Curious to know the approx pdef/parry/hp that tanks are at here on Arcadia when completely unbuffed and sustain buffed(without sigil)

Tank Values/Stats
- Calolim
- Closed
Well, ill start the bottom of the list....
As K/P- 300214 pdef 3770 parry rate and 259235 hp
As K/W- 300311 pdef 3770 parry and 295570 hp
Sustained is just over 1mil pdef
Of course I could get those number higher if I raise tiers from 7 to 9 or 10 and get everything to +20 and also, 2 pieces are not statted and im using a rouge statted earring to something better comes along
Knight / Warrior
HP - 355580
pdeff - 325544
mdeff - 124654
parry - 5721
dodge - 7095dmg - 33180
patt - 78597
critt - 4556 | 69,79%Buffs foods + buffs / potion maidhouse + own buff = ~ 1 200 000 pdeff (without sigil)
Thanks for the responses ^^^
I am currently at
278k hp - 306k pd - 72% crit w/o tosh ISS - 3,217 parry (48.8%)Still using some DPS gear and planning to eventually get HoE protection set.
What weapons are other k/w using? I would assume most would go with 1-h axe but I think I plan to go 1-h hammer for the parry that is on hammers (and to use hammer for ch/r ofc)
I used hammer 1h and axe 1h from cl but now i use 1h hammer from HoS HM. In my opinion its more practical (+ parry) - k/w, k/m, ch/r, p/r
btw. Im wearing set CL + PoM + HoE
1h axe on k/w is really bad because your miss rate is going to be higher and you dont want to miss as knight because dps will take agroo and die. Just my personal opinion. So like splend said go for 1h hammer, even if you aim for lower level one(cyclops).
Closed the thread.