AU's DynamicOSV workaround for

  • broke AU's DynamicOSV

    Update: next post shows a simpler and much safer solution. I now remove the old attachment from this post, please update the Load.lua instead!


    Original post:

    Until SchrodingerCoA fixes it in Curse you can try to use attached file. Just drop it in Interface\Addons\ArcadiaUtilities\BasePlugins\DynamicOSV , rename to DynamicOSV.lua (you can leave the .luac next to it, it will not be used when .lua is there).

    Disclaimer: my lua decompiler creates files requiring lua 5.2+, newer than what CoA uses -> I had to do some more manual changes to make it work and I did not bother to make 200% sure that all is correct. :P So be warned - it's a quick and dirty workaround, seems to work fine for me but some corner cases might be wrong! And when AU is updated please do update to the official version!

  • Actually, there is an easier and much safer solution!

    TL;DR: Please

    • download attached Load.txt file
    • rename it to Load.lua and replace the original Load.lua in the top folder of AU
    • (plus, if you downloaded DynamicOSV.lua from the first post above, please delete it, keep just the original DynamicOSV.luac)


    Details: First, big thanks to Idhril for the suggestion! :) The whole change is just one line:

    GetPlayerItemLevel = GetPlayerGearScore

    It basically defines again the removed API call before loading the file which uses it. Much, much safer than my decompiling and manual edits in the file from the first post!