XBar Fix

  • Hey,

    with the new card system, some addons, including xbar, had some struggles calculating the values thanks to the new functions and the old ones being removed.

    This version fixes it, so you can use some bugged features and dont get any annyoing error messages like

    "call XBarClass's OnShow, line: [string "?"]:138: attempt to call global 'LuaFunc_GetCardMaxCount' (a nil value)"


    "call XBarClass_B's OnEnter, line: [string "?"]:138: attempt to call global 'LuaFunc_GetCardMaxCount' (a nil value)"

    (yes, its the same)

    and now you can change your "DPS" settings aswell.


    === Changes ===

    + XBtn.class.lua[132]: changed the calculating of cardstats according to the new functions

  • Xbar III TimeFix para / for Chronicles of Arcadia - Cambios / Changelog

    NewXBar para / for Chronicles of Arcadia - Cambios / Changelog

    <3 Last version:!: Click here

  • Hi,

    first of all, thanks everybody for your efforts and time.

    However, there is still something that is not working for me, and is not a minor thing. I can't disable XBar icons, meaning that if I don't want to see, let's say, the Guild Icon, I uncheck the "activate" check in the corresponding section but when I click on "save" I still keep seeing the icon.

    Am I the only one who is experiencing this problem? I even renamed my Documents and Settings Chronicles of arcadia folder to make sure I started with a clean, empty configuration, but it is the same, I still can't disable XBar icons I don't want to use (and see).


  • Xbar III TimeFix para / for Chronicles of Arcadia - Cambios / Changelog

    NewXBar para / for Chronicles of Arcadia - Cambios / Changelog


  • Xbar III TimeFix para / for Chronicles of Arcadia - v. 1.81H

    + Añadida Moneda Nero

    + Ahora todos los contadores de divisas funcionan

    + Añadido un par de addons complementarios (puedes borrar las carpetas addon complementarias a xbar y los addons que hay dentro de la carpeta bonus si no lo vas a usar)

    + Added Nero Currency

    + Now all currency counters work

    + Added a couple of complementary addons (you can delete the addon folders complementary to xbar and the addons inside the bonus folder if you are not going to use it)

    NewXBar para / for Chronicles of Arcadia - v. 1.77H

    + Añadida Moneda Nero

    + Ahora todos los contadores de divisas funcionan

    + Añadido un par de addons complementarios (puedes borrar las carpetas addon complementarias a xbar si no lo vas a usar)

    + Added Nero Currency

    + Now all currency counters work

    + Added a couple of complementary addons (you can delete the addon folders complementary to xbar if you are not going to use it)

  • Xbar III TimeFix para / for Chronicles of Arcadia

    V. 1.82

    + Añadida la clase Bardo

    + Independizadas las llamadas a _glossary e incluidas en los archivos de idiomas del addon

    + Added Bard class

    + Independent calls to _glossary have been made independent and included in the addon language files

    NewXBar para / for Chronicles of Arcadia

    V. 1.78

    + Añadida la clase Bardo (omitido)

    + Independizadas las llamadas a _glossary e incluidas en los archivos de idiomas del addon (omitido)

    + Added Bard class (skipped)

    + Independent calls to _glossary have been made independent and included in the addon language files (skipped)

  • Xbar III TimeFix para / for Chronicles of Arcadia

    V. 1.83

    + Añadido acceso al Pase de Batalla de Prestigio desde el menú principal

    + Añadida Moneda de corage

    + Arreglados colores de divisas

    + Added access to the Prestige Battle Pass from the main menu

    + Added Courage Coin

    + Fixed currency colors

    NewXBar para / for Chronicles of Arcadia

    V. 1.79

    + Añadido acceso al Pase de Batalla de Prestigio desde el menú principal

    + Añadida Moneda de corage

    + Arreglados colores de divisas

    + Added access to the Prestige Battle Pass from the main menu

    + Added Courage Coin

    + Fixed currency colors

  • Xbar III TimeFix para / for Chronicles of Arcadia

    V. 1.84

    + Agregados materiales de nivel 100

    + Arreglado capacidad de contar Moneda de coraje

    + Added level 100 gathering materials

    + Fixed Courage Coin

    NewXBar para / for Chronicles of Arcadia

    V. 1.80

    + Agregados materiales de nivel 100

    + Arreglado capacidad de contar Moneda de coraje

    + Añadida la clase Bardo

    + Independizadas las llamadas a _glossary e incluidas en los archivos de idiomas del addon

    + Added level 100 gathering materials

    + Fixed Courage Coin

    + Added Bard class

    + Independent calls to _glossary have been made independent and included in the addon language files

    • Official Post

    looking too for the new version the old one from the past is broken for me and dont hast the Pristige shop on the settings gearwheel


    Basic Version containing this feature has been added to Curseforge(available in launcher) for all users. As well as containing some crash fixes. It is planned to be updated as part of upcoming Addon Developer Program, so new features will be implemented to it as well as further fixes(clock etc).
