Music Parade Title Guide

  • Some players have been experiencing a hard time obtaining the titles for the music parade.

    In order to obtain the titles your instrument of the day must be part of the melody.

    Instrument of the day refers to the text pop up on your screen similar to the one below

    Obtain the instrument buffs required for the title which your instrument of the day can complete and play the instrument you were given by the npc last.

    This should allow you to see a new dialog
    Option #1 will submit your special melody to obtain the title.

    If your instrument of the day is a repeat then make sure you right click off the buff as it is known to bug out the next parade after daily reset and not allow you to participate.

    Title: One-Man Band

    Alpenhorn; Clarinet; French Horn; Guitar; Horn of Demeter; Lute; Saxophone; Wind Instrument; (Any Order)

    Title: Sunrise Beach
    Guitar; Lute; Saxophone; (Any Order)

    Title: Musicians of Bremen
    Guitar; French Horn; Saxophone; Clarinet; (Any Order)

    Title: The Highlands Song
    Alpenhorn; Clarinet; Horn of Demeter; Wind Instrument; (Any Order)

  • Hello,
    I have something to correct in your guide.
    You only need to have the instrument you get in the final melody, not the instrument that is mentioned in the text that pops up on screen.
    The instrument mentioned on screen is the buff you need for the normal event, not the titles.
    To get the title you must first finish the given task by getting the mentioned instrument buff. After that you can collect the buffs from the melody. If the instrument mentioned in the text is not needed for title, you can just wait till the buff is gone to get the melody together.

  • So you are saying that the instrument of the day buff needs to be fulfilled in order to obtain the other titles?

    Once you have fulfilled the quest, does your instrument not disappear, therefore unable to do other titles?

    Thanks for the information, I would like to get this as correct as possible

  • What I say is that you don't need the instrument mentioned in the text. This one is different from the one you get in your bag.

    The one you get in the bag is needed for the title. You have to use this one last.

    The one mentioned in the text is needed to get any rewards at all, but you don't need to have it active when getting the reward.

    The instrument in the bag is lost when you click the buff away, but if you take the reward it is not lost.

    You can just get the normal reward and afterwards get the needed buffs for the title (and only them) and ask the npc again for the special melody (while the buffs needed are active).

    Or if you only want the titles and not the melody, just get the instrument mentioned in the text, wait 10 min and then go to the npc with the buffs for the special melody.

  • After 40 minutes of pain I finally managed to get 1 title...

    What you do.

    1. First complete the task of npc (if it wants you to bring a sax, buff a sax, then own instrument and task completes but DO NOT hand in.
    2. Wait all buffs to disappear since we can't click them away.
    3. Buff yourself with the correct buffs (others have to cast this on you, parade npc's are unavailable to click now). ALWAYS your own instrument last. Note: you can only do a title that needs your instrument and you can get only 1 title a day.
    4. Talk to npc, itt will not show you any other option than "I have completed this task".
    5. Wait a approx a minute or 8. Talk to npc again, now it should show 2 options. Choose the special melody one.

    You get your title, your task completes...

    Now you have to get lucky to get an available task instrument and a good own instrument the next day (and a huge alt army to help you get all buffs).

    Kochanie :love:
    Insomnia Server

    D 55 / Wd 55

  • Hello Kochanie,
    your point 5 is not necessary. If you have the melody and confirm it with your instrument you go to npc and click "I have completed this task", After this option you get the 2 options for normal and special melody like in the picture in the first post.

    And if you first hand in the normal melody you can afterwards hand in the special melody to get both rewards (don't work the other way) since you don't need the event buff for the special melody. What is important maybe is that the event is still running.

  • Hi Gjiara,

    If I do that, I loose my parade activity buff and npc will only say "please come back tomorrow to join our event" (or similar). Maybe it is different on Paradise. I don't know. This is what I experienced on Insomnia :D

    Kochanie :love:
    Insomnia Server

    D 55 / Wd 55

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