NPC Merchant with LVL101+ Items

  • Hello,

    i want to make a suggestion:

    state of the game on paradise is:
    -> highest zone moorland of farsitan (97)
    -> highest instance: secret temple of tikal (102)
    -> player level cap (102)

    Please add a NPC Merchant selling white lvl101+ Belts (Chest,Gloves, etc) [Tier 6] vs Gold - i think it is about time that people can tier up their stuff starting at Tier 6

    Tier 5 (for white stuff) is between level 81-100


  • if you want a change you should look behind the changes.. what will happen

    a lot of things would become useless like the trading npc´s..

    ppl like me would tier up to t12 or t13 and if i think about: i dont like it, because the instances are easy enough..

    and a lot more negative things will come up with this change ( the worest will be the bots)

    Never underestimate what you do for others.

    Things that seem small, even meaningless or pointless to you,

    might mean everything to the person you interact with.

  • you can not introduce this npc right in the middle of content. there was no "t6 item for gold" npc when tikal came out.
    when the 97 zone was added afterwards still no t6 npc. so why add it now right between the content updates?

    it would destroy the even battlefield that is given. everybody has the same chance (same gear, stats, npc's, etc.)
    at tikal and the next dungeon that will be released. adding a t6 npc at this point of time would give an unfair advantage
    to those players who are lazy and haven't already started with their new gear.

    people will just start to build all of their gear +1 tier. who had a t14 weapon before will make it t15 then.
    more op gear for content that already is way to easy.

    alot of people already have pieces of their new gear ready and you want to drag the worth of it down?
    people tried tikal to find out tactics and clear it. they farmed and farmed to get their new gear together and
    start pimping it. when this npc gets added it's a slap in their face. they could build their gear 1 tier higher for
    the same price with that npc. people that haven't farmed or spent a lot of diamonds to get the new gear fast
    will have better gear for the same price than those who invested time or money.

    i am not 100% against a t6 npc but not at this point of time. it should be implemented when new content is released.
    i am totally fine with it when it gets added at the same time the lvl97-100 zone and a new instance with better items
    and stats gets released.

  • Did the Staff talk about this suggestion and if so whatt is the result???


    • Official Post


    Thank you for the feedback within this thread; it has been decided that this is not something that we would implement at this time, but we will keep it in mind for the future.

    Best Regards,
    Your Arcadia Runes of Magic Team