Change Rofl Last Boss Event

  • Hi, as you know in rofl last boss, when someone fails mathematic event boss calls someone and 4x mobs appear. If we dont kill correct mob last, team dies. And some players dont have AU addon

    or they are just trolling in last boss. Sometimes team dies a few times because of this event. Please change this tactic, make boss call only people who fail mathematic question. So we can understand which players dont have AU addon or trolling in last boss.

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  • Hello,

    The cloned played after failed math is one who failed math by clicking wrong answer as first. Otherwise when time ends, it will be random player.


    Some people never answer mathematic question in Astaroth boss. They just wait, please make boss call only people who click wrong asnwer and people who never answer question

  • Hello,

    The cloned played after failed math is one who failed math by clicking wrong answer as first. Otherwise when time ends, it will be random player.


    Why not just including both functionalities: Never let the boss choose a random player as clone, but always choose the one who failed or didn't click at all. If there are multiple ppl who were waiting, choose randomly from those. Should be the best option for everyone and you always see who might be one of the failing ones :/

  • Why not just including both functionalities: Never let the boss choose a random player as clone, but always choose the one who failed or didn't click at all. If there are multiple ppl who were waiting, choose randomly from those. Should be the best option for everyone and you always see who might be one of the failing ones :/

    This is exactly what im talking about. They should make it choose only people who fail event. Lets see who fails this event and tell these people to stay in bridge

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