If you try to preview items in IS - sometimes ctrl+click works (e.g. in this weekend's Knight of Taborea Costume Package), sometimes it does not...
So here is what I do if preview does not work.
- In this weekend's promo there is a Shadow Scout Costume Package, mouse over shows that it contains "Shadow Scout Armor"
- Go to https://database.rom-welten.de/ , choose your language (e.g. eneu for English), search for "Shadow Scout Armor"
- You see there that for the male version item id is 226081
Now replace in the code below "charName" with the name of your character
/run SendChatMessage("|Hitem:"..string.format("%X", tonumber(226081)).."|h|cffc805f8[test]|r|h", "WHISPER", 0 , "charName")
and run it - you will get a link you can click on.
(Ofc, to get other items replace 226081 with the id from welten db.)
BTW: any easier ideas?