1244121 [Kurt Kürkü]

  • Hello,

    In the pumpkin festival quest [427931] (Terkedilmiş Ölüm Geçidi) we are asked for x25 [1244121] (Kurt Kürkü). For this, when we kill [100456] (Gümüş Yeyeli Tazı), [1244121] (Kurt Kürkü) comes in pieces in our backpack. I think it would be better if these items come in stacks instead of separately.

    Thank you for the pumpkin festival.

  • same this item 1244120 [Cadı Elması]

  • Moderator

    Approved the thread.
    • Official Post


    They are not stacking due having different live time. We will remove it and set instead liveability of items only for duration of festival with next patch.


  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.