Proposal for Improving the Player Interface (UI)

  • I have a suggestion and believe these options would be very useful.

    Suggestion to Improve Interface Settings

    Would it be possible to add an option in the interface settings that allows players to completely hide various buttons and elements, similar to how the Auto UI does when performance drops? However, in this case, the selected elements would remain permanently hidden, such as certain minimap buttons, the experience bar, world event counters (see screenshot), the chat window, whisper window, minimap, etc.

    In particular, I would love to hide most of the minimap buttons—I rarely use any of them. Features like the diamond recharge function and the error message button, which are constantly blinking, don’t contribute to a clean and streamlined view. The same goes for the quest tracker, monster/companion collection button, and the raid button, as I don’t use them either.

    For those who rely on these features, they could keep them enabled, but I would prefer the option to hide as many elements as possible.

    Mela <3

  • Moderator

    Approved the thread.
  • so what about? Addonmanager isnt working and even if it would work flawless u cant disable the most of the button and icons #wish a clean UI

    • Official Post

    AddonManager works finely for me since 2017, maybe you are using some too old version. Recently there was issue that sometimes it was not allowing to hide some icons, but it was altered with patch If you still have issues, let us know.

    I will add task for adding option to hide more elements once we move options to hide buttons from minimap button to settings.


  • hmm today i had this issue with addon manager v6.0.7 makes me a lot of error messages and buttons not disabeld and some of them just cant disable with the addon. so i removed it again

    • Official Post

    I use same version, so most likely must be conflict with some other addon.

    Hiding here for both default game icons and addons works for me fine without addons.

    You can open full list of errors by click F6, scrolling to oldest if it's long and then we can see the cause most likely.


  • code 1 parent:UIParent call PlayerFrame's OnEvent, line: (null)

    code 2 parent:AddonManagerFramePageAddonsPagingBar call AddonManagerFramePageAddonsPagingBarLeftPage's OnClick, line: [string "?"]:188: attempt to index local 'frame' (a nil value)

    code 3 parent:AddonManagerFramePageAddonsPagingBar call AddonManagerFramePageAddonsPagingBarRightPage's OnClick, line: [string "?"]:188: attempt to index local 'frame' (a nil value)

    code 4 parent:UIParent call PlayerFramePetButton's OnEnter, line: [string "?"]:233: attempt to call field 'difftime' (a nil value)

  • This are my addons never rly changed them since playing on this server. The only thing i changed was in the past the big AU in AULite and the Seperated plug ins which were in the past inside