get the stats for phirius shell gear for the rogue, aka a leather set, which i think should be better then the starting gear even with not much pimping. for dias i already sold some minor things via auction house, but have not found a good way, probably will be selling the phirius stats. a reliable way to get dia's is still sth that needs to be solved i guess (wanted to try f2p).

    1.assuming it is possible to get near/into endgame as f2p, since the 105 phirius merchant gear can only be plused via the armor stones from the item shop as far as i could see and stating the phirius gear + wings will cost some dia's too and is very time intensive. i am just wondering how far i can get there or if at all?

    2.i am wondering what is needed to get into a guild so i am not just dead weight. most articles/threads i read say support, sth like warlock/x . i would like to be usefull, so i would guess getting the phirius merchant gear would be needed at minimum? if yes can i even contribute as a rogue/x or do i need to switch to stating and leveling support/healing gear for warlock or some other support class?

    3.where would i get a higher level weapon? i saw you can rent some or do i finish the 90+ questline and use what i get there near/at the end? (so far i stopped this questline when i got level 105 with my rogue to save the exp for some other class) i pull phirius merchant armor until i get 105+ish durability or just use the daily golden repair hammer and say "it will be replaced later anyway"?

    5.there is a 4 piece and an 8 piece armor set in the phirius shell merchant shop, i was going for the 8 piece set one, is that fine or in which case would which one be usefull?

    6.With the phirius shell stats, currently i try to go for str/str, dex/dex and str/dex (or if the last one does not exist probably dex/sta and str/sta).

    7.if i would stat a support gear set from the phirius stats for sth like warlock, what stas would i go for?

    8.what classes can farm the goblin-mine fast(er)? so far i found low cooldown AoE's or damaging Auras rule:

    scout/mage - flame aura is very nice, so far one of the top picks

    mage/x is okay - not great, but not bad

    knight/mage - is fun with aura, similar to scout/mage

    rogue/knight - fastest so far i found with AoE disarment, which is surpisingly great with the rogue movement speed boost.

    warden/x or x/warden - warden with the power of the wood spirit is great too, so i would guess rogue/warden would be a great combo too. so far only run a warden/scout

    champion/priest - light pulse is fine, but not sure if there is a better champoin/x combo for it?

    9.the weapon training at itnal camp is this needed, if yes at which point? do i just "park" my character there to atk sth and go afk? if yes with a low level weapon or does this matter?

    10.if i leave the newbie guild with my one character i can join via the guy in varanas with another?

    11.i read somewhere i can only get into the newbies guild again if the character has less then 30days playtime, is this per character or if one character on the whole playnet account? (nowhere near that, just wondering for the future)

    12.any daily activities i am missing that are worth doing? maybe sth i can do solo that gives stuff that sells for dia's or is usefull?

    13.regarding my class combo, i really do enjoy the more tanky side of the rogue/knight. it that viable or is some rogue/mage or other rogue/x combo better? since one passive for rogue/knight is for plate armor, is it more beneficial to wear that?

    14.for what classes are the phirius shell stats dex/sta/def/patk and str/sta/def/patk used? so far i have only seen damage dealers with str/str and dex/dex stats and tanks with sta/sta/LP/pdef.

    15.other things i am missing as a newer player?

    thanks for giving me your time and answering some of my questions and i wish you always good fortune on your journey.

  • That are a lot of questions. :D
    I try to answer a few, but keep in mind, it is only my opinion/advice.

    1. It is possible to get endgame gear as f2p, you just need to invest more time or concentrate it on endgame. I did finance most of my gear at the start with farming gold and selling it in auction house for dias. With those dias, I bough gear. After some new upgrades, I was able to do certain inis with my guild and able to farm new gear.

    2. No guild is really thinking, that you will be dead weight, only if you behave like it. As long as you show motivation and try to farm and play together with your mates, they will appreciate it. This is a MMORP and you need to play with others to achieve the highest inis. There are a lot of support combos. Most of them can be played with a low gear (as long as you have enough HP to survive certain attacks), because you will buff your mates or debuff enemies.
    Some supps and how good they are in my opinion:

    - Best supps: wl/d, wl/p, s/p

    - good supp: wd/p, w/p, ch/d

    Keep in mind, in some inis/situations, certain supports are more needed than others. There are also other good supports, but I cant comment on them (e.g. b/p).

    3. Try to "hunt" one in auction house, sometimes you can get one very cheap, but you need dias for that. As long as you are not "good" enough to be a dps, you dont need a endgame weapon.

    4. I am a main tank and only using golden repair hammer. Over the time, you have enough, if you grab your free stuff dayli.

    5. Ehm, no idea tbh. Just get one set and build it to farm anything like gold.

    6. In the end you always want your main stat doubled, but like I said in 5., your first gear is only for farming. You can use crap stats too.

    7. If you want an only support gear, go for cloth and just use crap stats. You need HP to not die everytime. When I play supp, I often use my tank gear, because my accessoire gives me enough HP. Focus on a farming gear first and play a support, which is needed and maybe isnt played in your guild.

    8. Permanten aoe-auras are good, but as you already said: wd and just spam power of the wood spirit. You may lack enough dmg at first. Wd/r is good, because it deals kinda double dmg (b/wd too, I think).

    9. It is needed, when you want to go higher inis, but it shouldnt have a priority now. Just do it, when you are free e.g. afk or on a weekend.

    10. sry no idea

    11. I think character, but again, sry no idea.

    12. You can get buffs for 2hours: droprate, exp, tp. There are some guys outside atlas. Use it to farm gold or level classes. Otherwise do WB, it gives arcadia coins, which can be converted into mems, which can be converted into dias.

    13. I think even r/k as tank is played with plate, because of the base armor you recieve. But you should focus on one gear at first.

    14. "crap gear" like second gear for support or for newbies. In the end you will have as much as you can of your main attribute, like i said before.

    15. Have fun, I guess? :D

    • Official Post

    10. Yes, as soon as you don't have any characters with playtime over 30 days total (in minutes, so around 3-5 months of gameplay usually). There is special Newbie Guild Administrator.


  • I know i might be a little late to answer but hopefully this will still be helpful.

    The typical (or in my eyes easiest way) to progress from a beginner level is as follows:
    Get the Phirius Shell Gear and stat it using PS stats or other cheap stats (Town crapstats are a perfect substitution for 6th stat slot as they usually cost around 100 dias a piece and provide enough defence and moderate main stats at this stage)

    Do the Andor minigame and rent a weapon for 3 days until you obtain a corrupted weapon later on.

    While using this, you can find ways to make dias. Farm Gold in Frostblade or Tikal can be effective, but using the auction house aswell to look up what you can obtain and sell might be a good idea.

    Get an Aurora Pet from IS or a fitting Holy pet and start to level it.

    Do some event Stuff and get a set of Draco celestial pets to boost your attributes and maybe a 2nd for droprate.

    Obtain and level up your cenedrils. They provide a huge Stat benefit rather quickly and the mats for the 3rd color might sell for some dias.

    With a full PS gear, you now have many options:
    Try out some class combinations to quest Talaghan.

    (Wl/Ch for cloth gear, R/P (not 100% sure about this one) for leather, almost anything with chain armor and K/Wl for plate)
    You might even be able to progress the solo mode of Arena of Darkness, but thats not that important, yet.
    Do the Tempel of Tikal prequest and try yourself in Tikal easy. That mode provides you with free bufffood and gives you a perfect start into the lategame. (Also is a good solo farm for PS and Arcadia Coins)

    When you found a guild, you are strong enough to join them in Realm of the forgotten Legends (ROFL), though you shouldn't compare yourself to their damage dealers. You might be able to do enough for a progression group but the gap to those wielding endgame gear is gigantic.

    With the help of a guild, you can also start your journey through the awakened dungeons.

    Now either you buy your equip from the AH or progress from the red Rofl set onwards.