Hey all, i hope sm1 could help me with my problem which is that whenever i open client.exe it launches the launcher and it says "Version not found" and a link to manual patching... but i have all my patches and i tried to download latest patch but nothing works... help!
Not able to launch game...
- robotboy123
- Closed
i would suggest to download all files again and make a fresh install. When you open the launcher it should patch automatically. worked for me
I was afraid of getting that answer! It will take a long time.. What if i install all the patches manually ?
i guess you can try but the client might be broken so it wouldnt make a difference. You could start the download and wait for an official answer by DEVs. They probably know more^^
Hello. I have such a problem with the game client. I threw it from the game during the day and everything says the version was not found and the "play" button is not active. Reinstalled patches, nothing changes.
Everything working fine now.
Thanks to PlayerNet support!
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