Advanced Auction House

  • New here so, sorry if this is not the right place, but I noticed you have alot of addons ported over directly to the game client, except one that was really nice, which was Advanced Auction House, was wondering if this could be ported over, or if you could change your game coding, to incorporate the search features that advanced auction house allowed you to do.

    AAH allowed searching for individual lines of multiple stats, so say i was after a tier 8 mana stone with stamina and maxhp stats, currently i would search for "Mana Stone Tier 8" then have to go threw each and every stone looking for the one with the stats i want, however with AAH, you could search for "Mana Stone Tier 8" w/ "Stam" & "MaxHP" and it would only return stones with those stats on it.

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    • Official Post


    Advanced auction house is built directly into the client. Just requires to click "Advanced mode" in bottom right corner to display it.


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